Ghost Task Force

Chapter 357 Call Support

Chapter 357 Call Support
Lan Siqi's words made Wang Yu shut his mouth instantly, and he had to swallow all the words he wanted to say to Lan Siqi.

"The Hercules is calling the captain, please answer if you receive it!" Lan Siqi pressed the radio and started calling Liang Ye.

While Lan Siqi was using the intercom, Wang Yu took his weapon bag, took out a rifle from it, and quickly loaded the bullet.

Generally, combat agents will be equipped with weapon bags when they are out on duty, and in most cases they are uniform equipment; however, Wang Yu and others are operating with the Ghost Task Force, so they are given a special case, and they can choose what they want to carry. arms.

Wang Yu was used to using the standard rifle of the special forces in the army. After putting on the equipment, he returned to Lan Siqi's side again.

"Captain, I'm Lan Siqi, please answer!" Lan Siqi continued to call.

Wang Yu zoomed in on the satellite map, and sure enough, he saw four red dots slowly approaching the plane in the forest.

No calls were received, no codes were approached, and it was clear these were the enemy.

"It seems that the radio is out of order." Lan Siqi gave up calling, and then took out the pistol in the gun pocket on her right thigh.

Lan Siqi and Wang Yu were the only ones who were arranged to stay here. The rest of the agents were exhausted, but there was no problem in joining the battle.

"Your rank is currently the highest here, give the order!" Wang Yu said to Lan Siqi.

This time, Lan Siqi didn't give Wang Yu another look, but nodded towards him.

Even if Wang Yu didn't say anything, Lan Siqi would still give the order.

Lan Siqi has the right to give orders to all agents, including Wang Yu, except for the Ghost Task Force.

Just the identity of Liang Ye's assistant is enough for her to call the shots.

Lan Siqi turned on the plane's alarm, and all the agents who were resting were awakened, and then took up their weapons and left the lounge.

Wang Yu followed behind Lan Siqi, his eyes were cold, and he was already in a fighting state.

The four returning agents gathered at the cabin door with weapons in hand, and Lan Siqi walked down the stairs and came in front of them.

Lan Siqi was the only one who was a level [-] agent present, no matter whether she was Liang Ye's assistant or not, only she could make a decision at this time.

Lan Siqi turned on the computer next to the cabin door and displayed the map in front of everyone's eyes.

"Our plane is being surrounded, and the other party has not issued a call code. Judging by the speed of this movement, it is very likely that they are vehicles. For the time being, we list them as enemies." Lan Siqi said calmly, "We and The captain and the others have lost contact, and it is not ruled out that we have stepped into a trap. Now this plane needs your protection, and we cannot leave without authorization before the captain returns."

"Yes!" All four agents responded loudly.

Even the injured agent came out to stick to his post; as an agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, he had already realized this.

Lan Siqi pointed her finger at the screen and said quickly, "The enemy will arrive within 5 minutes. You need to set up two defensive circles, and you cannot let the enemy come within 500 meters of us."

"Yes!" The four agents responded again.

"What do I need to do?" Wang Yu asked.

He had already prepared for battle, and now he was waiting for Lan Siqi to give an order.

Lan Siqi's series of orders just now were addressed to those four agents, not to him, which also meant that Lan Siqi had other arrangements for him.

This made Wang Yu a little nervous and a little happy. He wanted to stay with Lan Siqi even in his dreams. According to this situation, he might be kept.

As expected by Wang Yu, Lan Siqi said to him: "You and I stay on this plane, I will find a way to restore communication, and you are the last line of defense, we must ensure that this plane is not invaded. "

"Yes!" Wang Yu saluted Lan Siqi excitedly.

This is what he wanted, to be so trusted by the girl he likes, at this time Wang Yu felt a sense of responsibility spontaneously.

The four agents carried a large amount of equipment, including short-range radios.

This is a backup, the long-distance radio fails, and they can only use the most primitive communication methods.

This kind of intercom can only communicate within one kilometer, and the signal is still a little unstable.

Although inconvenient, this has the great advantage that it is difficult to be disturbed by electronic devices.

The more high-tech equipment, the easier it is to be affected by jamming equipment, and this kind of more traditional radio, no one will study the method of jamming.

And that's why Zhou Yuying brought these radios with her. She had these radios in her big bag before; but she didn't take them out to carry out the mission, so she helped Lan Siqi at this time.

One of the four agents, they all hid in different places, preparing for the next ambush.

The communication was affected, but the satellite map was still clear. Lan Siqi stood in front of the big screen in the cabin, observing every move around the plane.

Her pistol is already loaded and ready to go into battle at any time.

As for Wang Yu, although he really wanted to stay by Lan Siqi's side, Lan Siqi assigned him a task, which was to guard the cabin door.

Now Lan Siqi is on the upper deck of the plane, while Wang Yu is on the lower deck.

The distance was not far, and Wang Yu didn't think too much about it. Now he had to put all his attention on defense.

Lan Siqi also said just now that he is the last line of defense for the plane.

Once the four agents died in battle or failed to stop the enemy, the responsibility for guarding the plane fell on him.

Lan Siqi could take off the plane to avoid the enemy, but she didn't get Liang Ye's order; she couldn't fly the plane away without authorization, unless it was absolutely necessary.

Now there is still a chance to defend this plane, Lan Siqi can't make other decisions without authorization before the communication is restored.

After looking at the map for a while, Lan Siqi turned on the computer and began to repair the radio signal.

In fact, it is very difficult for her to repair it. Zhou Yuying, who is a computer doctor, also tried to repair it, but it was unsuccessful.

The reason is simple, because there are jammers.

Lan Siqi is also a genius, but she is not very professional in this area. She tried simple repairs, but it didn't work.

The communication with the Ghost Task Force failed, and repairing the communication was also useless; Lan Siqi frowned, and then turned on the communicator with the headquarters.

Lan Siqi held the intercom and quickly said: "I am Lan Siqi, a seventh-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau. The verification code is SZ051. I need support!"

She called for backup, which was allowed.

In this situation where she lost contact with captain Liang Ye and the plane was surrounded, Lan Siqi had no other choice.

And her choice was correct, even if Liang Ye was there, she would definitely give her a thumbs up.

(End of this chapter)

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