Ghost Task Force

Chapter 194 New Level 9 Agent

Chapter 194 New Level [-] Agent
For Liang Ye, this night was both happy and sad; he was very calm in front of his friends, without showing any sad expression.

At the dinner table, he was chatting and laughing with the task force members, and it seemed that nothing happened.But in fact, he suppressed his sadness in his heart.

Liang Ye is a person who doesn't like to show sadness on his face. Since his mother's sudden departure, he has been silent for many years; gradually, he has learned not to show sadness in front of his friends. smiling.

The task force members also mistakenly thought that he was fine, so they all chatted very relaxedly; and Xiao Xiao also joined their topic, and there was constant laughter at the dinner table.

After everyone fell asleep, Liang Ye took out his luggage, and took out two old-style Hidden Blade wrist guards from it.

This is the training equipment that Lei Mu gave Liang Ye when he first entered the Assassin Brotherhood for training.This kind of old-style Hidden Blade wrist guard is very difficult to use. When you stretch out the Hidden Blade, you have to shake your wrist vigorously;

Liang Ye didn't like this kind of old equipment very much at that time, but Lei Mu didn't allow him to change it, he said: just start from scratch.

In this way, under Lei Mu's guidance, Liang Ye became an assassin who could hide perfectly in the dark.

If one wanted to say that Lei Mu was Liang Ye's master, then Liang Ye would definitely admit it, even a mentor.

Now that he is gone, Liang Ye will inevitably feel a little depressed; but in front of his friends, he will not show this.

After a while, Liang Ye put down the old Hidden Blade bracer; then he walked to the balcony of his room, looking at the night sky covered with stars.

It was almost four o'clock in the morning, Liang Ye took off the watch on his left hand, and looked at the time displayed on the watch.

Remu was very old, and even if he didn't die on this mission, his life was not much; but sadly, he, a heroic assassin, died in the mission in the end.

Liang Ye wanted to go to his funeral to thank him for his teaching.He even wanted to find out the truth and see if this incident was related to V.

After thinking for a long time, Liang Ye clenched his watch tightly, and the Hidden Blade Wristguard appeared on his wrist.

"Don't worry, I will help you take care of Claire." Liang Ye said to himself.


The night was fading away, and the morning came into the world; but none of the task force members woke up in this cool morning, because they were all tired.

Including Liang Ye, he was also sleeping in. The task force members had already agreed last night; if nothing serious happened, they would not get up until at least noon.

They really did what they said, and there was no emergency call from the headquarters of the Security Bureau; when the scorching sun was in the sky, everyone woke up one after another.

Zhou Yuying was the first to wake up, and she enjoyed sleeping in a room.

Liang Ye's house has four rooms, except for the thunderstorm, everyone else slept in the room.

The sofa is also a very good place to sleep, so Lei Yu didn't complain; after all, the sofa in the living room is bigger than the bed when combined, and he slept so comfortably last night.

When Zhou Yuying walked out of the room, Lei Yu slowly sat up, twisting his neck to adjust his state.

"Morning..." Zhou Yuying yawned, and greeted Lei Yu as she walked towards the kitchen.

But Lei Yu glanced at her angrily, and complained: "What a ghost, it's already noon."

Lei Yu's complaint immediately made Zhou Yuying unhappy. She looked back at Lei Yu with disdain, and said lightly, "No wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

After speaking, she walked into the kitchen.

Lei Yu blinked, he hadn't reacted from Zhou Yuying's contempt just now.

After a while, Lei Yu jumped up from the sofa, and shouted to Zhou Yuying in the kitchen: "Damn it, there is no one who despises people like that!"

"You call wool." Liang Ye came out of the room sleepily. He was wearing pajamas; he was wearing slippers, standard home attire.

"Didn't this be despised by Yueling just now?" Lei Yu put on his slippers with a dark face, and then walked towards the kitchen and shouted: "Hey, Yueling, it's not good for you to be such a black person, you hurt your self-esteem, don't you know?"

Looking at Lei Yu's frustration, Liang Ye patted his forehead with a wry smile; thinking that this kid didn't have a girlfriend, he really deserved it.

The task force members got up one after another. In fact, each of them had the habit of running in the morning, but they all returned to Shenzhou with exhausted bodies last night; For hours, they all fell asleep when the night was about to leave.

After washing, Liang Ye was sitting on the sofa in the living room, busy with a laptop.

He slept until noon, and his mailbox was filled with various reports from the agents of the Security Bureau.

These all need to be reviewed by him in person, and that's what being a leader is like; don't think that high-ranking officials have nothing to do, and you can see madness just by reading the report.

"Recently there have been a lot of field operations in the Security Bureau, and a lot of prisoners have been arrested, but none of them are related to V." Liang Ye moved the mouse, and said slowly: "Also...the Security Bureau has newly joined a ninth-level Agent..."

"Ninth-level agent?" Liang Ye repeated, subconsciously widening his eyes.

He is now a level [-] agent in the entire Strategic Defense Bureau, and he is also in charge of the entire combat department.There were two level ten agents, but he was the only one level nine agent, so Liang Ye was unique in the Security Bureau.

But now, a new level nine agent has joined, which surprised Liang Ye.

"What the hell?" Lei Yu who heard Liang Ye's voice came over first.

Liang Ye turned the computer screen in front of him and said, "Look, a new ninth-level agent."

"Ding Xue, 30 years old, ninth-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau." Lei Yu slowly read the text on the screen, and after reading it, he couldn't help bursting out: "Damn, is she trying to steal your job? "

"What is stealing my job?" Liang Ye put the computer back in front of him, carefully looked at the information of this ninth-level agent, and said while reading: "It seems that she is a very good commander, the National Defense University information Master of combat and command, major rank, and later transferred to the National Security Bureau. He used to be the head of the counterintelligence and investigation department, the head of the intelligence analysis department, and concurrently served as the training officer of the field secret service department."

Listening to Lei Yu reading the profile of this new ninth-level agent, Lei Yu raised his eyebrows and sighed: "It's a bit powerful, but this can't be the reason for her to be a ninth-level agent right away. Her qualifications can compare with yours. ?”

Liang Ye picked up the coffee cup on the table and replied: "My main qualifications are in leading the special forces. She has been in various departments. In terms of qualifications in the organization; she is much better than me, so She has enough strength to serve as a ninth-level agent."

(End of this chapter)

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