Ghost Task Force

Chapter 384 Progress

Chapter 384 Progress
After all the task force members left, Liang Ye took Xiao Xiao's hand and walked to the elevator. He took Xiao Xiao through a lot that she shouldn't have experienced today; She is a source of inspiration for writing books.

At this moment, Liang Ye didn't know whether to blame himself or what, he was in a complicated mood.

He didn't want Xiao Xiao to be involved in the action, but due to various reasons, she still participated in it.

The more he thought, the more headache Liang Ye felt. He didn't know what to say now, so he could only hold Xiao Xiao's hand and scratch her palm from time to time.

Xiao Xiao guessed what Liang Ye was thinking, when she was a few steps away from the elevator, she suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Liang Ye asked curiously.

Xiao Xiao pursed her lips and said softly: "I know what you are thinking. As your girlfriend, I can tell from your expression and your eyes that you are worried about me."

After being pointed out by Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye didn't deny it. He held Xiao Xiao's shoulder and said softly: "I'm regretting, I regret letting you go through these things today. If I didn't take you there on my own initiative, you would It’s not going to happen to you, it’s something you shouldn’t have.”

"So, you think I'm too weak to meet strong winds and waves."

"I didn't mean that, I was worried..."

"But you see I have a scared or flustered expression. I don't blame you for anything, and I said it just now, this is very exciting!" Xiao Xiao interrupted Liang Ye's words. She stood on tiptoe and squeezed her hands together. Looking at Liang Ye's ear, he said angrily, "If I blame you, I should be angry with you now, instead of letting you hold my hand."

Feeling her fingers pinching his ears, Liang Ye couldn't help but smile slightly, he also stretched out his hands to pinch Xiao Xiao's small face, and said with a smile: "But no matter what, I shouldn't have done what happened today, I my apologies."

"But I don't accept it." Xiao Xiao said.

Liang Ye was stunned. He was about to say something, but Xiao Xiao interrupted again: "You didn't do anything wrong, and you didn't put me in any danger. You just took me for a ride. Everything Everything is under your control, isn't it?"

The series of events that happened today did not bring Xiao Xiao any danger, this is the most important thing.

Liang Ye always felt that what he did should not be done, but Xiao Xiao didn't blame him at all, nor did he feel the slightest bit of fear.

What's more, what happened today is within Liang Ye's controllable range, and his strength can handle it well.

Xiao Xiao was also relieved of him, and willingly let her take him with her.

The most important thing in a relationship is trust. Xiao Xiao trusts Liang Ye's ability and his single-mindedness.

Liang Ye was always admired by many people, many of whom were beautiful girls.With such a handsome, powerful, and prestigious boyfriend, no one would feel safe.

But Xiao Xiao was different, she believed that Liang Ye would be steadfast, without too many words, just a look was enough.

Xiao Xiao saw the affection in Liang Ye's eyes when she looked at her. This affection is like the sun in the sky. Even if darkness will come, it will always be there.

Liang Ye breathed in the fragrance of Xiao Xiao's body, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Although the two have not been together for a long time, their relationship is deeper than that of couples who have been together for more than ten years.

Xiao Xiao pinched Liang Ye's ears, while Liang Ye pressed her shoulders. The actions of the two attracted the attention of many passing agents.

However, when these agents saw that it was Liang Ye, they subconsciously did not dare to look directly, for fear of being noticed by Liang Ye.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Xiao Xiao finally couldn't help but pouted her lips, she whispered: "I really don't blame you, but should we leave here first, so many people are watching, it's so embarrassing."

Liang Ye glanced around, and sure enough, he found a lot of secret agents taking a peek.

It is normal for agents to come and go in the underground parking lot, Liang Ye took this into consideration when he stopped.But he was too involved just now, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Kicked off by Liang Ye's gaze, the agents who were peeking subconsciously shivered, and then left quickly, not daring to stay any longer.

If Liang Ye gets angry, the consequences are no joke.

The two finally walked into the elevator, but Xiao Xiao suddenly thought of something, first squeezed Liang Ye's palm, and then said cautiously: "By the parents said they want to see you."

"What?" Liang Ye almost exclaimed, and he quickly covered his mouth to prevent himself from making any louder noises.

Xiao Xiao was taken aback by his reaction, Xiao Xiao slapped his hand lightly, and said coquettishly, "Why such a big reaction."

Liang Yeping calmed down, patted his chest, panted and said, "Seeing parents so soon, I'm not mentally prepared yet!"

Hearing Liang Ye mention this, Xiao Xiao slapped him on the arm again, and said angrily: "You still say this, last time I saw Uncle Liang, I was not prepared at all."

Just when Liang Ye was about to say something, the watch on his left hand rang suddenly, and the screen of the watch showed that it was a call from the Ministry of Intelligence.

The intelligence department did not send a message to Liang Ye, but called Liang Ye directly, which made Liang Ye guess something.

When he first returned to the Strategic Security Bureau, he gave the USB flash drive to Lei Yu, and Lei Yu also quickly handed over the USB flash drive to the intelligence department for analysis.

Obviously, the Ministry of Intelligence has already found out something.

Liang Ye smiled at Xiao Xiao, then put on a communicator and transferred the call to the communicator.

After the communication was connected, Liang Ye took the lead and said, "I am Liang Ye."

"Hello, Mr. Liang, this is the Intelligence Department. We analyzed the USB flash drive you gave us and found that it contained the factory coordinates of Weixi Pharmaceutical Group, including some hidden locations. However, these hidden locations are not marked. Relevant information We will continue to investigate."

Listening to the intelligence report, Liang Ye frowned and asked, "Is that all?"

"The plane we tracked landed on Saipan Island in Bangzi Country 15 minutes ago, and the team you sent has set out to track it down; through monitoring, we found Anthony Lawton, the chairman of Weixi Pharmaceutical Group."

After listening to the report, Liang Ye fell into deep thought, and after a while he said, "I see."

After finishing the call, Liang Ye kissed Xiao Xiao's forehead, and said apologetically, "Sorry, it seems I don't have time to meet my parents."

Xiao Xiao knew what Liang Ye was busy with and asked, "Is there any progress?"

Liang Ye nodded and said, "I said that I would personally participate."

"It's okay, my parents will understand, work is important, our hero." Xiao Xiao said, tiptoed to kiss Liang Ye's mouth, and then said softly: "This is for your encouragement, I After you finish your work, go see your parents together."

(End of this chapter)

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