Ghost Task Force

Chapter 358 Bad Premonition

Chapter 358 Bad Premonition

It wasn't just Liang Ye and others who were attacked, in fact, the entire operation team was attacked, and Deng Xuan suffered the most violent attack.

When he was about to sneak into a factory with his teammates, two cars suddenly stopped not far from them, and the people who got out of the cars immediately opened fire on them.

In order to facilitate the counterattack, Deng Xuan retreated into a factory with an agent, and the two retreated while fighting back with pistols.

What they were facing was more than 20 enemies armed with submachine guns. Both of them were carrying pistols. Not to mention that they did not have an advantage in numbers. The important thing was that the opponent's weapons were more advanced.

"Pay attention to protecting yourself, leave these people to me." Deng Xuan said to the agents in his team.

The agent responded, firing and ducking behind a pillar.

The bullets from the submachine gun hit the pillars, leaving craters one by one, and knocked out a tenth of the pillars.

Deng Xuan replaced the pistol with a magazine, and cooperated with his teammates to continue to counterattack.

Under such circumstances, even if there is a thunderstorm, it will take a lot of effort to deal with it.

More and more enemies were pouring in, and Deng Xuan had to stop shooting after firing five shots in a row.

It won't work to continue like this, the enemy can't be killed, and the manpower and weapons in hand are at a disadvantage.

If Deng Xuan was given a rifle, it would be easier to fight. It is difficult to deal with this kind of battle with a pistol.

The agents teamed up with Deng Xuan continued to fight back, but they didn't carry many magazines, and soon, all the magazines in his hand were exhausted.

Deng Xuan also noticed this situation, and he gestured towards the agent to signal him not to mess around.

Then, Deng Xuan took a deep breath.

The next moment, he turned and left the bunker.

Seeing Deng Xuan walk out of the bunker, the attackers concentrated their firepower on Deng Xuan.

Deng Xuan stretched out his left hand, and a protective shield like glass was formed in front of him in time, blocking all oncoming bullets.

All the firepower was concentrated on Deng Xuan, which also gave the agent time to prepare.

While Deng Xuan was still walking forward, the agent assassinated the nearest enemy with a dagger, snatching the weapon from the enemy's hand.

But at this moment, an armored vehicle smashed through the gate of the factory, roaring and stopped in front of Deng Xuan and others.


Deng Xuan cursed, and quickly gathered a fireball in his right hand.

In this case, he could no longer hold back, otherwise he and the agent would be put in danger.

This situation should be expected when going on field missions. Although everything comes suddenly, every agent has the ability to deal with this situation.

The agents who participated in the operation were also selected by Lei Yu. From the agent who teamed up with Deng Xuan, it can be seen that each of them has a strong combat effectiveness.

The vehicle-mounted machine gun of the armored vehicle was constantly firing at Deng Xuan. The attackers seemed to know that the person they were attacking had superpowers. When they saw that Deng Xuan could use the protective shield, they did not pause or be surprised.

The fireball had successfully condensed in Deng Xuan's hands, and the agents who cooperated with him quickly concentrated their firepower on the armored vehicle.

Although ordinary firearms are undoubtedly a mans hand against armored vehicles, they can at least attract a small part of their appeal.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Deng Xuan withdrew the protective shield and quickly threw the fireball in his right hand.

The target of the fireball attack was of course that armored vehicle, and this armored vehicle was also the existence that had the greatest impact on Deng Xuan's team.

The fireball flew by, hit the armored vehicle with perfect precision, and caused a big explosion!


Everyone in the armored vehicle was instantly killed in the explosion, and the attackers nearby were also engulfed by the heat wave.

For a moment, the flames were dazzling.

After taking a look at this scene, Deng Xuan didn't stay idle, he quickly pulled out a saber, and then threw the saber at the enemy closest to him.

Wherever the saber went, Deng Xuan's figure also appeared.

Deng Xuan used teleportation to flash in front of an attacker, and before the opponent could react, his saber pierced the opponent's throat.

Blood spurted out along the gap between the saber and the flesh, stained Deng Xuan's palm, and stained his sleeves red.

But Deng Xuan didn't have a cleanliness habit, so he didn't care about these things.

What's more, this is a battle, who will consider what is clean or not.

Although the attackers were numerous in number, Deng Xuan once again regained the upper hand with his superpower advantage.


Liang Ye and Tang Hao looked at the dozens of corpses lying on the ground, and a smile of victory flashed across their faces.

To deal with these dozens of people, the two didn't spend much effort at all, it only took less than a minute.

During the fight, the strong wind kept blowing, interfering with the actions of these people, making Liang Ye's assassination more convenient.

Wind, a power of nature, can play a vital role in many cases; for example, tonight, Liang Ye successfully killed a sniper by relying on the power of wind.

Otherwise, he and Tang Hao are likely to be injured.

"Communication failure, I have a very bad premonition." Liang Ye withdrew his Hidden Sword, then turned his head and said to Tang Hao: "We have fallen into a trap, and it is not necessarily us who are attacked, they are probably still fighting .”

Listening to Liang Ye's words, Tang Hao kept nodding his head and said, "Captain, please give me an order!"

Liang Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Go to the nearest investigation point right now. Deng Xuan and an agent are there. After finding Deng Xuan, you drive back to the plane immediately, and you may be attacked there."

He guessed right, everyone has been attacked, no one is an exception.

"What about you, captain?" Tang Hao asked.

Liang Ye glanced at the direction of the destination, and said in a deep voice, "I'll go and complete the task."

The purpose of their coming here is nothing more than to find Eiko Kawashima.The location Liang Ye investigated happened to be the place with the best chance of finding Eiko Kawashima. Even though the matter had developed to this point, even though it was dangerous, Liang Ye still didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Whether there is one or not, Liang Ye wants to take a look.

After Tang Hao left, Liang Ye took out his pistol and continued towards his destination.

The previous shooting caused all the surrounding civilians to run away, leaving only one or two desperate people still secretly filming videos.

It's useless for them to take pictures. After the matter is over, Zhou Yuying will clear all the things related to the task force on the Internet.

All operational agents had been attacked this time, and the operations of the task force were classified unless someone deliberately leaked them.

Liang Ye was thinking about this matter as he walked. For the Strategic Security Bureau, once a traitor appeared, the impact would be like ripples in a lake, one wave after another.

(End of this chapter)

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