Chapter 392

In the headquarters of the Strategic Defense Agency, an agent in a black suit was sitting in front of the computer, wearing headphones, looking at the page on the computer screen.

The page shows the movement of field agents performing tasks, and this agent is dynamically copying the tasks of several field agents to a USB flash drive.

His name is Wang Bing, a sixth-level staff member of the Strategic Security Bureau Headquarters.

After Wang Bing finished copying the materials, he got up and left his seat, and quickly left through the back door of the command room.

The headquarters building of the Strategic Defense Bureau is fifty floors high, and most people will choose to take the elevator; the elevator in the building runs very fast, and no one is willing to spend time climbing the stairs.

Not only wasting time, but also tiring.

Unlike others, Wang Bing walked into the stairwell with his mobile phone.This place can be said to be the least visited place of the Strategic Defense Bureau, but there are cameras.

However, when Wang Bing was about to reach the stairwell, he pressed his finger on his mobile phone to turn off the camera in the stairwell.

He has level six clearance, so it's not surprising that he can do this.

If Wang Bing's actions were seen by other agents, they would definitely be suspected, because no matter how you look at it, his every move seemed very weird.

But there was no one in the stairwell at this time, so no one knew what he was doing.

Wang Bing glanced around and dialed a number after ensuring safety.

The call was quickly connected, and Wang Bing lowered his voice and said, "I have obtained their mission status."

"Very well, we will give you the exchange position." A very old voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes!" Wang Bing replied respectfully.

After finishing the call, Wang Bing's mobile phone received a location soon. Wang Bing glanced at it twice, and after remembering the location, he wanted to delete the message.

But just when he was going to press the delete button, he found that he couldn't move his fingers.

Wang Bing looked down subconsciously, and found that his thumb was surrounded by a burst of red energy, and he couldn't move at all.

As if sensing something, Wang Bing quickly used another finger.

However, his entire palm was soon surrounded by red energy.

Then, Claire in a black dress walked down the stairs slowly, her long red hair was so eye-catching at this time.

How come Wang Bing doesn't know who Claire is, and everyone knows Claire's status in the Strategic Security Bureau.

Liang Ye regarded Claire as her younger sister, so even if Claire was not a senior agent, no one dared not give her face.

At this moment, seeing Claire with a cold expression, Wang Bing's heart sank, thinking that it was over.

Although Claire is just a little girl, she is also a supernatural being.

Moreover, Claire has already been boarded on the list of capable persons, and superpowers are defined as red dangerous levels.

Second only to Liang Ye, Liang Ye is black because his abilities belong to nature.

At this moment, Wang Bing couldn't move his fingers at all, he could only widen his eyes and watch Claire walking towards him step by step with fear on his face.

"So you are the traitor." Claire's palm was surrounded by red energy. She tilted her head and said as she walked, "Brother Liang Ye doesn't like people like you."

Saying that, Claire raised the palm of his right hand.

The next moment, Wang Bing's body was instantly lifted up, and the whole person was suspended in mid-air.

But what is frightening is that Wang Bing's throat was tightly locked by red energy at this time, and his feet were shaking constantly. The red energy locked his throat, making him unable to breathe any more.

Claire's eyes also turned a little red, but not the kind of red that lost control of her emotions, but her ability made her look like this.

This was the first time for Claire to show her ability. It can be seen that Liang Ye trained her well.

Such a short training time allowed her to control so well, Liang Ye's training can be described as top-notch.

At this time, Claire locked Wang Bing's throat with a supernatural power, and the other hand moved slightly, sucking the mobile phone in Wang Bing's hand.

When the mobile phone was released, Wang Bing's eyes widened again.

It seemed that there was some important message in the mobile phone, and Wang Bing struggled to reach for the pistol in the gun pocket on his right thigh.

Seeing Wang Bing's actions, Claire frowned, and then gently pushed forward with her right hand.

With such a slight push, Wang Bing's body seemed to be hit by a huge cauldron, and his body flew upside down and hit the white wall.


Wang Bing's body directly knocked the wall out of a depression, and the sound of the collision sounded like an invisible pain.

No matter who it was, it would be unbearable to suffer this. Wang Bing's body slid slowly against the wall to the ground. The severe pain on his body made him no longer have the strength to hold the pistol.

Claire might not be ready for large-scale combat yet, but against an agent or two, she should be fine.

Wang Bing looked at the petite Claire with some despair. This little girl who looked harmless to humans and animals had a terrifying ability that even frightened Liang Ye.

She can control all the objects she wants to control, and this alone can be called against the sky.

At this moment, the lights in the entire stairwell suddenly dimmed.

There are windows in the stairwell, but they are usually closed, and when they are closed, the sunlight cannot come in.

The lights disappeared, and the entire stairwell was plunged into darkness.

Wang Bing lost his vision and couldn't see anything for a while.

People are most likely to feel flustered in the dark. Although his body was in severe pain, Wang Bing finally struggled and took out his pistol.

A second later, the lights turned on again, and Liang Ye, who was wearing a black cloak on his back, appeared in the stairwell.

Seeing Liang Ye who was like a god of death, Wang Bing, who was holding a pistol, completely stopped breathing at this moment.

Then, the pistol in Wang Bing's hand fell to the ground.

He finally understood that Claire's appearance here was not a coincidence, but Liang Ye's deliberate arrangement.

The purpose is to catch him, a traitor.

Wang Bing is indeed a traitor, Lan Siqi told Liang Ye everything she found.

Lan Siqi is a level [-] agent, and with Liang Ye's supervising permission, she can check many high-level servers in the Security Bureau.

And Wang Bing is a technician who only knows some basic combat skills, so most of the time he stays at the command post and conducts intelligence transfers with agents performing field missions.

But what no one expected was that Wang Bing had been relaying the news of the secret service to the outside world; Lan Siqi hadn't discovered this by chance until today.

 There are [-] chapters, and now there are two stable updates every day. After it was released, the popularity has decreased a lot, but I also thank the friends who are still reading, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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