Ghost Task Force

Chapter 193 Chef Tang Hao

Chapter 193 Chef Tang Hao
After finishing the call with his father, Liang Ye put down the phone, adjusted his mood before turning and returning to the living room.

When facing Xiao Xiao and the task force members, Liang Ye showed a smile on his face; this smile was a bit forced, but it was better than a sad look.

The sudden death of a friend is indeed sad, but life has to go on, and Liang Ye is not the kind of person who always wears sadness on his face.

Seeing Liang Ye like that, Lei Yu hurriedly asked, "Boss, what happened?"

Everyone also had doubts on their faces. After all, Liang Ye was happy before this, but after meeting an assassin, his expression changed.

Although he was trying his best to cover it up, the people present were all task force members; each of them had special abilities, and the superficial cover-up could not easily escape their eyes.

Liang Ye pursed his lips, put the phone back in his pocket, and replied, "Lei Mu is dead."

The task force members all knew who Lei Mu was. Although Liang Ye didn't say anything, Lei Yu had mentioned Lei Mu to them in private.

"How come?" Thunderstorm said in surprise.

Liang Ye shook his head, and said with some confusion: "I died in battle during the execution of the mission, and the other Brotherhood of Assassins did not reveal it; because I am not a member of the Brotherhood, I think the elders of the Brotherhood also sealed the reason for Lei Mu's death in battle. .”

The task force members looked at each other, regarding this sudden news; they didn't know what to say, and they didn't know how to comfort them.

"I will go to his funeral, but in a private name; I don't know when I will leave, and I am still waiting for the brotherhood's notice." Liang Ye continued.

The headquarters of the Assassin Brotherhood is in Rome, Italy, because the Brotherhood was established there, and it has a history of more than 1000 years.

"Personally, but will the director let you go to Rome privately?" Zhou Yuying asked with some concern.

Liang Ye pursed his lips, and replied: "My dad will help me in this area, because he and Lei Mu are also friends, as senior consultants; if my dad doesn't even have the right to give me a vacation, then he will I will no longer be a consultant."

Li Shan would definitely know that Liang Ye was going to the funeral, because with an identity like Liang Ye, he was not allowed to leave the country casually.

Soldiers need the approval of the General Political Department to go abroad. Of course, they are not allowed to leave the country in the name of private individuals, except for performing missions.

Foreign embassies do not issue visas and passports to active military personnel in China, so special forces members will use false identities every time they leave the country, and the same goes for special agents.

With Liang Ye's current status, he can't go out of the country at will. Although he is in a high position, this high position has brought him a lot of trouble; he can't go out of the country in the name of tourism, and he can't go wherever he wants like ordinary people Where to play.

Therefore, this time he went to Lei Mu's funeral, he had to have Liang Anguo's assistance, according to his own words, it was really troublesome.

"Boss, my condolences have changed." Lei Yu said.

This is all they can say at this time, and they don't know how to ease Liang Ye's mood.

Hearing Lei Yu's words, Liang Ye smiled and said, "This should be told to Claire, maybe she already knows the news, that assassin can't just come to inform me."

"Do you want to visit her tomorrow?" Xiao Xiao said suddenly.

Her words caused the task force members to keep their eyes on her, suddenly being watched by so many people; Xiao Xiao shrank back subconsciously, but her eyes still stayed on Liang Ye.

Liang Ye nodded and said: "I will go, her mother's changes are too weird, if I don't come back too late today, I will go and see today."

Lei Mu's death is a pity, but what Liang Ye needs to do most now is to complete the tasks that Lei Mu entrusted to him before, and help take care of Claire.

Liang Ye is a man of his word. He promised to take good care of Claire, and one day in the future; when Claire's ability awakens, he will let this little girl join the Ghost Task Force.

The task force does not require many members, but once a potential talent is found, Liang Ye will definitely not let it go.

It's just that Liang Ye didn't know what Claire had become during the time he was away.

As if aware of what Liang Ye was thinking, Xiao Xiao quickly said: "I went to see her once, but; she ignored me, as if she was afraid of something."

Liang Ye pursed his lips, he could more or less think of what Claire was afraid of, and what she was afraid of was nothing more than her mother.

"Then let's have supper first, shall we?" Zhou Yuying asked cautiously.

She was really hungry, but it was just considering Liang Ye's mood at this time. After all, Liang Ye had just experienced the death of a friend.

"Of course, don't think I'm sad. I'm fine. Claire needs to worry most. I don't know how she will feel when she experiences grandpa's death after her father's death."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye smiled at everyone again, and then walked towards the kitchen on his own initiative.

Everyone looked at each other, and then followed into the kitchen to help serve the dishes.

What Tang Hao cooks are common night snacks in China, fried rice noodles, eel porridge, and spicy crayfish.Spicy is slightly spicy, even people like Xiao Xiao who don't like spicy food can bear it.

There are also meat dishes such as fried chicken wings, fried snails, and kebabs. These are all ingredients in Liang Ye's refrigerator, and they are all fresh.

When he came back, Liang Ye arranged for some ingredients to be delivered to his home, because he was going to live here for a long time; although the home on Phoenix Mountain was luxurious, he preferred to live here.

One is because it is relatively close to the headquarters of the Security Bureau, and the other is because Xiao Xiao lives opposite the door.

The person you like lives opposite, this feeling is really good.

Zhou Yuying looked at the supper at the table, then patted Tang Hao's arm vigorously, and said in surprise: "Tang Hao, Tang Hao, I really can't see that there is such a pair of cooks under your huge body." hand."

Zhou Yuying was twenty centimeters shorter than Tang Hao, so she couldn't pat Tang Hao's shoulder, only his arm.

She is only 1.7 meters, while Tang Hao is 1.9 meters three.

Tang Hao wiped his hands with a towel, and said with a simple and honest smile: "Hehe, my family was poor when I was young, and the children of poor people have long been in charge of the family."

"This sentence is not unreasonable." Liang Ye patted Tang Hao's arm like Zhou Yuying did, and then took Xiao Xiao to sit at the dining table.

Xiao Xiao appeared a little cautious in front of the task force members. Judging from her appearance, she must have seen so many special forces, so she felt a little nervous.

Liang Ye simply stayed by her side, using this method to relieve her tension.

"Tang Hao, you cooked a good meal tonight." Lei Yu ate a fried chicken wing and praised: "The taste is really good. When you were in the special forces of the army, didn't you Did you even include food for the team?"

Lei Yu said these words with a smile, which proved that he was joking.

Tang Hao shook his head with a smile, and replied: "No, the army special forces train a lot, and I seldom go to the cooking class."

"Chef Tang Hao." Liang Ye smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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