Ghost Task Force

Chapter 398 Business Empire

Chapter 398 Business Empire
There are actually a lot of things that need to be dealt with by the Ghost Task Force, but this is the only Ghost Task Force. If they are required to participate in everything, then they can't be busy at all.

As the captain of the task force, Liang Ye knows best what his team should do and what not to do; now, the matter of Weixi Medicine is very important, because it is related to the balance of the whole world.

Every supernatural person in the world is supervised by the Strategic Security Bureau. Even if there are hidden ones, they will always be found by the Strategic Security Bureau.And if Weixi Medicine is producing large-scale supernatural beings, then no matter how serious things happen in Iceland, Liang Ye must focus all the attention of the task force on Weixi Medicine.

As a commander, Liang Ye must distinguish which is more important.

The European branch has applied to the headquarters to let the ghost task force intervene, because the suspect is Gladys, which may lead to V.

However, the Ghost Task Force is busy with Weixi Medicine, and the European branch can only send other special agents to support it.

At present, not only Liang Ye, but also Zhao Long, the eighth-level agent, is also leading a team to secretly monitor Anthony Lawton, the chairman of Weixi Pharmaceutical.

Once something is discovered, Zhao Long will report it immediately.

And what Liang Ye paid more attention to was the traitor Wang Bing, who had been in contact with an unknown organization; besides sending information to Weixi Medicine, which organization did that organization send information to? It is necessary for the agents to find out immediately.

Ding Xue is personally in charge of this matter, and the operation has already started. Liang Ye can only wait for the report of the follow-up results.

All the members of the special task force wanted to intervene in the affairs of Europe, but Liang Ye didn't give an order, and there were more important things to deal with at present.

After Weixi Pharmaceutical's operation is over, whether to join the European investigation immediately or not will have to wait for Liang Ye to make a decision.

At least for now, Liang Ye will not change the action order, everything will be based on Weixi Medicine.

The plane has already entered the sky above Russia, and the temperature is gradually becoming a bit cold. Deng Xuan turned on the heating cycle inside the plane to keep the temperature at 28 degrees.

"Arrive in half an hour." Deng Xuan said through the cabin radio.

Liang Ye looked at the time, and the time in Russia is now [-]:[-] p.m.

His watch can automatically adjust the time difference. In addition to displaying the local time on the screen, it will also display the time in Shenzhou, which allows Liang Ye to distinguish the time between the two sides.

This gave Liang Ye a great convenience, that is, when he was on a mission abroad, he could tell when to call Xiao Xiao.

On the way to Siberia, the task force members rested for a while, and only woke up after hearing Deng Xuan's broadcast.

Except for Liang Ye, the rest of the people had rested to ensure that they had enough energy to perform the task.

"There is still half an hour." Lei Yu took two pistols from the weapon rack, looked at them twice and said, "Unfortunately, this time is not a direct attack mission, otherwise I really want to do a big job."

Liang Ye kept his eyes on the computer screen, and he said while pressing the keyboard: "Don't forget our current identities, we are both soldiers and agents, and most of the time, we are doing the mission of agents."

Lei Yu shrugged, he had no objection to Liang Ye's answer, the current situation was indeed like this.

But compared to his previous life, Lei Yu really liked the present. Life in the Strategic Security Bureau was much richer than life in the army.

He can get in touch with more different people and things, and there are all kinds of weird things, there are many dangers, and there are also many joys.

People always want to take risks. Unlike Liang Ye, Lei Yu doesn't have any family or other burdens, so he doesn't have any worries in his actions.

"What are you doing?" Lei Yu walked behind Liang Ye and kept his gaze on the computer screen.

"Check Weixi Pharmaceutical's transaction records. I want to know who the company's medicines are sold to." Liang Ye replied.

Lei Yu glanced at it twice. The data displayed on it made him a little confused. He continued to ask: "Have you found anything?"

"Not yet." Liang Ye took the water glass next to him, took a sip and said, "I didn't hold out too much hope, because Weixi Medicine is very beautiful on the surface, even if it is not very famous, but hospitals all over the world They all use the anti-infective drugs developed by them, which are very effective and have no side effects. So far, the reputation of this company is still very good; if it weren't for the investigation of Nightingale and Fang Siyu, I might not have noticed so much. "

Lei Yu thought for a while, and then asked: "You said Uncle Liang, do you know anything about this company?"

Yeshen Group has no business relationship with Weixi Pharmaceutical, but Liang Anguo and Anthony Lawton have met and communicated.

"There are not many. If we want to know the specific details, we must sneak into his factory."

Although he said so, Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and called Liang Anguo.

The call was connected quickly, and Liang Anguo said in surprise, "You should still be on your way to Siberia, why did you call me suddenly?"

"How much do you know about Weixi Pharmaceutical Group, or what do you know about Anthony Lawton?" Liang Ye asked.

Liang Anguo on the other end of the phone didn't seem to expect Liang Yehui to ask such a question. He knew that Liang Yehui was investigating Weixi Medicine, but he just thought that Liang Yehui would focus on investigating the factory.

"To be precise, I don't know much about it. Anthony Lawton is a very smart person. He won't leave any flaws. I haven't had much contact with him, and I haven't found anything about him. As for the company Weixi Medicine, I think you also know that this company has always had a good reputation, and our domestic hospitals are using the drugs they developed.”

Liang Anguo failed to give Liang Ye a satisfactory reply, and this further proved that Weixi Medicine must be hiding something in the dark.

As long as you do something bad, you will always be found out.

Otherwise, the NSA and the Strategic Defense Service would not have launched an investigation together.

"It seems that we can only check his factory carefully." Liang Ye said.

"According to the current situation, investigating the factory is the best choice. I have read the report. If Weixi Medicine really develops such a drug, then I will let the Yeshen Group launch an offensive and commercially punish them. attack."

Although Weixi Medicine has a wide range of businesses, once the Yeshen Group launches an offensive, they simply cannot hold back.

Liang Anguo's business empire cannot be competed by such a pharmaceutical group.

And Liang Anguo's answer surprised Liang Ye a little. He really didn't expect that Liang Anguo planned to let the Yeshen Group intervene.

(End of this chapter)

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