Ghost Task Force

Chapter 381 Fasten Your Seat Belt

Chapter 381 Fasten Your Seat Belt

Liang Ye took out a rope gun from the box, and Fang Siyu knew that Liang Ye was looking for equipment; so she retreated to the door, aimed the gun at the door of the suite, and was ready to shoot.

Every agent is proficient in tactics. Although they cannot be compared with professional special forces, they are not much worse.

"Here you are." Liang Ye threw the rope gun to Fang Siyu, and quickly said, "My car is right below, ready to evacuate!"


Fang Siyu took the rope gun and quickly retreated to the window.

She glanced at the structure of the anti-theft net, and could see the removal device in an instant; she quickly pressed the disassembly handle, and then removed the entire anti-theft net.

At this time, people outside were already breaking the door. The door of the suite could hold for a while, but it couldn't hold for too long.

Liang Ye glanced at the door of the living room, and then retreated into the room. He closed the door and quickly installed an explosive device on the door.

When someone opens this door, what awaits them is a deadly explosion.

The alley below is full of people coming and going, if you go straight down like this, it will definitely cause commotion.

And no one can guarantee whether there are enemies among the pedestrians below.

Fang Siyu considered this, so she didn't jump off right away.

Seeing her doubts, Liang Ye remembered. He thought for half a second, and then his eyes turned cold.

Then, a gust of wind blew across the street below.

In this kind of alley, the most indispensable thing is dust.A gust of wind blew past, which was equivalent to causing a sandstorm. Yellow dust floated in the alley, causing all pedestrians to bend down and cover their mouths and noses.

"Okay, let's go!"

Saying that, Liang Ye hugged Xiao Xiao in the arms of a princess, and then jumped over the window with her in his arms.

Xiao Xiao was taken aback by this sudden move, she almost cried out in alarm.

But she knew she would be safe, so she tried her best not to scream.

Fang Siyu followed closely behind. She fixed the grapple of the rope gun on the beam of the window, and then jumped down.

Every agent has received training on how to escape at a critical moment, so even if Liang Ye is not with him, Fang Siyu knows how to escape.

But following Liang Ye, her safety would be more secure.

Liang Ye, who fell from the sky, did not use the rope gun, and he was holding Xiao Xiao with both hands, so he couldn't use it either.

What's more, the height of the building is only seven floors, which is nothing to Liang Ye, and there is no need to use it at all.

The combined weight of the two of them will make the fall faster. In just an instant, Liang Ye is already close to the ground.

Fang Siyu, who was following behind, discovered this situation, and just when she was about to exclaim, a sudden gust of wind blowing upwards from the ground hit her face, making her take back all the words she wanted to say.

The gust of wind was so strong that Fang Siyu almost lost his balance.

The help this gust of wind brought to Liang Ye was to slow down. His physical strength was different from that of ordinary people, and he could withstand many times more impact than ordinary people when falling from high altitude.

The gust of wind slowed him down to a certain extent, but such a falling speed was still terrifying for normal people, ranging from broken bones to serious injuries.

Not to mention, holding a person.

But these were nothing to Liang Ye, under the deceleration of the strong wind, Liang Ye hugged Xiao Xiao and fell to the ground smoothly.

The strong wind was still blowing on the ground, and the flying dust caused the surrounding people to bend over and cover their mouths and noses; Liang Ye took this opportunity to open the car door and let Xiao Xiao get in the car.

Xiao Xiao is not a soldier, and protecting her safety is Liang Ye's main responsibility.

Liang Ye didn't consider so many situations, nor did he make much preparations.Apart from the Hidden Blade wrist guard, Liang Ye only had one pistol as equipment.

Fang Siyu fell to the ground three seconds after Liang Ye landed, and after she landed smoothly, Liang Ye canceled the wind's influence on the alley.

If it continues to blow, people here will definitely inhale a lot of dust, which will have a serious impact on the body.

This was not Liang Ye's original intention, nor what he wanted to do, so he didn't let the wind continue.

His ability can have a serious impact on people. The power of nature is immeasurable. As long as Liang Ye thinks, he can even create a typhoon.

Fang Siyu retracted the rope gun, and when Liang Ye just walked to the driver's seat, he found several bald tattooed men observing his direction.

And their waists are bulging, obviously they all have guns.

"Get in the car!" Liang Ye shouted at Fang Siyu.

Fang Siyu responded, but as soon as she took a step, those bald tattooed men rushed towards the car.

They were a little far away, and Liang Ye had enough time to get in the car and start the engine.

Even if they shoot Liang Ye, he is not afraid, because this car is bulletproof.

Liang Ye didn't come out with his own car, he drove an Audi A8 from the Bureau of Strategic Security; the whole car was bulletproof, even a machine gun couldn't break it easily.

Fang Siyu sat in the back seat of the car, while Liang Ye sat in the driver's seat and quickly started the engine.

Several bald and tattooed men rushed forward from the front, while the people around them hadn't recovered from the strong wind just now, and they all stood where they were, in a dazed state.

Liang Yejiang put the reverse gear on and quickly pulled the car out of the alley.

After leaving the alley, Liang Ye quickly shifted gears and drove the car towards the road.

But as soon as the car started, two black Toyota cars followed, which made Liang Ye frown instantly.

"Xiao Xiao, fasten your seat belt." Liang Ye did not forget to remind Xiao Xiao while driving.

Xiao Xiao hadn't reacted from the series of things that happened just now, but after hearing Liang Ye's reminder, she quickly put on her seat belt.

"Trust me, we'll be fine." Liang Ye said.

Xiao Xiao nodded vigorously, she believed in Liang Ye's ability.

She didn't have the slightest fear of what was happening now, on the contrary she was a little excited.

Different from the original kidnapping, Xiao Xiao is now accompanied by Liang Ye, and also an agent of the National Security Bureau.

No matter what will happen next, Xiao Xiao feels that the experience of this trip can bring her many inspirations that others do not have.

While Xiao Xiao was experiencing this experience, Liang Ye turned on the communication system in the car, took out a bluetooth headset from the storage box of the car, put it on his ear, and then switched the frequency to the Strategic Security Bureau.

"Call, code name YL001, I am the commander, Major Liang Ye. Lock my position immediately, I am being followed by an unknown enemy, please support!" Liang Ye said quickly while driving.

The two black Toyotas behind were following very closely, almost hitting the rear of Liang Ye's car.

"Received, support has been dispatched!" The commander of the Strategic Defense Bureau replied.

Liang Ye didn't say anything else, he speeded up the car slightly, but didn't step on the accelerator to the end.

The road here is not easy to drive, blindly pursuing speed will only bring bad consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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