Ghost Task Force

Chapter 401 Weather Disturbance

Chapter 401 Weather Disturbance
"But what should I do if I still want to beat them up?" Tang Hao was still eager to fight.

Liang Ye watched wryly from the side. Although the blizzard was tormenting, it didn't affect the atmosphere of everyone at all.

The patrol was still approaching, and the thunderstorm had already opened a hole in the barbed wire. The hole was not big, but it could be passed through by bending over.

"I will find the order later, the snowstorm has covered the entire factory, you have a chance!" Liang Ye said.

At present, the communicators of the task force members are all set to automatic mode, no longer need to press the talk button to communicate,

After all, in such an environment, no one is in the mood to press the call button again. The free speech mode is more convenient and saves trouble.

One or two guards going missing might get attention, but it's better than a whole patrol going missing.

Liang Ye wanted to complete this mission quietly without attracting too much attention, so he didn't let Tang Hao take action.

Lei Yu was the first to pass the barbed wire fence, and then waved to Liang Ye and the others: "Let's go."

The blizzard is getting bigger and bigger, everyone is wearing goggles, and the continuous gust of wind affects the actions of the task force members, slowing down their speed greatly.

"Everyone, in the next two hours, Siberia will be surrounded by a snowstorm. Try not to stay outside. Of course, except for the captain." Deng Xuan said in the intercom.

The snowstorm couldn't affect Liang Ye at all, at most it would blow his clothes and hair, but it couldn't affect his actions at all.

Others were different, Lei Yu and others walked a little slowly, and the cold temperature also disturbed their bodies.

The task force members are all wearing snow-white down camouflage suits, down hoods, masks and goggles on their faces to resist the wind and snow, and they are wearing downed protective boots and protective gloves on their hands and feet.

When operating in a blizzard, these equipment are a must.

The weather in Siberia has become weird since today, and the blizzard has also driven the cold wave, causing the temperature in Siberia to drop sharply.

Liang Ye and the others had clearly sensed this. At this time, they were taking advantage of the cover of the wind and snow to walk towards Area B step by step.

There was five centimeters of snow on the ground, and it was a little strenuous to walk. The task force members were speeding up their walking speed as much as possible, because they didn't have much time to spend here.

The action time set by Liang Ye was two hours, but they had already spent nearly 10 minutes on the way to Area B through the barbed wire.

In fact, Liang Ye slowed down his speed in order to wait for the task force members.

According to the walking speed of a normal person, walking in this kind of weather might not be able to finish every five or ten minutes, but the task force members have performed very well, of course Liang Ye will not ask them anything harshly.

Liang Ye looked at the map, then got down on the ground, and his whole body blended into the snow.

The task force also followed Liang Ye's way of camouflaging. This camouflage is very effective in the ice and snow, because their camouflage clothes are all white, which is no different from the color of snowflakes.

After getting down on the ground, Liang Ye pressed the infrared detection of the goggles, looked forward and said, "We are almost there, there is Area B, and there are two guards at the door."

Lei Yu took out his pistol and said while installing the muffler, "Should I shoot them down with one shot?"

Regarding Lei Yu's proposal, Liang Ye shook his head and said, "No, there are cameras on it. Once they fall down, the entire factory will be alerted."

Area B is located underground, the entrance looks like the entrance of the subway station, the difference is that the entrance here is guarded by two Russians holding AK47.

"The entrance, why is it like a subway?" Lei Yu said.

Everyone had the same opinion, and when they were observing the shape of the entrance, a helicopter suddenly came rapidly from the east.

It is really rare to dare to fly a helicopter under such a blizzard.

"What's the situation?" Lei Yu raised his head and looked at the helicopter flying over his head.

Liang Ye was also at a loss. After thinking for half a second, he said, "Leave him alone and act according to Yuan's plan."

As he spoke, Liang Ye patted Zhou Yuying who was lying next to him, and said, "Can you hack into their system now?"

"No problem, I will interfere with the camera, but not for a long time, if you want to act, hurry up!" Zhou Yuying said quickly.

As she spoke, her fingers began to press quickly on the tablet.

It takes a lot of effort to use a tablet with thick gloves on in this cold and snowy environment.

Liang Ye looked at the time. It was already [-]:[-] in the evening in Russia, and the blizzard was still raging. The situation was still favorable for the task force members.

But what worried Liang Ye was, what was the purpose of that flying helicopter, who was on board, and why did it dare to fly here in such a terrible snowstorm.

These are all questions that Liang Ye wants to understand, but now he has to focus on investigating drugs, so he can't think about it for the time being.

"Three seconds later, the camera interfered, and there was no patrol nearby." Zhou Yuying said suddenly.

"Thunderstorm, tyrant, act!" Liang Ye whispered.

Finally got the action order, Lei Yu and Tang Hao felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, they jumped up from the snow, and ran towards the two guards with a stride.

The speed of the two was very fast, and because of the interference of the snowstorm, the hearing of the two guards was disturbed, so they did not hear the footsteps of Tang Hao and Lei Yu.

Fang Siyu looked at Lei Yu and Tang Hao who ran out, and she began to discover the difference between the Ghost Task Force and other special agent teams, not only in terms of combat effectiveness, but also in their behavior.

Any other agent would definitely not act like Liang Ye.

However, now that Fang Siyu is also in charge of Liang Ye, of course she dare not make any comments.

And there was a voice in her heart that said, Liang Ye's decision was right!

This made Fang Siyu look forward to the results of the next operation. After all, Liang Ye himself led the team to execute this operation.

Except that Area B is built underground, most of the buildings in this factory are concentrated 200 meters to the left of the entrance of Area B, not far from here.

And now that there is weather interference, the guards don't want to go out at all, let alone find the enemy.

Lei Yu and Tang Hao were getting closer and closer to the two guards, but Lei Yu took out his pistol and used his favorite method.

"call out……"

The bullet was processed by the muffler and only made a slight sound. After 0.01 seconds, the bullet hit the left guard's thigh.

Before he could scream, the thunderstorm had already arrived in front of him, and the butt of the pistol hit his neck hard, knocking him unconscious instantly.

Another guard saw the situation in front of him and subconsciously wanted to shoot.

But before he could put his finger on the trigger, Tang Hao's frightening fist landed on his head!

(End of this chapter)

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