Ghost Task Force

Chapter 191 Lei Mu's Death

Chapter 191 Lei Mu's Death
Xiao Xiao was caught off guard by Liang Ye's sudden salute, after all, it was a major officer saluting her.

In terms of identity, Xiao Xiao was considered a civilian, and it was very rare for an officer to salute a civilian, so even Lei Yu and the others were slightly surprised by Liang Ye's move.

But they were soon relieved, after all, Liang Ye had a deep affection for Xiao Xiao now, and Xiao Xiao had already occupied his heart in a short time.Not to mention asking Liang Ye to salute her, even if Liang Ye was asked to catch sharks for Xiao Xiao, he would never hesitate at all.

Liang Ye's salute made Xiao Xiao a little flustered, she even said incoherently: " are exaggerating, I didn't do anything...just write what I understand...your salute makes me panic , you are a major officer."

Xiao Xiao's nervous appearance made the task force members couldn't help but smile. It's not unreasonable for Liang Ye to like her; even Zhou Yuying is full of affection for Xiao Xiao.

Seeing her cute appearance, Liang Ye put down his hands and said with a slight smile, "Then I won't salute, how about a clink of glasses, fruit juice instead of wine."

With that said, Liang Ye raised the cup in his hand.

The cup is the kind used to hold red wine, but it is now used by Liang Ye to hold passion fruit juice.

"It's better this way, you made me so nervous just now, it's the first time a soldier saluted me, it scared me to death." Xiao Xiao took a deep breath to relieve her tension, while raising the cup in her hand.

The two had just clinked glasses when Tang Hao, wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen and shouted to everyone, "It's time for supper!"

Lei Yu was the first to jump up from the sofa. He strode towards the kitchen and said as he walked, "I've been waiting for this sentence for so long!"

"Thank you for your recognition of me all the time, from the beginning of our acquaintance to the present; you speak highly of every book of mine, I don't know how to thank you." Xiao Xiao looked into Liang Ye's deep eyes , said softly: "You know, it's really, really important to me to be recognized by an active soldier for my book."

The two kept boasting to each other. Deng Xuan and Zhou Yuying said that they couldn't eat the dog food anymore, and almost ran into the kitchen as if fleeing.

Although the two of them were not a couple yet, the dog food sprinkled both Deng Xuan and Zhou Yuying [-] points of real damage.

"I thank you for your work, and you thank me for my approval." Liang Ye suppressed a smile, glanced in the direction of the kitchen before continuing: "I feel like if we continue like this, my teammates will go crazy."

Just when Xiao Xiao was about to say something, Liang Ye suddenly turned his head and fixed his eyes on the balcony.

Xiao Xiao noticed his strangeness and was about to speak, but Liang Ye put the cup in his hand on the chair beside him.

Not only that, the task force members also came out of the kitchen one after another, and they all sensed the sense of danger coming from outside.

"You stay here!"

After Liang Ye finished speaking in a deep voice, he quickly walked towards the balcony.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony are open, so if there is any wind and grass outside, everyone can feel it immediately.

Liang Ye is not the only one in the task force who has strong perception. Whether it is Deng Xuan of the Air Force, or Tang Hao; or Zhou Yuying, they all have strong perception.

Zhou Yuying stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Xiao's hand, making her retreat behind her.As for the thunderstorm, the pistol has been loaded and the silencer has been installed.

It is Lei Yu's habit to carry a pistol with him. After all, all his abilities are in shooting, and it is not his style to not have a gun.

Xiao Xiao didn't know what happened, but she subconsciously felt that the matter seemed serious; because the task force members seemed to be ready for battle, and Lei Yu even took out a gun.

Liang Ye came to the large balcony, and the wrist guards had already covered both of his wrists; the breeze slowly blew across the balcony, blowing the hair on his forehead.

In the living room, Lei Yu, Tang Hao, and Deng Xuan had already formed a defensive formation, while Zhou Yuying protected Xiao Xiao behind her.

Xiao Xiao is someone Liang Ye likes, and no matter what her status is; she is a citizen of Shenzhou, and Zhou Yuying, as a soldier, is of course obliged to protect her.

"Come out." Liang Ye who was standing on the balcony shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a man in a long black coat and a hood appeared on the railing of the balcony.

As soon as the man appeared, Lei Yu aimed at his head. If he made any dangerous moves, Lei Yu would definitely pull the trigger without hesitation.

In such a hot summer temperature, it is undoubtedly strange that this man is still completely wrapped in a long black coat.

But in Liang Ye's eyes, this is not surprising at all, because this man is an assassin!
This is the standard attire of the Assassin Brotherhood, no matter in season, summer, autumn or winter, they always wear black robes when performing missions.

"Assassin Brotherhood?" Liang Ye frowned slightly as he looked at the man in front of him.

"Yes." The man said in a hoarse voice.

Liang Ye pressed the communicator and said in a deep voice, "Okay, don't be nervous, you're from the Brotherhood of Assassins."

After speaking, Liang Ye put down his hands, and then looked at the assassin who couldn't see his face at all.

Of course, the members of the special task force knew what kind of organization the Assassin Brotherhood was, so they relaxed a little bit, while Zhou Yuying said softly to Xiao Xiao: "Don't worry, it's fine, the captain outside knows him."

She said this to let Xiao Xiao relax, because this sudden situation made Xiao Xiao feel a little flustered, and Zhou Yuying could clearly hear her heartbeat.

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly, but her eyes still stayed outside the balcony.

The members of the special task force are often not the same, this is the first time they have seen members of the Assassin Brotherhood except Liang Ye.

They also had to admit that no one in the Assassin Brotherhood was weak, because the sense of danger just now really scared them.

On the balcony, Liang Ye watched the assassin, and said slowly, "Tell me the purpose of your coming here, and don't forget, I'm not a member of the Brotherhood."

With Liang Ye's current status, he really can't have too much contact with the Assassin Brotherhood. After all, he is a soldier of China; he is also the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Defense Bureau. His status is too sensitive and he must not have any connection with other organizations. .

Otherwise, let alone the council, even Li Shan would trouble him.

Assassins don't talk too much nonsense when they act, and they absolutely can't waste a minute or a second.

As soon as Liang Ye asked the question, the assassin replied directly: "Mr. Lei Mu has passed away."

His answer was very straightforward, still using that hoarse voice, without any emotion.

But it was such a simple seven words, but it directly gave Liang Ye a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

Lei Mu, the most powerful assassin in the Assassin Brotherhood, and the oldest and most experienced assassin mentor in the Brotherhood, passed away unexpectedly!

(End of this chapter)

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