Ghost Task Force

Chapter 400 Patrol

Chapter 400 Patrol
Because of the advantages brought by the ability itself, whenever there is a strong wind, Liang Ye can choose whether to let himself be affected.

For example, the gust of wind created by Liang Ye during the battle would only blow Liang Ye's clothes, but it would not interfere with his actions. He could swim freely in the storm.

When everyone else was blown to one side or another by the wind, Liang Ye could still display his best ability to act.

Every supernatural being would not be so stupid as to use his abilities to hurt himself.

The plane is about to land, and the task force members are also ready for action.Infiltrating operations can be said to be the most strenuous of spy operations. Lei Yu, Deng Xuan, and Tang Hao, the three of them's favorite operations are the ones that start directly.

For Lei Yu and the others, it was the most refreshing thing for Lei Yu and the others to go straight to war with a gun without thinking about so many problems.

But if you choose your current identity, you must have such a psychological preparation.Even if Lei Yu and others don't like it, they must face everything that happens with the best spirit and attitude.

"We will land in the woods two kilometers away from the factory, everyone, please get ready." Deng Xuan said through the cabin radio.

The speed of the plane has completely dropped, and the fuselage began to slowly fall towards the ground.

The engine made the trees on the ground start to sway continuously, and the snowflakes on the ground also rose one after another. Looking from a distance, such a scene can easily scare people.

There is nothing in the air, but the snowflakes and trees are raising and swaying one by one.

No matter how advanced the radar is, the Wraith fighter in the stealth state cannot be found.

Stealth mode can not only make the radar undetectable, but also make it impossible for people on the ground to detect the existence of the plane. In addition to bringing better security, it can also allow the plane to hover over the enemy's head at will without be found.

When the plane landed on the ground smoothly, Deng Xuan canceled the stealth mode and opened the rear hatch of the plane.

The hatch opened, and Lei Yu was the first to leave the plane. He glanced around with a pistol in his hand, and after making sure the surroundings were safe, he pressed the intercom and said, "The surroundings are safe, over!"

Tang Hao got off the plane after receiving the security order. Except for Liang Ye and the others, Tang Hao and Lei Yu were both carrying weapons; It is easy to be seen through.

Before getting off the plane, Liang Ye pressed the intercom and said, "Magician, if you don't receive my signal after two hours, or if you are attacked, you will take off the plane."

In Brazil before, this plane was almost destroyed, and apart from the enemy's fierce offensive, it was also related to Lan Siqi's lack of decisiveness.

In fact, Zhou Yuying should have taken off the plane at that time. The safety of this plane is as important as human life, and there are many advanced equipment on board, and these should not fall into the hands of the enemy.

If Lan Siqi had been able to take off the plane immediately, Liang Ye and the others would of course have thought of countermeasures for the follow-up actions.

But this can't be blamed on Lan Siqi, because of her, the plane was not damaged.

Although the way is wrong, at least the result is good.

Deng Xuan was very aware of the importance of Liang Ye's order, and he quickly responded to say that it was okay.

After Liang Ye and others got off the plane, Deng Xuan released seven drones to patrol around the forest to avoid any approaching secret enemies.

These drones have been improved by Zhou Yuying, and are also equipped with machine guns and grenades, which can catch the enemy by surprise.

Attack the ground from the air, the air has the best advantage.

From ancient times to the present, occupying the air is equivalent to occupying the lifeblood of a war.In ancient times, there were thousands of arrows fired together, and now missiles are fired in succession.

Deng Xuan sat in front of the computer in the cabin, looking at the picture sent by the drone with a serious expression.

He also wanted to know how to work with the task force, but the plane needed to be guarded, and only Deng Xuan could fly the plane the best.

Liang Ye can also drive, but it would be very difficult for him to drive such a large aircraft, so he didn't participate in the driving.What's more, Deng Xuan can do it perfectly by himself.

Just a few minutes after the plane landed, the blizzard came just right, which made the task force members couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Including Liang Ye, everyone was wearing warm winter clothes and a white camouflage suit.

This kind of camouflage clothing is used in winter, and in such a world of ice and snow, the task force will be more difficult to detect when they move.

What Liang Ye wanted was this hidden effect. Although the blizzard made it difficult for the task force to move, it also made them safer.

"There is barbed wire on the outer layer. We have to go through it, otherwise we have to walk a long way." Liang Ye struggled in the snow, looking at the map and said: "Thunderstorm, go and dig a hole for the barbed wire to let us Pass, tyrant, there may be patrols nearby, if there is, we will attack."

Liang Ye's order was very accurate. After listening to his words, Lei Yu immediately took a freezing spray and walked quickly towards the barbed wire.

These barbed wire fences are all electrified, and they are fully four meters high. Once they are accidentally touched, they will be sent to the sky by a hundred thousand volts of current.

Therefore, even if Leiyu has professional tools, he must be careful in his actions, for fear that he will accidentally touch the power grid.

"To be honest, the people who designed these power grids are mentally retarded." Lei Yu shook the spray in his hand, crouched in front of the power grid and said, "I really want to bomb these with a rocket."

Liang Ye wiped the snowflakes off his glasses, couldn't help laughing and said, "I said, why are you still swearing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yuying patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and said in a low voice, "Someone is approaching."

Zhou Yuying carries a detector, which can detect the enemy's traces in the ice and snow, or in the scene with poor vision, and can mark the enemy's position and movement data on the map.

Liang Ye's guess was correct. A patrol team was moving. Although it was not in the direction of Liang Ye and the others, it gave Liang Ye a good chance.

"Shall we do it?" Tang Hao asked excitedly.

As a tyrant, what Tang Hao likes most is talking with his fists. If he were to deal with that patrol team alone, he would definitely be obliged.

"A five-person patrol." Liang Ye looked at the map and said, "We are less than 300 meters away from us, we can attack, but soon they will lose contact with the patrol, which will be very bad for our actions. "

Although Liang Ye also wanted to attack the patrol, but based on the analysis of the current situation, attacking was not the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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