Ghost Task Force

Chapter 192 Personal name

Chapter 192 Personal name
Lei Mu is Liang Ye's mentor, and Liang Ye has trained under him for a year, so Lei Mu can be regarded as his master.

Lei Mu's identity and ability cannot be doubted, but now Liang Ye actually heard the news of his death, how could this not shock him.

"how is this possible!"

Liang Ye stared wide-eyed, his body took two steps back uncontrollably, his gaze fluttered a little messily.

He was indeed shocked and a little sad, after all, he had been with Lei Mu for a year; although Lei Mu was strict, he was definitely a very good teacher.

It can be said that without Lei Mu, there would be no Liang Ye today.

Now that he heard of his death, Liang Ye would of course be sad.

Liang Ye refused to join because he wanted to serve his motherland by joining the army; he lived in darkness for many years, and few people saw people with their true colors.

Faced with Liang Ye's shock, the assassin didn't speak, just squatting quietly on the balcony railing.

Assassins don't talk too much when they act, and they don't even talk to people. The most they do with their teammates is the eye contact.

And each of them is very cold, and the first thing ordinary people feel when they see them is that they are terrible; the cold breath feels more like the breath of a dead person.

Every assassin is somewhat like a dead person.

Liang Ye organized his words, forcibly suppressed the shock and sadness in his heart, took a deep breath, and said, "How did he die?"

"Die in battle on the way to perform the mission." The assassin replied.

"What mission?"

"The Presbyterian Council orders not to disclose."

Assassins act very straightforwardly, never say a word, and never talk nonsense.

Liang Ye didn't say anything this time, he was silent for a long time, and the breeze kept blowing his body and his thin clothes.

After a while, Liang Ye sighed, and finally said: "I will go to the funeral."

He usually had no contact with assassins, and the Brotherhood of Assassins not only sent someone to notify him, but would definitely invite him to attend the funeral.

After all, Liang Ye was taught by Lei Mu.

The assassin nodded slightly, said "someone will notify you of the funeral time", and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Come without a shadow, go without a trace, these are the people who said it.

After the assassin left, Liang Ye retracted the Hidden Blade wristband, and did not return to the living room immediately; instead, he just stood on the balcony and stared quietly ahead.

Everyone sensed Liang Ye's emotions, and they all looked at each other, their eyes revealing the meaning of questioning.

They were all thinking about whether to go up and ask Liang Ye what happened, but Liang Ye was standing alone now, and they didn't dare to go forward.

Liang Ye took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called Liang Anguo.

It took a while for the call to connect, and Liang Anguo's angry voice came from the receiver: "I heard that you have returned to Shenzhou, how do you feel?"

Liang Anguo thought Liang Ye was here to chat with him, so his tone seemed very relaxed.

"Lei Mu passed away." Liang Ye went straight to the point, and did not answer Liang Anguo's topic just now.

As soon as his words came out, Liang Anguo on the other end of the phone fell silent. Like Liang Ye just now, he was in shock.

Liang Anguo and Lei Mu have been good friends for many years, and Lei Mu also helped a lot when sending Liang Ye to train; after all, it is not easy to send someone to the brotherhood for training, even Liang Anguo's identity is no exception.

"Are you going to the funeral?" Liang Anguo asked.

As Liang Ye's father, he certainly couldn't understand Liang Ye's character very well.

Liang Ye is very affectionate and righteous, and based on what Lei Mu taught him, Liang Ye will definitely attend the funeral.

"Well, I will go, in the name of a private person." Liang Ye responded.

"You go, my status is too special to attend."

Whenever an assassin of the older generation dies, the brotherhood will hold a funeral, and all members of the brotherhood must attend, and those who this assassin has taught, even if they are not members of the brotherhood, will be notified, as to whether to attend It is their power, and no one will say anything if they don't attend.

"Some time ago, he asked me to take care of his granddaughter. I didn't expect to hear the news of his death now." Liang Ye's tone was very flat, but it revealed a trace of sadness.

Liang Anguo on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "Things are impermanent, he is an old friend of mine, and I feel sorry for his sudden death. But I want to know, how did he die? "

"Death in battle during the mission." Liang Ye repeated the answer of the assassin just now.

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't know either. The Brotherhood of Assassins didn't tell me too much information. What happened this time is very unusual; with Lei Mu's ability, he won't be easily killed by the enemy."

Liang Anguo heard the meaning of Liang Ye's words, and subconsciously asked, "You want to intervene in the investigation?"

"Lei Mu's son died at the hands of V. I'm not sure what kind of mission Lei Mu performed; if it is related to V, maybe we can get some useful information." Liang Ye said of himself idea.

After Lei Mu placed Claire in S City, he led the team to carry out a secret mission, which made him cut off contact with the outside world for a long time.

Otherwise, Liang Ye would have called him to report Claire's matter.

However, before Liang Ye could contact him, Lei Mu died in battle on the way to carry out the mission; the elders of the brotherhood sealed up the secret of who killed him.

"Their actions in Shenzhou will also be monitored by the National Security Bureau. You have been trained in the Brotherhood; the military and the National Security Bureau have discussed it, but because of the intervention of Director Li and I, they did not mention it again. One thing. If you want to investigate, even if it is related to V, the Security Bureau will not be able to assist you, or even let you participate. Therefore, you can only do it in your own name and in secret, "

Liang Anguo explained in detail. After all, Liang Ye was his son, so he certainly didn't want Liang Ye to encounter any bad troubles.

"I know, this time I will go there in the name of vacation." Liang Ye replied.

"Well, I will arrange it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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