Ghost Task Force

Chapter 199 Complain

Chapter 199 Complain

Two Audis slowly stopped outside the Starbucks coffee shop in the city center. There are a lot of parking spaces nearby; because this area is a pedestrian street outside the city square, the flow of people is very dense.

Xiao Xiao had already booked a seat, ordered a cup of coffee and waited for the arrival of the task force.

She was really honored to be in contact with five top special forces; and she also knew that they were on vacation for the past two days, so she didn't want to miss the opportunity to communicate with them.

Liang Ye would never refuse her invitation. As for Lei Yu and others, Liang Ye could only abuse his power and force them to follow.

As soon as Liang Ye stepped into the door of the coffee shop, Xiao Xiao waved in his direction.

Even if she didn't wave her hand, Liang Ye could still see her at a glance. After all, it was too easy for Liang Ye to find Xiao Xiao's figure.

No matter how many people are there, Xiao Xiao, who is as beautiful as a fairy, will always be the most dazzling in the crowd.

Liang Ye led Lei Yu and others to the window seat. Xiao Xiao stood up first, and then asked cautiously, "I didn't disturb your rest, did I?"

"Of course not." Liang Ye smiled and shook his head, and replied, "We are on vacation, so we can go wherever we want these two days."

"How could I bother you? As long as it's your call from the great writer, even if the boss is in a meeting, he will answer it right away." Lei Yu muttered softly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Liang Ye's sharp eyes fell on Lei Yu's body, which shocked him instantly.

Xiao Xiao made a gesture of invitation, and smiled at everyone: "Sit down, I'm treating you to this afternoon tea, I have some questions to ask you."

"As long as it doesn't involve sensitive issues, we will answer them one by one." Zhou Yuying replied.

After finishing speaking, she sat opposite to Xiao Xiao, while Liang Ye sat beside Xiao Xiao.

This location is a long table with four chairs on each side.

After Liang Ye sat down, all the task force members sat opposite, and none of them dared to sit on Liang Ye's side.

"What are you doing?" Liang Ye was dumbfounded by their actions.

Deng Xuan spread his hands and said helplessly, "What else can I do? I can't sit with you two."

What he said was quite reasonable, Liang Ye secretly gave Deng Xuan a thumbs up.

At this time, the waiter came over with several menus under Zhou Yuying's signal.

"I've ordered mine a long time ago, so you guys order." Xiao Xiao said softly.

Liang Ye is very familiar with this kind of place. He often came here when he was on campus, and at that time he refused to be accompanied by bodyguards, so he often sat here alone.

The reason is because when he was young, his mother Ye Qing often brought him here to eat cakes.

For Liang Ye, there are many places in this city with his memories.

Liang Ye ordered a cup of mocha and a tiramisu; as for the others, they all ordered a cup of coffee and a pastry.

"Let me ask you a question." Xiao Xiao said, turning her head to look at Liang Ye.

Sensing her gaze, Liang Ye shrugged and said, "Ask."

"If, I mean if." Xiao Xiao's voice was a little low, she whispered: "If your commander asks you to do a task that you really don't want to do, will you complain?"

She asked this question to everyone on the surface, but her eyes stayed on Liang Ye all the time, because he was the captain.

Liang Ye put his hands on the table and said with a smile: "We will definitely complain, but generally it depends on the situation. Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty; no matter how big our complaints are, it is impossible to affect the Task."

"Yes, I have the most say in this matter." Lei Yu raised his hand, and then said: "I used to be under the leadership of the boss, and whenever there were some tasks we didn't want to perform, I would complain to him. After all, soldiers are human beings, so it’s impossible to say that we don’t have any complaints, but most of the time we don’t speak out; or we complain in private, but we will devote [-]% of our seriousness to the implementation.”

Xiao Xiao nodded thoughtfully, then took out a beautiful notebook from her satchel and started to take notes.

Her serious appearance was so beautiful that Liang Ye couldn't help but keep her gaze on her side face.

After watching it for a while, Liang Ye smiled and said, "Actually, you complain to me, I complain to my superiors, and so on, it's all like this."

"Oh?" Xiao Xiao put down the pen for taking notes, turned her head to look at Liang Ye, and asked softly, "Then why would you complain to your superiors?"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to lift the hair beside her ears. Her small gesture made Liang Ye's heart beat faster.

"Boss, we also really want to know how you usually complain to the chief." Lei Yu also asked curiously.

All the members of the special task force kept their eyes on Liang Ye, their faces were full of curiosity.

"I've seen the complaints now. When the captain was still in the navy, how did he complain to his superiors? For example, the general sent you and your team to carry out a lot of redundant and extremely dangerous missions, but they didn't care at all. Captain, how would you tell your superiors about the tasks that need to be performed?" Zhou Yuying asked.

Now everyone was looking at Liang Ye, waiting for his answer.

In normal times, Liang Ye is a person who likes to fight with friends, but he will be very serious when performing tasks.Liang Ye complained to Li Shan, and they had already seen it last night.

But when Liang Ye was still in the navy, and when Li Shan hadn't become the director of the Strategic Security Bureau, how did Liang Ye complain to Li Shan or other superiors?

Liang Ye pondered for a while, and seeing that he hadn't spoken yet, Lei Yu continued: "Boss, you can treat me as a colonel or a major general now, and I will appoint you to perform a super boring mission, and there is a possibility Hurts you and your teammates. Well, now you can complain to me."

As he said that, Lei Yu sat up straight, looking like he was really a superior.

His behavior made Zhou Yuying and the others couldn't help showing a smile, and then they looked forward to what Liang Ye would say next.

"Ahem, that's good." Liang Ye organized his words, and then said with a serious face: "I will say that this task is great, meaningful, and worthy of my all. For the comfort of those who have suffered; I would risk my life and the lives of my men, and especially you, Thunderstorm!"


As soon as Liang Ye finished speaking, everyone including Xiao Xiao burst into laughter.

"You are talking nonsense in a serious manner." Xiao Xiao covered her mouth and smiled.

The coffee shop was filled with the laughter of the task force members. They could control their emotions well at ordinary times, but now they couldn't bear it anymore.

It was so interesting for Liang Ye to say these words in such a serious manner that no one could help but laugh out loud.

Especially his last sentence hurt Lei Yu, which made Lei Yu almost fall off his chair laughing.

 I have an exam tomorrow, and I am busy reviewing tonight, so there will be no more updates tonight, so you don't have to wait.There will be more updates tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, at least four chapters a day, please wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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