Ghost Task Force

Chapter 362 Lan Siqi Injured

Chapter 362 Lan Siqi Injured
Now Lan Siqi doesn't have time to think about how the coordinates of the plane were leaked. What she needs to think about is how to protect the plane before Liang Ye and others come back.

She didn't have many people to mobilize, and all of them had already been dispatched. Since she couldn't get in touch with Liang Ye, she could only make a decision based on her own opinion.

In fact, she can completely take off the plane, but the situation is still under control, and she can only dare to make this decision as a last resort.

After all, this plane can only be ordered by Liang Ye.

The battle outside is intensifying, and every agent is doing his best to stick to his post.

Wang Yu at the plane door has been looking at the satellite map, while listening to the voice on the radio, his brows are tightly frowned, and after a while, he said by radio: "Commander, I think I need to go out Support, they can't hold it anymore."

Listening to the voice on the radio, Lan Siqi took a deep breath and replied, "Go!"

After receiving the order, Wang Yu rushed out of the plane with his rifle in hand.

He also wants to stay here, but the outside situation does not allow him to spend time on the love of his children.

The agents outside are in urgent need of support, and he is the only one left in the plane who can go out to help. In the case of insufficient manpower, every agent who can fight is very precious.

Of course Wang Yu wants to stay with Lan Siqi, but right now, he can only focus on the overall situation.

Lan Siqi took out the intercom, and when she was about to continue calling, a somewhat deep male voice came out of the intercom.

"Backup is coming soon, Agent Lan Siqi."

Lan Siqi felt a little familiar with this voice, but couldn't remember who it was.

Anyway, that's not what the task force said, because their communication is still down.

Just as Lan Siqi was about to say something, an alarm suddenly sounded in the cabin.

This meant that someone who wasn't an OSGU agent had boarded the plane.

Lan Siqi didn't have time to think too much, she quickly took the pistol on the table, and then walked towards the stairs.

When Lan Siqi had just reached the stairs, a man in combat uniform suddenly rushed up from the stairs and slammed into Lan Siqi's abdomen.

Lan Siqi, who was suddenly attacked, let out a muffled grunt. The pain in her abdomen made her lose the strength to continue holding the pistol.

Lan Siqi's body was knocked down to the ground, and the pistol also flew out, falling down the stairs continuously.

Lan Siqi, who fell on the ground, quickly adjusted her thoughts. She knew that these were enemies, and her duty was to protect the plane.

The man who attacked Lan Siqi took out a dagger and was about to continue attacking Lan Siqi.

However, Lan Siqi's speed was faster.

Although she seldom goes out to work, it doesn't mean that her combat ability will be weak.

She was just caught off guard just now, but now she has reacted.

As the man stabbed down with the dagger, Lan Siqi kicked up with her left leg fiercely, kicking the man's abdomen hard, kicking his body back several steps.

When reversing, the man's body retreated to the stairs; but he just stopped his body and did not continue to fall down.

Lan Siqi seized this opportunity, a carp jumped up from the ground, and then stepped on the edge of the handrail with her right foot, and jumped into the air.

Then, Lan Siqi kicked the man's chest fiercely with both legs, kicking him so that his center of gravity fell backwards, and his body rolled directly down the stairs.

The stairs connecting the upper and lower cabins are not long, but if you roll down like this, anyone will be injured or lose the ability to fight.

Looking at the enemy rolling down the stairs, before Lan Siqi could catch her breath, a bullet hit Lan Siqi's shoulder.

Lan Siqi let out a muffled snort, covered her shoulders and hurriedly backed away.

While retreating, out of the corner of her eye, she saw that three enemies with guns had already entered the cabin and were about to board the upper cabin.

At this moment, Lan Siqi didn't have a gun in her hand, and her right shoulder was also injured. At the same time, Wang Yu also went outside to support other agents, and now Lan Siqi was alone in the entire plane.

This can't be blamed for Wang Yu's departure, because if he doesn't go out to support, all the spies outside are likely to be killed.

The gunshot wound on Lan Siqi's shoulder was very serious, and the hideous blood hole continued to emit severe pain that made people almost faint. Lan Siqi ran out of strength after only two steps, and could only sit slowly against the wall. to the ground.

She doesn't have a gun in her hand, and now she can only resign herself to fate.

Lan Siqi didn't know how long the support would have to wait for the male voice that came out of the intercom just now.All she knew was that she was running out of time.

Three armed attackers boarded the upper cabin of the plane. When they saw Lan Siqi whose right shoulder was stained red with blood, they all relaxed their vigilance at the same time.

But at this moment, three gunshots were heard in everyone's ears.

Then, the three attackers fell to the ground.

After a while, Wang Yu came to Lan Siqi's side with hurried footsteps. When he saw Lan Siqi with pale lips, his pupils shrank into pinholes.

"Lan Siqi, Lan Siqi!" Wang Yu dropped the gun in his hand and hurried to Lan Siqi's side.

At this time, the periphery of the aircraft.

A man with a heavy machine gun appeared in the forest, but instead of attacking the security agents, he opened fire on the attackers.

He is the person who talked to Lan Siqi just now, Zhao Long, the eighth-level agent of the Bureau of Strategic Security.

Holding the heavy machine gun in his hand, Zhao Long kept firing in the direction of the enemy, flanking the agents back and forth.

He heard Lan Siqi's request for support, and rushed here immediately, and he came in time.

As for Wang Yu returning to the plane, it was because he saw someone approaching the plane, and at the same time, members of the Ghost Task Force had also rushed to support.

Zhou Yuying was the second to return to the plane. She heard Wang Yu's cry. When she came to the upper cabin, she was also startled by the blood on the ground.

At this time, Wang Yu was flipping through the first-aid kit in a hurry, looking for medicine and medical equipment for treating gunshot wounds.

Zhou Yuying hurried forward, pushed Wang Yu who was in a state of extreme tension away, and said loudly, "Get out of the way, I'm a doctor!"

Of course Wang Yu knew what kind of existence Zhou Yuying was like, so he quickly stepped aside, but his eyes were still locked on Lan Siqi.

At this time, Lan Siqi had lost consciousness, and her breathing was very weak.

The bullet pierced her breastbone just now, and now she is lucky to be alive.

Deng Xuan and Tang Hao were cooperating with other special agents to encircle and suppress the attackers, and they rushed to the plane in a thunderstorm.

As soon as he stepped onto the upper deck, Zhou Yuying yelled at him: "Go get my suitcase!"

Lei Yu was taken aback, but when he saw Lan Siqi covered in blood, he quickly responded and quickly ran towards the cabin hall.

(End of this chapter)

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