Ghost Task Force

Chapter 187 Nervous

Chapter 187 Nervous

When the two vehicles entered Vanke Washington, it was already 35:[-] in the morning.Because it was early in the morning, everyone drove faster, and the road was unimpeded.

Vanke Washington has guards on duty 24 hours a day. Even Liang Ye has to show his pass to enter.

After parking the car in the underground parking lot, Liang Ye took Deng Xuan and others into the floor where he lived.

"Tut tsk tsk." Deng Xuan and the others sighed, scanning the surrounding environment continuously.

And Zhou Yuying didn't know what she was checking with her mobile phone. While waiting for the elevator, she suddenly said, "Wow, this Vanke Washington Palace costs 70 yuan for an underground parking space?"

"This is the cheapest. The parking space I parked just now cost at least 100 million because it's on the basement level." Liang Ye said.

Zhou Yuying was still looking at some configurations of Vanke Washington, and said to herself while watching: "Color TV monitoring, German Subin parking lot management system, American Honeywell building automation system and anti-theft alarm system, Singapore ASIS access control card reading system, Murray VIOEX electronic patrol system."

"What the hell are these?" Deng Xuan was dumbfounded.

"The security configuration of Vanke Washington is of the highest level." Zhou Yuying replied.

At this moment, the elevator door slowly opened, Liang Ye smiled and said, "Let's go."

After speaking, he walked into the elevator first.

After entering the elevator, Liang Ye quickly sent a text message to Xiao Xiao, telling her that he would be there soon.

"Any room here is worth a villa, it's too exaggerated." Zhou Yuying continued.

Liang Ye shrugged and said with a smile: "Otherwise, although this is a community built in the city center, the Beijiang River is next door. Our building can directly see the scenery of Beijiang River. Every morning, we can see the sun. When the sun rises, the sun shines on the river; the scenery, the feeling, is not so refreshing.”

Hearing what he said, everyone was full of envy, so they hugged their thighs.

This kind of life is really good and comfortable, but there are not many people who can enjoy this kind of life; anyone who can live in this community is a rich man.

Zhou Yuying suddenly thought of something, and then said: "The neighborhood where Lan Siqi lives is not bad, it's also close to the riverside; although the grade is a little lower than here, it's still a house worth around 2000 million yuan."

"That's right, hers is also good, but she is on loan." Liang Ye said.

Liang Ye couldn't understand his subordinates very well.

"I really want to buy one too, but it's not enough for the down payment." Zhou Yuying looked skeptical about her life, and everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

Just then, the elevator reached the floor where Liang Ye lived.

After everyone said a few words, the elevator reached the twentieth floor. One could imagine how fast the elevator was going.

The elevators opened slowly, and Liang Ye saw Xiao Xiao standing outside the door at a glance.

Maybe it's because of summer, she is wearing pure gray short sleeves and gray shorts tonight; it looks a bit like pajamas, but it also looks like simple casual clothes.

Her hair is a little wet, and it can be seen that she has just taken a shower.

Xiao Xiao just leaned against the door quietly, holding the mobile phone in her hand; but her eyes did not stop on the mobile phone, but turned her head to look in the direction of the elevator.

Liang Ye was the first to walk out of the elevator, and he strode towards Xiao Xiao's direction, looking a little anxious; as for Liang Ye's mood, the task force members did not know.

But it can be seen that he must be a little excited.

"People who are in love." Lei Yu sighed again.

Everyone walked out of the elevator with a smile, but they walked very slowly, not disturbing Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao.

The two hadn't seen each other for almost a week, Liang Ye said in his heart that it was a lie that he didn't miss her.

Liang Ye walked in front of Xiao Xiao, his expression was a little excited, and he tried his best to organize his words before he said, "Good evening."

Xiao Xiao put down the mobile phone in her hand, she looked at Liang Ye who had long hair and excited expression, and couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"Good evening." Xiao Xiao stood up straight, and then cast her gaze behind Liang Ye.

This was the first time she saw all of Liang Ye's subordinates, and her eyes were full of curiosity about them.

"Hi, great writer, we meet again." Zhou Yuying stood behind Liang Ye and waved to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao showed a sweet smile, and when she was about to say something, Liang Ye said first: "Come and have supper with us, let's show you the cooking skills of the special forces."

"Okay." Xiao Xiao didn't refuse, she even looked forward to it, because it was the first time for her to have close contact with so many special forces.

As a writer, she is curious about many things in the world, and she is full of admiration for soldiers; seeing so many special forces now, it is a lie in her heart to say that she is unhappy.

Liang Ye turned around and threw the key to Zhou Yuying, and then said to Tang Hao: "Tang Hao, it's time for you to show off your skills, the refrigerator is full; you can take whatever you want, tonight's meal Here you go."

"No problem, Captain, leave it to me." Tang Hao patted himself on the chest with a confident expression on his face.

In terms of cooking skills, Tang Hao is full of absolute confidence. He has been able to cook since he was a child; after so many years of practice, he has already achieved some top cooking skills.

After Zhou Yuying opened the door, Liang Ye led everyone into his newly bought house.

Although it is said that his mansion on Phoenix Mountain is more comfortable, but Liang Anguo is not at home now; it is not fun for him to live in such a big house by himself, thinking about it.

Moreover, he likes this place even more now, because Xiao Xiao lives opposite.

"Tut tsk tsk." Lei Yu and the others looked at Liang Ye's house, and they kept making admiring voices.

Liang Ye was confused by the behavior of these guys, he turned around and smiled slightly at Xiao Xiao, and said, "What would you like to drink? Tea or coffee?"

He was a little nervous, so he forgot that it was early morning, and he forgot the impact of drinking tea and coffee.

"If you drink these two kinds, then I won't have to sleep tonight." Xiao Xiao tilted her head and smiled.

Only then did Liang Ye remember, he slapped himself on the head forcefully, his expression was as embarrassing as he wanted.

"The captain is nervous." Zhou Yuying whispered to her teammates.

Lei Yu and the others looked at Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao with smiles on their faces. It was rare to see Liang Ye showing such an expression; Xiao Xiao was the only person in this world who could make him like this.

Tang Hao happily walked directly towards the kitchen. After all, Liang Ye gave him orders, and soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty.Even though he is not in the army or on a mission, Tang Hao will obey orders at any time.

"Do you have any juice here?" Xiao Xiao asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes!" Liang Yelian nodded and said, "I have a juicer here, as well as apples, oranges, passion fruit and other fruits."

(End of this chapter)

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