Ghost Task Force

Chapter 385 It's Just Intuition

Chapter 385 It's Just Intuition
Long vacations are impossible for Liang Ye. As long as he is still in the army for a day, he must be ready to perform tasks at any time.

Who he is, what he does, requires a lot of his time and energy.

Xiao Xiao understands this, so she has no objection to Liang Ye not being able to see her parents this time.

Because Liang Ye was busy with other things, Xiao Xiao did not stay at the headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau; and she was also required to go to the site for the renovation of the coffee shop, so she left the Strategic Security Bureau under the escort of the special agent.

In addition to her personal bodyguards, Liang Ye also arranged several special agents to protect her safety.

This is not an abuse of resources, because Xiao Xiao is Liang Ye's girlfriend, and Liang Ye is a high-level executive of the Strategic Security Bureau, and the safety of his family must also be put first.

No one will know if some hidden enemy will threaten other people's families.

Of course Liang Ye was reluctant to leave Xiao Xiao, but in order to spend more time with Xiao Xiao, he had to finish his work.

At this time, in Liang Ye's office, the person in charge of the intelligence department was reporting the situation.

"The team led by Agent Zhao Long has less than half an hour to land, and the satellite shows that Anthony Lawton has entered a five-star hotel in Saipan." The head of the intelligence department said.

Liang Ye kept nodding his head. The current situation was still under control, so he didn't have much to worry about.

As for the ghost task force, they need to wait until Nightingale reports the situation before deciding whether to act.

Regardless of whether there is any action or not, Liang Ye must personally participate in all this and issue all action orders.

This is also the reason why he has no time to go out to play or accompany Xiao Xiao, even if he wants to, he doesn't have enough time.

"Search his room. There is a lot of evidence that this is not a formal company. I want to know what secrets this Anthony Lawton hides." Liang Ye ordered.



It was already night, and Fang Siyu was still with Nightingale, while Tang Hao knocked on Liang Ye's office door, asking if he wanted to eat.

Liang Ye nodded, there is nothing he has to deal with yet, and no matter how busy he is, he must have dinner.

He called Claire who was still living in the headquarters, and then went to the canteen of the Security Bureau with Tang Hao and others.

In the elevator, Tang Hao asked with some expectation: "Captain, when can we act?"

Liang Ye shook his head and replied: "I'm not sure yet, but there will be actions. My intuition tells me that this pharmaceutical group has something we want."

"What do we want?" Deng Xuan looked curious.

"It's just a gut feeling, I hope it won't go wrong."

After Liang Ye finished speaking, the elevator arrived at the dining hall, and there were many agents eating in the dining hall at this time. After all, it was meal time, and most of them would continue to work after eating.

Working in an intelligence agency, although the salary is high, the work intensity is very high.Everyone here is willing to suffer, and they are all willing to give.

As soon as Liang Ye stepped out of the elevator, he encountered a thunderstorm coming out of another elevator.

Lei Yu waved at Liang Ye, then smiled and said, "Lan Siqi is still recuperating, and you need to do many things yourself."

"Otherwise." Liang Ye shrugged with a wry smile, and said, "I don't want to change assistants. No one in the Security Bureau can compare to Lan Siqi's work ability except Zhou Yuying, but Zhou Yuying is my assistant. Teammates, she must not be allowed to take this position."

"As far as I know, Lan Siqi just applied to the doctor to return to work." Lei Yu said.

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows. It was expected that Lan Siqi would choose to leave the hospital early, but he just didn't expect it to be so soon.

"It must not be so fast, she is not made of iron." Liang Ye said.

Claire was blinking, she wasn't an agent yet; she didn't know what was going on, so she just stood aside and listened obediently.

"Okay, let's eat first." Liang Ye said, and walked towards the food pick-up place first.

Most of the meals served in the dining hall are buffets, and the dishes are also varied, and all of them are free.

Good food is one of the characteristics of the Strategic Defense Bureau, which has been praised by all the agents in the headquarters.

The agents at the headquarters had a heavy workload, and replenishing energy was the most important point, so the canteen of the Strategic Security Bureau would provide meals around the clock, so that those agents who were hungry would not have to worry about food.

Liang Ye took meals for himself and Claire, and although the dining hall was crowded, there was no need to worry about no seats, especially when the agents saw members of the Ghost Task Force coming to eat, they would subconsciously give up their seats.

The task force members thanked the agents who stepped aside, and as soon as they sat down, Tang Hao said, "Did we forget to call Zhou Yuying?"

"Don't worry about her, she's busy, and she's still working on ways to restore Nightingale's brain in the medical department. Although Nightingale is awake, she hasn't been able to communicate normally, and her state is also in an absent-minded state, and she won't respond to anyone's calls." Lei Yu ate while eating. Said.

He just came back from the medical department and knows the situation there best.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a slap fell on his head suddenly.


This crisp sound made the task force members who were still eating subconsciously widen their eyes.

Claire was the first to laugh, but she quickly covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

Lei Yu was eating, but this slap immediately pressed his face on the plate, and countless rice was stained on his face.

A murderous thought emerged from Lei Yu's heart. He pressed his hands on the table and raised his head.

Just when he was about to turn around, Zhou Yuying, who was standing behind him, clapped her palms and said flatly, "If you want to speak ill of me, I'm sorry."

Hearing Zhou Yuying's voice, Lei Yu suppressed the urge to kill in his heart. He first wiped off the rice on his face with a tissue, and then gritted his teeth and said, "As a doctor, you should know your physical condition very well, right?"

"I'm in good health." Zhou Yuying looked arrogant.

"Then which ear of yours is broken? Which word did I speak ill of you just now?" Lei Yu said, the expression on his face suddenly became aggrieved.

The change in his expression caused Liang Ye and the others who were watching the play to widen their eyes again, and their faces were full of weird expressions. They couldn't guess what the thunderstorm was causing.

"I thought I'd pack a bag for you later, to comfort you after a hard day, but in the end, you hurt your teammates with your shots, damn it!"

What he said made Liang Ye pat his forehead, looking helpless.

Liang Ye thought that the thunderstorm would break out, but in the end he changed into an aggrieved look, which made Liang Ye couldn't help saying: "This kid has a lot of drama."

In fact, Lei Yu was scared by Zhou Yuying's torture, so he didn't dare to mess around again.

Zhou Yuying has many methods to make him, the vice-captain of the ghost task force, so cowardly.

Only when performing tasks, these two clowns can be serious for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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