Ghost Task Force

Chapter 396 Doubt

Chapter 396 Doubt
"One of our agents in Europe lost contact, and the combat team found his body." Liang Ye said as he stepped onto the plane.

He just received this message, and there is no evidence for who did it for the time being.

But the original mission of the dead agent was to track Gladys, and it can only be speculated that it was related to Gladys.

"Is the situation serious?" Deng Xuan asked.

Liang Ye nodded, and replied: "The agent was killed, the situation is of course serious, and there was also a combat agent who died during the rescue process, and the death was extremely horrific."

Liang Ye could use scary words to describe it, which immediately attracted the attention of the task force.

"Let the plane take off first, I'm receiving information, we'll talk about it later." Liang Ye said.

Deng Xuan nodded and walked towards the cockpit.

The Hercules aircraft had been fully adjusted as early as 10 minutes ago, and Deng Xuan only needed to start it directly.

Liang Ye looked at the time. It is now [-]:[-] in the evening. At the speed of the Hercules, it only takes three hours to reach Siberia, which is two and a half hours less than a commercial airliner.

It was Fang Siyu's first time boarding such a plane. She was looking at the cabin of the plane with surprise in her eyes.

The plane looks like an ordinary transport plane on the surface, no one would have thought that the interior would be so sci-fi and luxurious.

Liang Ye fastened his seat belt, then took out his tablet computer and looked at the information sent by the European branch.

Originally, Lan Siqi was in charge of receiving these materials, but she was in a state of self-cultivation, so Liang Ye could only receive them herself.

The European Division is investigating the cause of the agent's disappearance, as well as the death of the fallen combat agent.

The disappearance of just one agent creates two great mysteries.

The Strategic Defense Bureau temporarily threw this charge on Gladys's head, and she is currently the most suspected.

The plane quickly rose into the air, and in the task force lounge, Claire stood outside the window, watching the Hercules taking off.

She really wanted to go together, but she couldn't get Liang Ye's permission.

After all, Liang Ye was going to carry out investigation missions, which required the use of hidden skills; Claire had these abilities when she was an assassin, but she no longer has them.

If she wanted to participate in the mission, she had to complete all the agent training before she could get Liang Ye's permission.

At present, what Claire has to do is to obediently go to school to study and train without affecting her studies.

After the plane took off, Deng Xuan quickly raised the plane to an altitude of [-] meters, and then set the autopilot.

All the task force members assembled in the cabin, and the photos of the two dead agents were displayed on the big screen. The terrifying scene shocked everyone.

"Damn, what's the situation!" Lei Yu said with his eyes rounded.

Zhou Yuying also covered her mouth, feeling terrified and puzzled by the death of the combat agent.

To the best of her knowledge, there was no weapon capable of transforming a man into such a state.

"At present, we need to focus on Weixi Medicine, so European agents will continue to follow up, we just need to find out." After speaking, Liang Ye put down the tablet computer in his hand, looked at the screen and said: " The dead field agent was Sun Yunbing, Level [-] Agent, a member of the special agent team following Gladys. He lost contact with his team five hours ago, and his team submitted a distress signal an hour after he disappeared. , the European branch quickly dispatched combat agents to support."

"In addition to the bodies of the two agents, there was also an agent of the CIA Intelligence Department of the United States at the scene; the place where they died was a warehouse, but it has been abandoned for a long time, and there is no significance for investigation."

"In addition, all the enemies guarding there have been wiped out, but there is no information to prove which organization they belong to. There are many mysteries that need to be investigated this time. The European branch has used all resources so far, but I don't know if I can find anything."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye took the water glass beside him and raised his head to drink it up.

Whenever an agent died, his mood as the commander in chief would be affected, but he would be able to adjust quickly.

There are many people who have sacrificed their lives for the country, and whether they are secret agents or special forces, the reasons for their sacrifice must never be revealed.

Sun Yunbing's parents only received a report that their son died in a car accident.

These are things that cannot be helped. The identity and family information of each agent must be kept absolutely confidential. If they know the truth, perhaps one day in the future, catastrophe will come to them.

Agents are like anti-narcotics police, their identities must be kept secret; unlike anti-narcotics police, their family members cannot know what they do.

Sun Yunbing's parents will receive a large amount of compensation, but none of these can erase the pain of losing their loved ones.

But these are not things that Liang Ye can control. He can't do much, and he can't go to Sun Yunbing's parents in person to comfort them.

On the way to protect national security, there will always be people who fall down, and some people get up strong. Those who have never fallen need to be stronger.

After listening to Liang Ye's report, Zhou Yuying was the first to ask her own question: "Captain, what was Agent Sun Yunbing doing before he disappeared?"

"He has been tracking Gladys, but Gladys's whereabouts are very strange. There is information that Gladys will meet with people in Iceland, so he went to Iceland alone in advance, and then he disappeared. I feel Strangely, Gladys appeared in Norway not long after, and the time between when Sun Yunbing was found and when she appeared was less than 10 minutes."

After listening to Liang Ye's words, Lei Yu stroked his chin and said, "There are many doubts."

"There are many strange things." Liang Ye picked up the tablet computer, enlarged the body of the CIA agent, and said, "For example, the reason for the death of the CIA agent was excessive blood loss, and there was not much abuse on his body." Injuries, only cuts on the arteries. His neck, his wrists were cut with sharp objects, and he lost blood in three places at the same time. There are not many people who can do such a thing. Except for Gladys, I don’t think anyone else .”

"But Gladys is in Norway." Tang Hao said.

Liang Ye nodded, and said, "This is one of the biggest doubts. If she really did these things, it would be impossible for her to reach Norway in such a short period of time."

"Annabelle can teleport, but she was seriously injured by us, and she can't recover so quickly." Zhou Yuying said.

The matter this time is full of too many doubts, but the task force members have no time to participate in the investigation. At present, they must focus on the mission of Weixi Medicine.

If Weixi Pharmaceuticals is really researching illegal drugs that alter human genes, they must be stopped no matter what.

A person with supernatural powers must not be man-made, not to mention that this is very inhuman, and if a person with supernatural powers appears on a large scale, it will be a very serious threat to the world!

 The next chapter will be updated at nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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