Ghost Task Force

Chapter 380 Someone is following

Chapter 380 Someone is following
Then, Liang Ye heard the sound of drawing a gun, obviously the other party was also a professional.

For Xiao Xiao's safety, Liang Ye can no longer hide, he must preemptively strike to control everything.

Liang Ye turned his head, winked at Xiao Xiao, and then rushed out with a flash.

Xiao Xiao understood the meaning of Liang Ye's eyes, and stayed in the room obediently.

Liang Ye didn't consider who the person was. In order to confirm the identity of the other party in a safe situation, Liang Ye could only use this method.

After all, he didn't come alone.

In the living room, a long-haired woman in a red shirt and denim shorts was holding a gun. When she saw a figure rushing out of the room, she subconsciously wanted to shoot.

Before her finger was on the trigger, however, a gust of wind blew through her body.

The wind came so suddenly that she was not prepared at all.

For a while, the sound of wind blowing echoed in the room.

The paper on the table and some lighter objects were blown into the air by the strong wind. The woman who was about to shoot closed her eyes for fear of being hurt by the wind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Ye flashed his figure and snatched the pistol from the woman's hand with his right hand.

Then, Liang Ye stretched his left foot behind the woman's right leg, and then slammed his left elbow hard on her chest.

Liang Ye didn't attack with all his strength. If he wanted to, this blow could break the woman's sternum, but he didn't do it.

Because he didn't know who the other party was, he didn't do anything cruel.

The woman who was attacked was unable to resist at all. Liang Ye already had an advantage in the environment. Even if she had the ability to resist, she would not be able to use it at all.

After being hit on the chest, the woman's body began to fall backwards; at this moment, Liang Ye's outstretched left foot just played a role.

When attacking with his elbow, Liang Ye's left foot retracted, just caught the woman's right foot.

This move immediately made her lose her center of gravity, and she fell backwards in embarrassment.


There was a crisp sound when the woman's back touched the ground.

The sound made Liang Ye feel pain.

After knocking down the opponent, Liang Ye aimed his gun at the woman who fell on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Don't move."

Only at this time did he see the woman's appearance clearly. Just now, in order to gain the upper hand, he didn't pay too much attention.

The woman has a delicate appearance, not very beautiful, but very attractive.And after she saw Liang Ye, all her previous guards were completely dispelled, and she obediently made a gesture of surrender.

Liang Ye didn't know this woman, so he asked in a deep voice, "Explain your identity."

"National Security Bureau agent Fang Siyu, I'm Nightingale's partner." The woman said quickly.

After hearing the other party's identity clearly, Liang Ye suddenly felt confused. He didn't understand why the agents of the National Security Bureau found the secret base of the Strategic Security Bureau, and she was actually Nightingale's partner.

As if thinking that Liang Ye was still doubting herself, Fang Siyu took out the identity card of an agent.

Liang Ye looked at it twice, and finally put down the gun in his hand.

Although he was puzzled, Liang Ye could at least be sure that this woman was not an enemy.

Fang Siyu stood up from the ground. She looked at Liang Ye and asked anxiously, "Mr. Liang, please tell me, how is Nightingale doing now?"

Liang Ye didn't answer right away, he returned the pistol to Fang Siyu, and walked towards the room while saying, "She's still in a coma."

"Did she lose control?" Fang Siyu asked.

Hearing Fang Siyu's words, Liang Ye stopped subconsciously.

Liang Ye's reaction verified Fang Siyu's guess, she continued: "I knew it would happen, I shouldn't let her board the plane alone."

Her words proved that she knew many things, and Liang Ye originally wanted Xiao Xiao to come out; but he turned around, walked in front of Fang Siyu again, and said word by word: "Agent, tell me everything you know Tell me, there can be no omissions."

The intelligence and strategic security bureaus of the NSA are shared, and the two bureaus complement each other and support each other.In terms of operations, the National Security Agency sometimes relies on the help of the Strategic Security Bureau, and the Strategic Security Bureau is the same.

However, relatively speaking, the scope of work of the Strategic Defense Bureau is wider, and they receive more support.

Xiao Xiao heard the conversation in the hall, she poked her head out secretly in the room, looking at Liang Ye and Fang Siyu.

Fang Siyu just wanted to speak, but when she realized that there was someone in the room, she subconsciously raised her pistol.

Of course Liang Ye knew who Fang Siyu was aiming at, he quickly stood in front of the gun and frowned, "She's not a threat."

With Liang Ye's guarantee, Fang Siyu put down the gun in his hand.

"Tell me, what happened in this mission?" Liang Ye asked again.

Intuition told him that Nightingale's task this time was not that simple.The sixth-level field agent is already a very good existence in the Strategic Security Bureau, and Nightingale's experience this time directly attracted the attention of the top management of the Strategic Security Bureau.

Liang Ye also personally participated in the investigation, in order to know what happened and then make a decision.

"I know you have many questions, but it's not safe here. Someone was following me when I came," Fang Siyu said.

Her words made Liang Ye frown immediately, he took a deep breath, tried his best to control his emotions and said, "You should have said it earlier!"

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye waved to Xiao Xiao, signaling her to come over.

And Fang Siyu strode to the TV cabinet in the living room. There was a pot of flowers on the TV cabinet, and Fang Siyu pulled out all the flowers in it.

Then, she took out a USB flash drive from the flowerpot.

Seeing Fang Siyu's actions, Liang Ye couldn't help but said, "I knew she would leave traces."

"Nightingale told me the location here, and she asked me to come back and take this USB flash drive and hand it over to the Strategic Security Bureau." Fang Siyu said while handing the USB flash drive in his hand to Liang Ye.

After Liang Ye glanced at it, he put it in the pocket of his clothes. He took Xiao Xiao's hand and said quickly, "Let's leave here first."

Just as he finished speaking, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

Obviously, the follower has come to the door and is about to break the door.

Fang Siyu subconsciously raised the pistol in his hand and aimed at the door, but Liang Ye quickly pressed the gun and said quickly: "The security net can be disassembled, let's go down from there."

All the anti-theft nets in this secret base can be disassembled from the inside, which is for the convenience of the agents.

The so-called secret bases will always be discovered, so the Strategic Security Bureau has made these preparations.

Liang Ye dragged Xiao Xiao to the room and said as he walked, "My car is parked downstairs."

After speaking, Liang Ye walked to the big bed in the room, and pulled out a box from under the bed.

The boxes are filled with weapons for agents on missions, ranging from rifles to pistols, as well as some smart devices.

The Bureau of Strategic Defense has invested heavily in this area. Although it has been established for a short time, the preparation time is very long.

(End of this chapter)

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