Ghost Task Force

Chapter 200 Don't Be Too Blind

Chapter 200 Don't Be Too Blind

Liang Ye's serious nonsense made everyone laugh, and they finally understood; Liang Ye is usually not funny, and no one can stand it when he is funny.

This topic was brought up by Xiao Xiao, but as Liang Ye's soldiers, Lei Yu and others really wanted to know what he would say, but they just didn't expect Liang Ye to say it in this way.

It was serious, but it was talking nonsense. It was this way that made everyone laugh non-stop, and made the waiters not far away cast their eyes over one after another.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhou Yuying covered her mouth and bent over laughing.

Liang Ye coughed twice, and still said solemnly: "As the captain of the task force, I will definitely live up to the expectations of the leaders, and I will die to survive."

Lei Yu lay on the table, smiled and said: "Boss, don't talk, let me laugh first."

Looking at the crowd who were almost laughing, Liang Ye raised his eyebrows; then he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, and found that she was also looking at him with a smile on her face.

"These guys are crazy." Liang Ye said helplessly.

It's not that they are crazy, it's just that he said those words with a serious expression just now, which really made everyone unable to control.

At this time, the waiters brought up the coffee and pastries that everyone ordered, but seeing these guys laughing and twitching, the waiters all had weird faces, and even wondered if these people were crazy.

Liang Ye coughed again, and said seriously: "When I was leading the Dragon Eagle Commando, I never complained about anything in front of my subordinates, but now I am with you guys, my personality has changed, Now I dare to say almost anything in front of you."

This is true. When he was still in the Dragon Eagle Commando, Liang Ye had always maintained a serious captain's demeanor, but after he started leading the Ghost Task Force, he would no longer maintain the original style.

"After all, we are not ordinary special forces." Zhou Yuying said proudly, "So you don't need to be cautious, Captain."

Liang Ye nodded, and he picked up the coffee cup and raised it in Zhou Yuying's direction to show his respect.

"Dragon Eagle commando?" Xiao Xiao looked at Liang Ye curiously, and asked in a low voice, "What kind of army is this?"

"This special force is not a secret. You can find general information on the Internet, so it's okay to tell you." Liang Ye put down his coffee cup and replied: "The Dragon Eagle Commando is one of the special forces of the navy. , was the unit I led before returning to S City."

Liang Ye could only tell Xiao Xiao so much about the stationing and operation methods of this army; these things must not be disclosed, and they are already classified.

"Then what kind of army is this, and which military branch do you belong to?" Xiao Xiao continued to ask.

She's been asking questions, she's been taking notes, and she really wants to know more about the military.

"That's the special forces of the navy, okay; I can't reveal more about these, and it involves confidentiality." Liang Ye smiled apologetically towards Xiao Xiao.

He really can't go on talking, no matter how much he likes Xiao Xiao, he can't tell the secrets of the army.As a major officer, he was burdened with too many secrets, and he couldn't take the lead in violating the rules.

Xiao Xiao gave a light grace to express her understanding, and she also realized that she had asked too much.For example, she asked Liang Ye how he complained to his superiors, but this topic can go on indefinitely.

But when it comes to the army, it is easy to touch the secrets.

The number of the army, the place where it is stationed, and even the name of a combat unit are all confidential.

The Dragon Eagle Commando has been established for many years, and it is also very famous in the country. Even the military branch of the Dragon Eagle Commando can be found on the Internet; that's why Liang Ye dared to tell Xiao Xiao, because it would not involve confidentiality.

"Great writer, it's fine if you want to write plots related to the military, but novels related to the military are subject to a lot of restrictions now, so you have to be careful not to brush aside the edges." Zhou Yuying reminded.

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "No, I just want to collect some information in advance."

She likes to learn new things, especially she has a yearning for the army.

Although Xiao Xiao failed to become a soldier, she was influenced by her father since she was a child, and she has always admired soldiers very much.

And her mother Xu Ziqian also fell in love with Xiao Hao because she was a soldier.

In this era when soldiers are popular, people like Liang Ye are really very popular.

In peaceful times, it is very rare to be able to join the army, let alone a wealthy young man like Liang Ye; he can leave his glory and wealth to join the army, and people like him are very rare in the world.

"I have always admired soldiers." Xiao Xiao looked at Liang Ye and said.

Liang Ye smiled, and then said: "You can worship, but don't be too blind. In this world, no matter how bad the place is, there will be talents, and no matter how good the place is, there will be scumbags."

"That's true." Lei Yu quickly echoed, and said: "I was just transferred from your boss, and I had a recruit who had been with you for a while to snipe; at that time, I had a senior soldier who came from the mountain area under my command. This kid is short and stupid. I didn't like him very much when he was first transferred to my staff. He was always the last one, and he was not good at sniping. Just when I was about to send him away, I suddenly saw him in the dormitory , hold the book "Science of Shooting and Hitting" and read it there."

Everyone kept their eyes on Lei Yu and listened carefully to his narration.

"The training of a sniper is very hard, and very few people can persevere. Although the kid is always behind, he has no intention of leaving. On the day I decided to send him away, I asked him why he came here. What, guess how he answered me?"

As he said that, Lei Yu's eyes swept over everyone.

Everyone shook their heads, after all, the chance of guessing this was very low.

"He said that he came here to do what I told him to do. Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty, and he did it very well." Lei Yu adjusted his sitting posture and continued: "Later, this kid was dismantling the 88 He showed a faster speed than all the rookies during the formal time; I asked him how he could be so fast, and he replied that I told him to pretend to be the fastest."

"Later I let him stay. Although he was stupid and always lagging behind, he just refused to give up. Even if he is not a talent, with his spirit of not giving up, he is still a good soldier. No matter how broken Everywhere can produce talents, and I agree with this saying very much.”

After finishing speaking, Lei Yu blinked his eyes, indicating that he had finished speaking.

"Actually, these are very common in the army. If you don't give up or give up, no matter what kind of service you are in, you will have the spirit." Liang Ye smiled slightly and said, "I have seen the soldier you mentioned before, and I have seen him." When he was there, he was already a corporal; he was very dark and thin, but he exuded a hard work in his bones, which was really good."

 I'm sorry, but I didn't update the agreed-upon addition. I stayed asleep after returning to the dormitory after the exam during the day. It was already night when I woke up. Then I was called out by my classmates to eat grilled fish. I didn't come back until eleven o'clock. Excuse me.

(End of this chapter)

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