Ghost Task Force

Chapter 397 Do as the Romans do

Chapter 397 Do as the Romans do
The plane was still on its way to Siberia, and the task force was gathered in the cabin, studying the factory map.

Liang Ye set the map to 3D mode, zoomed in and said, "This factory is huge, but the drug research and development department is in area B, where there are guards with guns."

Zhou Yuying walked to the map. She pointed to the entrance of Area B and said, "If we want to sneak in, we must obtain ID cards and their clothing. There are detectors at the entrance, so we can't carry equipment."

The factory built by Weixi Medicine in Siberia is their largest production chain in Europe. It is not only equipped with a large number of armed guards, but also equipped with various cameras and detectors.

No one but the guards and the high-rises of the factory were allowed to bear arms.Once found, immediately arrest, or kill.

The special task force will sneak into the drug research and development department to find out where the drugs for modifying human genes are. If necessary, everyone will destroy these drugs.

"During our last investigation, many mercenaries came here. Some of them were confirmed dead long ago, but they appeared again." Fang Siyu said.

She had seen a lot just now, and what happened in Europe also made her feel a little bit of fear. After all, such a death would shock anyone who saw it, including Liang Ye.

However, the task of having a task force is not to go to Europe, but to focus all attention on the investigation of Weixi Medicine.

What's more, Fang Siyu can't intervene in what happened in Europe. Even if he had to deal with it, Liang Ye would definitely not bring Fang Siyu along.

Hearing Fang Siyu's words, Liang Ye smiled wryly, and said, "The dead people appear again, we are no longer surprised by such things."

Liang Ye thought of Gao Jinglin. At first he regarded Gao Jinglin as a useless little character; but he didn't expect that this little character would forcefully cause a lot of trouble for the task force.

Now Gao Jinglin is locked in a secret prison of the Strategic Security Bureau and will never see the light of day.

"The current plan is that Fang Siyu, Zhou Yuying and I will pretend to be researchers and enter the drug research and development department. Tang Hao and Lei Yu, you two will pretend to be guards to meet us outside. As for Deng Xuan, you stay on the plane and do a good job." Be ready to provide us with support at any time," Liang Ye said.

The factory is very large, and there are two floors underground. As for its purpose, no one knows yet.

The Bureau of Strategic Security did not include Weixi Medicine in the watch list, so most of the information was obtained by Fang Siyu and Nightingale's investigation.

"Everyone, be careful, the guards inside are all Russians, they are a fighting nation." Lei Yu reminded.

In Russia, there will always be a lot of shocking news, such as a lot of news about fathers driving tanks to send their children to school; in the eyes of Chinese people, Russians are very powerful in combat, and this is indeed true of.

"The factory is very large, but the only thing we need to investigate is the drug research and development department. As long as we get there, we can check the information of all the drugs." At the end, Liang Ye rested his eyes on Zhou Yuying and said: "Inquiry I'll leave it to you when it's time."

"No problem." Zhou Yuying made an ok gesture.

She is also a biologist and has a lot of research on drugs, which is why Liang Ye asked her to sneak into the drug research and development department.

As for Liang Ye himself, the purpose was to see with his own eyes what kind of medicine could modify human genes.

At present, there is sufficient evidence to prove that Weixi Pharmaceutical is developing this type of drug, but no one knows how effective it will be.

But no matter what, these are anti-human studies, not only the Strategic Defense Bureau does not allow it, even the United Nations will not allow it.

Every supernatural person is a great threat to the world, especially those with large-scale destructive abilities will be listed as the most dangerous terrorists by countries all over the world.Even if they are not, they will be included in the list.

People with supernatural powers must never be man-made, which is also the consensus of all countries in the world.

As long as sufficient evidence is obtained, Weixi Medicine will no longer have a reason to continue to exist.

The plane was still flying smoothly. After arranging the action, Liang Ye poured himself a glass of red wine.

"Why are you still drinking?" Lei Yu walked in front of him and asked with a smile, "You never knew how to drink when you were performing missions before."

"This is called doing as the Romans do." Liang Ye continued after taking a sip of his drink, "Isn't all Russians like this? It is said that Russian pilots will drink two glasses before boarding the plane."

"Is there such a saying?" Lei Yu had a strange expression on his face.

At this time, Zhou Yuying took a bottle of vodka and put it in front of the two of them, and then said with a smile: "Russians drink vodka, not red wine, captain, do you want to change it?"

Liang Ye quickly shook his head and refused, "No, no, thank you."

He prefers to drink red wine, and he really has no interest in things like vodka.

"You've never been like this before, tell me what's going on?" Lei Yu asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to have a drink." Liang Ye shook his glass and said calmly: "Also, Siberia is very cold now, and we have all adapted to the summer climate. Going now may not be able to adapt immediately. Drink Have a glass of wine to warm up your body."

Indeed, although it is said that special forces can adapt to operations in various climates, Liang Ye and others have stayed in Shenzhou for a long time; the temperature there is still hot even in October, and the special forces have long adapted to the higher temperature. temperature.

After arriving in Siberia, they may not be able to accept the cold temperature immediately.

Liang Ye didn't have any worries, he just wanted to have a drink.In addition, he belongs to the kind of people who either don't drink or drink, and drink others to death.

When Liang Ye said this, both Zhou Yuying and Lei Yu seemed to have suddenly realized.

And Lei Yu said: "That's right, I'll have a drink too."

Zhou Yuying didn't pour herself a drink, but looked at Liang Ye and said, "Captain, after dealing with Weixi Medicine, shall we go to Europe to participate in the investigation?"

Hearing her question, Lei Yu quickly raised his head, looked at Liang Ye together with Zhou Yuying, and waited for his answer.

Liang Ye is the captain, as long as he gives an order, the task force members will execute it immediately.And in their hearts, they more or less want to participate in the European investigation.

After all, the matter is very serious, and two agents died in this incident.

The Ghost Task Force was supposed to be the primary force to deal with these things, but they happened to have a mission, and the European branch had to send another agent to investigate.

"It depends." Liang Ye did not give an accurate answer.

Zhou Yuying nodded, she understood what Liang Ye was thinking.

It's not that Liang Ye doesn't want to, it's just that the Ghost Task Force can't get away now; after all, there are too many things to be busy, and it's impossible for them to be separated in two places.

(End of this chapter)

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