Ghost Task Force

Chapter 186 About Life

Chapter 186 About Life
At 8:[-] in the morning, Lan Siqi drove an Audi R[-] onto the bridge first; Liang Ye followed behind in his own Lamborghini, with Thunderstorm sitting in the passenger seat.

As for Deng Xuan and others, they followed behind in an Audi A8.

None of the three vehicles cost less than 100 million. The vehicles of the contingent, including Lan Siqi's, were all high-end configurations.

The Security Bureau is not stingy in terms of transportation, most of them are bulletproof cars, including the Audi A8 that Deng Xuan is driving.

After passing the security check, the three vehicles drove out of the bridge; Lan Siqi turned right at the intersection ahead and drove towards her house.

Liang Ye glanced at Lan Siqi's Audi R8, and was about to say something when her voice suddenly rang through the intercom.

"Major, I'm going back first, good night."

"Well, let me remind you again, don't always be busy with work."

This time Lan Siqi didn't reply, and Liang Ye didn't say anything more, he knew that Lan Siqi might not listen to his persuasion; for a person with firm belief, no amount of persuasion from the outside could affect her.

There are many patriots these years. Whenever another country does something bad to China, they start to boycott everything in that country.

But these are normal, and can even be said to be support; because when the government imposes lessons on the other party, the voice of the people must also follow.Because of this, the unity of the country can be reflected.

However, when doing all this, what people lack is reason.

No matter what happens, no matter what happens, rationality is the most important thing.Boycott is fine, but it must not be blind; nor can it be foolish to follow the trend without knowing the situation, let alone criticize someone who uses the products of that country.

If you don't want to do anything, do your own thing.

There are many ways to be patriotic, not to do things that endanger the country; not to discredit the country, this is already the best way to be patriotic.

Lan Siqi is a good example. In Liang Ye's eyes, her example is not very positive, because she always works regardless of her body.

But she had a sentence that impressed Liang Ye very deeply.

During the cruise, Liang Ye asked Lan Siqi why she was so energetic all day long.

Her answer: "A patriotism with coffee."

It is also because of people like Lan Siqi that the country can be safer and the people can feel more at ease.

Her name may not be known by too many people, but her contribution is unmatched by many people.

Thinking of this, Liang Ye couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and then concentrated on driving.

"Actually, Lan Siqi is a pretty good girl, but her work is a little crazy." Lei Yu said.

Liang Ye smiled, turned his head and asked, "Why, are you interested in her?"

"No, no, no." Lei Yu quickly shook his head in denial, and said with a smile, "I prefer girls who are cuter and cuter; Lan Siqi's kind is too cold. And if I'm looking for a girlfriend, I probably won't look for He Guowei. For security work, I would prefer to find an ordinary person."

Lei Yu's communicator was on, so everyone could hear what he said.

"I think the same as you, Leiyu." Deng Xuan, who was driving the Audi A8, followed up.

"Heroes see the same thing."

Listening to Lei Yu and Deng Xuan's words, Liang Ye couldn't help laughing and said: "Haha, Tang Hao's wife is an ordinary person, and the two of you also want to marry an ordinary girl who has nothing to do with national defense work; I'm a little curious now, Yue Ling, what kind of ideal husband do you think has nothing to do with national defense work?"

Liang Ye's question instantly aroused everyone's curiosity. Deng Xuan and Tang Hao, who were in the same car as Zhou Yuying, couldn't help but turn their heads to look at her; but Deng Xuan just glanced at her because he still had to drive.

"Well..." Zhou Yuying showed a thoughtful expression on her face.

The crowd didn't urge her. For a girl, it is difficult to choose an ideal marriage partner, and everyone gave her time to think about it.

"Actually, I don't have a detailed standard in my heart. For me, the most important thing is that I am excited. Whether it has anything to do with national defense work or not, I don't have much demand for this. Of course, it is better if it has nothing to do; I Outside the Lord, it is also possible for him to be inside the Lord."

Zhou Yuying looked very serious when she said this, even Liang Ye and the others who couldn't see her expression could tell that she was serious.

"Just like me, the heartbeat is the most important thing." Liang Ye couldn't help laughing.

But as soon as he said this, it immediately attracted complaints from everyone.

Lei Yu couldn't help cursing: "Come on, you have Xiao Xiao, we guys don't even have a heartbeat."

"That's right, I guess we'll have to show dog food later." Zhou Yuying followed up.

Liang Ye chose to respond with a smile, because if he said one more sentence, he would definitely be complained to death.

Although it is early in the morning, there are already many vehicles driving on the road, including some large trucks full of goods.

No matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, no matter what time, there are always people who are struggling for life.

Liang Ye, who was driving the car, saw a small bun shop. The door of the bun shop was open at this time, and Liang Ye could clearly see the boss in a chef uniform kneading the dough.

"Those bun shops." Liang Ye looked away, and said slowly: "The chef will get up at this time to prepare the buns, then go back to sleep, and sleep for a few hours before getting up to sell."

"Well, my father told me that when I was young." Lei Yu said.

Liang Ye couldn't help sighing, and said, "Life..."

Zhou Yuying heard Liang Ye's exclamation from the intercom, and couldn't help but ask, "Captain, why are you lamenting so much? You can be born with a golden key in your mouth. Material things are nothing to you at all." It needs to be considered."

Her words made Liang Ye smile bitterly, and Lei Yu also turned his head to look at Liang Ye, he was also a little curious about how Liang Ye would answer.

Holding the steering wheel, Liang Ye slowed down the speed a little before saying, "It's because of this that sometimes I feel more emotional."

At this time, Tang Hao, who was relatively seldom talking, spoke, and only heard him say: "Actually, those people are quite happy, aren't they? After all, everyone pursues a different life. Kneading dough every day, making hundreds of buns, even Life is repetitive, but some people always find joy in it."

What he said sounded very reasonable, and Deng Xuan couldn't help admiring: "It's ok, brother, be steady."

Everyone wants to do what they want to do, that's life.

No matter how simple life is, as long as it is what you like and you can find fun, that is enough, that is happiness.

It doesn't mean that everyone has to be rich and rich, like Liang Ye, who was born with a golden key in his mouth.

Your own happiness is better than countless wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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