Ghost Task Force

Chapter 198 Intuition

Chapter 198 Intuition
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Liang Ye and others drove away from the Security Bureau headquarters.

They were already on vacation, so there was no need to stay at the headquarters; what's more, they didn't have any important things to do now, so they should go out for entertainment as a matter of course.

Regarding the cruise ship operation, although Liang Ye felt regretful, the mission was over after all; the intelligence department was already busy with the investigation, but there was no progress yet.

The investigation seems to have reached a dead end. The only person who may be related to V, Hideko Kawashima, will be escorted to the headquarters in the early hours of tomorrow. As for Gladys, the agents who stared at her did not find anything useful at all.

At present, there are not many people who can confirm that they are related to V, Gladys, Annabelle, Eiko Kawashima, and Gao Jinglin.

These are all people related to V, and now only Hideko Kawashima has fallen into the hands of the Security Bureau, and has not been sent back yet.

Now Liang Ye and the task force members can only enjoy the vacation time before things progress.Because once things progress, the ghost task force will face a steady stream of work.

After leaving the security bureau headquarters, Liang Ye took the team members to the Starbucks coffee shop in the city center, where Xiao Xiao waited for their arrival.

Before leaving the headquarters, Xiao Xiao called Liang Ye and asked him to have afternoon tea with the task force.

At first, Lei Yu and others didn't want to go because they were afraid of eating dog food.

Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao haven't confirmed their relationship yet, but Lei Yu and the others who are so affectionate are about to go blind, and they express that they can't eat their dog food anymore.

But with Xiao Xiao's invitation, how could Liang Ye allow Lei Yu and the others to run away; so after a very strict "this is an order", Lei Yu and others obediently followed.

Along the way, Lei Yu, Zhou Yuying and the others all looked loveless, leaning on their seats and looking out of the car window.

"I'll tell my mother later that the boss forced his subordinates to eat dog food." Lei Yu said in a half-dead tone.

Liang Ye smiled, and said, "Come on, you used to show your love a lot when you were in school, don't force me to blow you up."

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Lei Yu quickly sat up straight, and said in a panic: "Don't, don't, boss, I was wrong, so don't say it."

The communicator was kept in the state of free speech, so Liang Ye's words also reached the ears of Deng Xuan and Tang Hao in the Audi car behind.

"What did Lei Yu do before?" Zhou Yuying asked curiously.

Liang Ye smiled mysteriously, but didn't say anything, after all, Lei Yu was looking at him pleadingly.

"Captain, let's get down to business." Zhou Yuying adjusted her sitting posture and said with a serious expression: "Ding Xue just led a tactical team and flew a new ghost plane to Syria."

Liang Ye, who was driving, was stunned, and said, "Just now? Syria?"

Ding Xue, who just took office, led the team to carry out the task in such a vigorous and vigorous manner, which fully demonstrated her ability to handle affairs.

"Yes, there is a man who can climb up the smooth wall with bare hands in Syria. The United Nations hopes that our Security Bureau can investigate. It was originally led by an eighth-level agent, but Ding Xue went there in person." Zhou Yu Sakura replied.

Climbing up the smooth wall with bare hands made Liang Ye feel a little curious.

Lei Yu frowned and asked, "Why didn't you let us go?"

As soon as his question came out, Liang Ye laughed and complained: "Of course we won't let us go. Although our Ghost Task Force is a quick-response force, it is also the last resort of the Security Bureau; now we are not like we were in Hongqi. Mansion, ran to Poland to save an agent."

"That's right." Lei Yu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"The duty of our contingent is to do what others can't do, and to complete tasks that others can't. Now the Strategic Defense Bureau has the support of the United Nations and has very good combat agents, so we don't need to come forward in many things; Once things get out of control, that's when our power is needed."

As the founder of the contingent, Liang Ye was very clear about the responsibilities of the contingent.

Now he likes his life in the Strategic Defense Bureau very much, at least it is much better than the Hongqi Building.

In the Hongqi Building, as the commander of the entire building, he has a lot of scary things to do.Now, although he is a ninth-level agent of the Security Bureau, he is much more relaxed than in the Hongqi Mansion.

And with Ding Xue here, he doesn't need to worry about the paperwork any more. All he has to do in the future is to read the latest action report regularly.

"By the way, I remember that Zhao Long was in charge of talking to the werewolf in Europe. How was his talk going? Why didn't I see him in the security bureau?" Liang Ye asked Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying served as medical staff and communication staff in the task force. When Lan Siqi was away, she was Liang Ye's assistant, so she always had to keep an eye on the latest developments from the Security Bureau.

"According to his action records, he returned to the headquarters the day before our mission ended; after finishing the mission report, he went to Brazil alone to carry out a new mission there." Zhou Yuying replied.

"New mission?" Liang Ye frowned slightly and asked, "Alone?"

"Yes, he went to spy on a man who was selling weapons of mass destruction on the black market."

"Wait a minute, as an eighth-level agent, he should lead his subordinates to act together at any time; or send a sixth-level or seventh-level agent to carry out the task. The eighth-level agent is already a commander. , he should not have acted alone."

Liang Ye was puzzled by Zhao Long's actions. This should not be the style of an eighth-level agent.

Level [-] agents are not as rare as Level [-] agents in the Security Bureau; but they are also very rare, and the total number does not exceed ten.

"This is his own request, and the director has approved it," Zhou Yuying said.

Liang Ye frowned again, but he didn't express his doubts again. He could only say, "Send him a message and tell him to report his latest whereabouts to me after the mission is over."


Zhou Yuying responded, then took out her phone and started editing the message.

When members of the Security Bureau contact another member, they will use the internal communication network; these networks are absolutely encrypted, and even Zhou Yuying, a hacker, cannot crack them.

The two Audi cars drove slowly towards the city center, and Liang Ye also focused on driving without thinking too much about it.

Liang Ye knew that the Bureau of Strategic Security had a lot of actions every day, but he was a little curious about Zhao Long's actions alone, so he asked Zhou Yuying to send a message to Zhao Long.

Liang Ye believed in his intuition very much, even if it was wrong, he had to verify it himself before he could rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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