Ghost Task Force

Chapter 391 Lan Siqi's Discovery

Chapter 391 Lan Siqi's Discovery

"You don't need to worry about small things." Liang Ye said with a smile.

Now he tried his best not to let Claire get in touch with too much, and when she really started training, he would teach her bit by bit.

Claire is not yet a fighter, even though she was once an assassin, her fighting skills have long been completely forgotten in her mother's education.

It will take some time to reawaken her fighting skills. Liang Ye has a plan to train her himself, but he still can't get away.

Plans can never keep up with changes. For a soldier and special agent, no matter how many plans there are, it is very likely that they will be completely broken in a text message or a phone call.

Claire really wanted to help, but Liang Ye didn't dare to let her participate in the mission.

Liang Ye also thought that Claire's super powers could be of great help, but the reality did not allow it.

Of course, Claire knew that Liang Ye was lying to her. Liang Ye's expression was serious just now, obviously something serious happened.

Although Claire is still young, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything.

"I will be a member of the team in the future, Brother Liang Ye, can you keep it from me?" Claire said seriously.

It was rare for her to show such a serious expression, which surprised Liang Ye a little.

"Okay, you live in the headquarters now, I really need your help if possible." Liang Ye put his hands on his knees and whispered: "There are traitors in the Strategic Security Bureau, I need you to help me pay attention to which one?" The agent has acted strangely, if you have time, go to the command post to have a look, and I will give you sufficient authority."

With that said, Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and set Claire as a temporary sixth-level agent.

This is temporary, and it only allows Claire to have access to some departments, but she cannot use it to access the internal secret information of the Security Bureau.

"Is there a traitor?" Claire frowned, her frowning face was so cute, Liang Ye couldn't help reaching out and pinching her face.

Now Liang Ye regards Claire as his younger sister. He always wanted to have a younger sister, but he couldn't realize it.

Claire didn't break free either. She tilted her head and asked solemnly, "Can I use my abilities like you taught me?"

On the top of the mountain before, Liang Ye taught Claire in detail how to use her super power. Now Claire can control it well. Although she has not reached the height Liang Ye wants, at least there will be no accidental injury.

"Yes, the energy detection satellite will not warn you about your superpowers, but you have to be careful, the people in the Security Bureau are not weak, if you do something that hurts the agents, maybe they will attack you. So once you If you find anything, report it to me immediately."

Liang Ye's worry was not without reason. Although Claire was pampered by him, if Claire attacked the agents rashly, the security guards in the headquarters would definitely respond under the premise of protecting the headquarters.

"I know, I know how to find people with weird behavior." Claire said confidently.

"That's good, I hope you can help me eradicate the traitor." Liang Ye smiled and stood up.

But just when he was about to say something, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open, and Lan Siqi, who was wearing a hospital gown, walked in step by step.

As soon as Lan Siqi took a few steps, Wang Yu chased after him, but when he saw Liang Ye standing in front, he subconsciously slowed down, but still walked towards Lan Siqi.

"Miss Lan, your injury is still not healed, the doctor said you can't move around!" Wang Yu said anxiously.

But his worry did not get Lan Siqi's gratitude, Lan Siqi scolded coldly: "Don't follow me!"

Both Liang Ye and Claire opened their eyes wide, watching the pale Lan Siqi walking step by step.

Being scolded by Lan Siqi, Wang Yu didn't stop because of it; he just followed behind Lan Siqi, for fear that she would accidentally fall down.

Lan Siqi seemed a little irritable, and didn't bother to pay attention to Wang Yu who was following behind.

"Stand back, Captain!" Liang Ye said.

His flat but majestic voice shook Wang Yu's body. Although he wanted to continue to follow, when he saw Liang Ye's eyes, his body couldn't help shivering.

Even though he was worried, Liang Ye had already issued an order, so he stood at attention and saluted, and then left the task force lounge with deep worry.

Liang Ye took two steps forward, frowning at his assistant, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Lan Siqi loves her current job very much, and she has devoted a lot to national security.You can tell by the dark circles under her eyes that she has been up late for a long time.

Liang Ye came out of the special forces and experienced all kinds of inhuman training; but he has been controlling his work and rest, trying to keep himself from staying up late as much as possible.

Seeing his assistant like this, Liang Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"Major, I heard that Agent Nightingale was injured." Lan Siqi said.

Liang Ye didn't answer right away, he looked at Lan Siqi's pale face and sighed again.

Claire walked to Lan Siqi's side, she could feel that Lan Siqi was very weak now.

"I will give you all the details and details, but I only have one requirement, that is, you must be on the hospital bed and under the supervision of a doctor before you can do the work you want!" Liang Ye's voice was a little harsh, even Their expressions are full of seriousness.

Lan Siqi pursed her lips, and she pondered for a while before saying, "Major, this is just one of the reasons why I came to you."

"Huh?" Liang Ye frowned.

"I came to you not only to help; I also want to tell you that an agent of the headquarters is behaving strangely. I suspect that he is sending information to the outside world." Lan Siqi whispered.

As soon as her words came out, Liang Ye and Claire's eyes widened at the same time.

The agent Lan Siqi mentioned was most likely the traitor Liang Ye was looking for.

Before Liang Ye planned to let Claire go to the headquarters to investigate who the traitor was after he went out to perform the mission.

As a result, Lan Siqi actually discovered it beforehand.

Liang Ye frowned, then took out his mobile phone and controlled the door of the lounge, completely blocking it.

After finishing these, Liang Ye motioned Claire to help Lan Siqi to sit down.

After Lan Siqi sat down, Liang Ye sat aside and said in a low voice, "How did you find out, and, who is that person?"

Originally, Liang Ye didn't have so much time to investigate who the traitor was, and he planned to carry out the mission of Weixi Medicine first, but now Lan Siqi actually discovered something.

He didn't know how to thank his assistant now, even though Lan Siqi was injured and recuperated, she could still help the Ghost Task Force.

Liang Ye felt that the best decision he made when he came to the Strategic Security Bureau was to let Lan Siqi be his assistant.

This assistant is really awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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