Ghost Task Force

Chapter 197 Worry

Chapter 197 Worry
The No.40 floor of the Strategic Defense Bureau, the ghost task force lounge.

Liang Ye sat on the sofa with his arms folded, and said with a displeased face, "This Ding Xue, how should I put it; she really didn't give me any face, even in front of the chief."

The task force members were sitting opposite him, while Lan Siqi was standing behind him, not sitting with the others.

When she heard that Liang Ye was coming to the headquarters, Lan Siqi also rushed over. She was also on vacation; but now that the Security Bureau has a new ninth-level agent, she also has a reason to come and find out.

"Let me just say it." Zhou Yuying smiled bitterly: "She is like this, but she is absolutely crazy when she is working; it is also because of this that she is still unmarried."

"Cut..." Liang Ye curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Who can stand her bad temper."

Now Liang Ye has all kinds of complaints against Ding Xue, but due to Li Shan's order, he can't fall out with this woman; what's more, she is also a ninth-level agent and holds great power in the Security Bureau.

Liang Ye suddenly thought of something, turned his head to Lan Siqi and said, "By the way, Lan Siqi, remember that you are my subordinate; no one has the right to give you orders except me and the director. Neither the eighth-level agent nor the ninth-level agent has the power to directly order you, you must keep this in mind."

The reason why he told Lan Siqi this was to prevent Ding Xue from bullying Lan Siqi.

Liang Ye is very defensive, and anyone who offends him won't do; even Li Shan hasn't given Lan Siqi and the Ghost Task Force any shame, and this Ding Xue has no power even more.

However, Li Shan seems to have given Ding Xue an order on this matter, because when she met Liang Ye just now, she said: "You only need to lead the task force to solve the threat at a critical moment."

"Yes, Major." Lan Siqi nodded seriously.

Now that Liang Ye had so many complaints against Ding Xue, how could Lan Siqi dare to express her opinion at this time.

"It's the first time I've seen someone make you so angry, Boss." Lei Yu said with a smile as if watching the excitement, "The director has already said that this woman is capable, let's wait and see now "Let's see what kind of surprise this hot-tempered woman who can be directly appointed as a ninth-level agent can bring us."

Although Lei Yu is often a little crazy, but in a lot of time he is very rational.

The corner of Liang Ye's mouth twitched, and he sneered: "She has already given me a surprise, and she will deny my clerical work ability as soon as she comes out."

"Humans, it is inevitable that there will be some sense of superiority in many cases." Zhou Yuying said while reaching for a can of drink on the table, pulling off the pull ring before continuing: "For example, I have a high degree of education. ;When I meet some unprofessional people who say I am professional, I really want to slap him in the face."

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows at Zhou Yuying's words, then turned around to look at her, and said with a strange expression: "Why do I feel that you are mocking me?"

Not only Liang Ye, but also Lan Siqi, Lei Yu and the others heard it; for a while, everyone's eyes were fixed on Zhou Yuying, all of them looked weird.

Being stared at by so many people at the same time, Zhou Yuying shrank her neck back, and then said awkwardly: "No, it's just a metaphor, a metaphor."

"You mean I'm unprofessional in handling paperwork?" Liang Ye crossed his legs and said, "Let me tell you, I won an award for my composition in high school."

"Stop, stop, boss, heroes don't mention being brave." Lei Yu hurriedly motioned him not to continue.

Liang Ye's appearance made Zhou Yuying even more nervous, she continued to explain: "I just want to explain Ding Xue's psychology..."

"Okay, okay." Deng Xuan signaled Zhou Yuying to stop talking, and said with a smile: "You can't go back anymore, if you continue talking, the captain will probably kill you. Dr. Zhou, your performance today is not very good. , Sarcastic captain, you are really brave."

Zhou Yuying suddenly felt that she was careless in making friends, and it was fine if this guy Deng Xuan didn't help her smooth things over, and continued to make trouble.

Liang Ye didn't continue on this topic. After stretching his waist, he turned to Lan Siqi and asked, "When will Kawashima Hideko be escorted back to the headquarters?"

"Before the plane took off yesterday, Mexico City was affected by severe weather; the plane took off two hours ago, and it is expected to arrive in City S at around five o'clock tomorrow morning." Lan Siqi replied.

"Affected by the weather?" Liang Ye frowned and said, "How could it be such a coincidence?"

Lan Siqi pondered for a while, then replied: "The weather in Mexico has changed a bit during this time, and what I encountered last night was a thunderstorm."

"Okay." Liang Ye sighed helplessly.

He also wanted to interrogate Eiko Kawashima himself, wondering if he could get any useful information from her.

Liang Ye didn't know when he was going to leave for Rome, he was still waiting for the notification from the Brotherhood; while he was going to attend Lei Mu's funeral, he couldn't lead the task force to carry out the task.

As the saying goes, you can't have both fish and bear's paw, Liang Ye is also very helpless about this.

"I will notify you when she arrives," Lan Siqi said.

Liang Ye nodded, then stood up; walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the Linhai area outside the window.

After thinking for a while, Liang Ye turned his head and said to Lei Yu: "If I leave for Rome, Lei Yu will take care of everything on my behalf. If there is any emergency at that time; you are the captain of the task force, and you must Get things done."

"No problem." Lei Yu made an OK gesture.

Lan Siqi glanced at her mobile phone, and then said to Liang Ye: "Rome is not very peaceful these days. Recently, a gang of drug dealers entered the city, and the police are hunting them down."

"There are also refugees from them. Since the Italian government allowed refugees to enter, Rome has become very chaotic." Zhou Yuying continued.

Hearing the reminder from the two, Liang Ye smiled and replied, "Do you think I need to worry about this?"

As he spoke, he turned around slowly, and said, "I'm not an ordinary citizen, a refugee, or a drug dealer. I'm not worried about the influence of these people. What I worry about is whether there will be any unexpected accidents during the funeral." situation."

This is what Liang Ye is most worried about. Lei Mu's passing is a very serious loss to the Assassin Brotherhood.

And when the funeral is held, all the Assassins will be present; for the enemies of the Assassin Brotherhood, this is a good opportunity to wipe them out.

That's why Liang Ye was worried about this. He only wanted to go to the funeral, not to fight there.

Drug gangs, refugees from war-torn countries; these are not things that Liang Ye is worried about, and they are not a threat to him.

The Brotherhood of Assassins and the Knights of the Apocalypse have always been sworn enemies, and Liang Ye is not sure; during the funeral, people from the Knights of the Apocalypse will attack from it.

(End of this chapter)

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