Ghost Task Force

Chapter 361 Almost 1 point

Chapter 361 Almost

When Annabel was about to be killed, a cloud of black mist suddenly fell from the ceiling, just in front of Annabel.

Under the watchful eyes of Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying, the bullet flew into the black mist, but did not fly out again.

Originally, Annabelle was about to be headshot by a bullet, but now such a scene happened, how could it make Lei Yu stop there.

This cloud of black mist also appeared when Liang Ye was about to kill Annabel. Every time it appeared, it was to rescue Annabel.

Lei Yu was also very clear about the purpose of the black mist, he quickly changed the pistol magazine, and then continued to fire in Annabelle's direction.

Zhou Yuying was no exception, she took out her pistol and kept shooting along with Lei Yu.

The black mist had already enveloped Annabel, and the two of them could no longer see Annabel.

This was not the result that Lei Yu wanted to see. If this continued, Annabelle would run away again.

Thunderstorm stopped shooting. He knew that if he continued to shoot, it would not have any effect. The black mist blocked all the bullets, making his and Zhou Yuying's shots all ineffective.

As the person with the most knowledge in the team, Zhou Yuying stopped shooting and took out a diamond-shaped dart.

Lei Yu also took out a pistol with a muzzle the size of half a fist from the gun pouch on his left thigh.

In fact, this is not a pistol, but a grenade gun.

Thunderstorm loaded the grenade from the rear of the gun, and then aimed at the black mist ahead.

At this moment, the black mist had already begun to dissipate, and along with it dissipated was Annabelle's body.

Just as Lei Yu pulled the trigger and fired the grenade, Zhou Yuying also threw out the diamond-shaped dart in her hand.

Zhou Yuying used the form of throwing the dart. When throwing the dart, her hair swayed, showing a unique charm.

However, Lei Yu was not in the mood to appreciate it. At this moment, he focused all his attention on the black mist that enveloped Annabel's body.

The flying speed of the grenade was the fastest, and it was already close to the black mist in just an instant.

The next moment, the grenade exploded in the center of the black mist.


The power of the grenade was much greater than imagined, and the flames engulfed the entire corridor in an instant; not only that, but a huge hole was blown out of the wall of the corridor.

Looking from the outside, you can clearly see the flames erupting from the wall. On this starless night, this explosion is so dazzling.

The sound of the explosion echoed through several nearby streets, and the flames were clearly visible from three blocks away.

However, this was exactly the power that Lei Yu wanted to see, the purpose of his attack was to kill Annabelle.

The grenade had just exploded, and the dart thrown by Zhou Yuying quickly showed its power.

The diamond-shaped dart automatically turned into three squares during flight, and each piece produced an explosive power no less than that of a grenade.

Zhou Yuying has many degrees and a wealth of professional knowledge.One of her identities is a blasting expert.

Therefore, she often develops some small explosive devices, such as the ones she uses today, each of which is her masterpiece.

This diamond-shaped dart is also used to attack large-scale enemies. The explosion of the dart is combined with the flames generated by the grenade. The flames wave after wave, causing the nearby residents to panic.

There are too many struggles in the slums today, especially after the contingent began to operate, the residents here are even more panicked.

However, the actions of the contingent did not harm anyone on the ground. Their purpose was to eliminate the enemy, not to harm civilians.

The explosion just now only destroyed the abandoned building and did not harm the surrounding civilians.

Before the flames dissipated, Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying took out their pistols again, looking ahead with vigilance.

Although they had the upper hand in the battle just now and caught Annabelle by surprise, the two of them knew nothing about what the black mist that suddenly appeared and what kind of abilities it had.

Therefore, neither of them dared to relax their vigilance.

When the flames from the explosion faded away, all that was left was the samurai sword used by Annabelle, and the power grid that restricted Annabel's movements just now.

"She ran away." Zhou Yuying said.

The explosion was very powerful, but they didn't see Annabelle's body with their own eyes, and the two of them couldn't be sure that she was dead.

Seeing is believing, seeing with your own eyes is the most important thing.

Otherwise, Liang Ye would never believe what they said.

Looking at the big hole in front of him, Lei Yu first sighed heavily, and then punched the wall next to him.


The fist made contact with the wall and made a dull sound.

"It's just a little short!" Lei Yu gasped.

He really wanted to kill this woman, because that had always been Liang Ye's goal and one of the biggest enemies of the Strategic Defense Bureau.

This time he managed to gain the upper hand, but lost again.

This sharp sense of gap is hard for anyone to accept.

Zhou Yuying was also a little helpless, but she looked at it more openly and comforted: "Don't be discouraged, vice captain, we still have many opportunities."

As she spoke, she raised the gun in her hand and fired a shot at the signal jammer on the ground.

The bullet hit the signal jammer accurately, and with a crackling sound, a small hole appeared in the center of the signal jammer.


There was a noisy sound from the intercom, and then Lan Siqi's voice came out.

"This is the Hercules transport plane, coordinates 3301, we are under attack and need support. Repeat, we need support!"

Not only Zhou Yuying, Lei Yu, who was still in a state of anger, also heard this call.

"Damn it!" Lei Yu recovered from his anger and said loudly: "The action has changed, let's go back to support!"

"Yes!" Zhou Yuying replied, then turned and left quickly.


"The line of defense is tightening." Lan Siqi looked at the satellite map, frowning.

Twenty or ten minutes had passed since the interception battle started, and the defensive agents' line of defense had been tightening. With more and more enemies, their resistance became more and more difficult.

Zhou Yuying destroyed the signal jammer, but only restored her communication with Lei Yu, while the communication of others was still in a state of interference.

Even if Zhou Yuying called the plane now, she still couldn't get in touch.

She and Lei Yu can only listen, nothing more.

The ammunition of the defense agents is also decreasing sharply, and soon they will run out of ammunition, and at that time, the defense line will be completely broken.

It can be seen that the attackers are desperately trying to take down the plane. The number of people they are attacking is increasing, and every few minutes a car will come to support.

(End of this chapter)

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