Ghost Task Force

Chapter 402 Underground Factory

Chapter 402 Underground Factory
When Tang Hao attacked the enemy, he would never show any kindness. Just like Liang Ye, he would either kill him or maim him, or at least make him lose his fighting power.

There should not be too many extra considerations in the battle. In the case of protecting yourself and your teammates, the most important thing to do is to destroy the enemy as quickly as possible.

Lei Yu, who was nearby, saw Tang Hao's punch, and was immediately stunned.

"Brother, you probably have directly disabled someone." Lei Yu said with a strange face.

When Lei Yu attacked just now, he just knocked people unconscious with the butt of his gun, but at Tang Hao's sudden attack, Lei Yu felt pain even when he was watching from the side.

"No, his skull is still fine, but he will have a headache for a long time." Tang Haohan said with a smile.

During the conversation, the two were not idle, and quickly dragged the two guards to a relatively hidden place, and then changed into the guard's clothes.

"There will be patrols passing by here every hour, usually in groups of five or ten people, and there is still half an hour before the next patrol passes by. Get ready."

After speaking, Liang Ye stood up from the snow, and then walked towards the entrance.

Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu followed closely behind. The snowstorm affected their actions, but it also prevented the enemy from discovering them.

The factory's searchlights are very bright, and the places illuminated by the searchlights at night can basically be seen clearly.

The vicinity of Area B happens to be the main search area of ​​the searchlight, and there are also drones around it, so it can basically be regarded as no dead angle.

But today, a snowstorm has hit the whole of Siberia, and this factory is no exception.

The weather forecast showed that the blizzard would last throughout the night, which also meant that the actions of Liang Ye and others outside would not be easily discovered before dawn.

As for entering the factory, all actions depend on themselves.

Both Lei Yu and Tang Hao changed into guard clothes, and Lei Yu fit them just right. As for Tang Hao, the one he was wearing made it difficult for him to breathe.

Lei Yu, who was standing aside, suppressed a smile, and then patted Tang Hao's shoulder vigorously.

Wearing such small clothes on Tang Hao's body, it looked awkward no matter what. At the same time, it also tightened Tang Hao's body, fully showing the muscles of his body.

When Liang Ye and others saw Tang Hao's appearance clearly, they couldn't help laughing.

The entrance to Area B was covered by a roof, and the snowstorm had little impact on it. Liang Ye, Zhou Yuying, and Fang Siyu all took off their masks and goggles.

"We still have an hour and a half for the task, and we will try to complete it within an hour to save time," Liang Ye said.

With that said, Liang Ye set an hour countdown on the watch.

It would take another half an hour to leave the factory and return to the plane, so everyone only had an hour to investigate.

The focus of the task force's investigation this time is the drugs related to genes, which are very likely to exist in the drug research and development department under the B area.

Task Force members have come all the way here to find these drugs, and no one wants to experience disappointment.

Especially Liang Ye and Fang Siyu. As the captain of the task force, the last thing Liang Ye wanted was to do useless work. He didn't want to bring his subordinates with him for nothing.

As for Fang Siyu, she had long wanted to investigate this factory, but there was never enough support for her to come here.

The defense here is no less than a military base. Drones, strong searchlights, and cameras all discourage those who want to investigate here.

If it wasn't for the blizzard tonight, the task force members would really have to work hard to get in.

Although it is also difficult to step on the snow in the face of a blizzard, at least it is difficult for the enemy to find them.

In this kind of weather, the searchlights are useless, and the task force members don't need to consider the problem of searchlights at all.

The entrance of Area B is very similar to the entrance of a subway station, and the way to go down is a somewhat old-fashioned elevator.

To enter the elevator, you need to verify your ID card. Zhou Yuying had prepared these before arriving.

"I will increase the intensity of the wind and snow, so that it can interfere with the patrols and prevent them from discovering that you two are pretending to be guards." Liang Ye said.

Zhou Yuying took out her ID card and said, "The camera will resume after we enter the elevator, and you two will be on your own."

Lei Yu made an OK gesture, indicating that there is no problem.

The temperature was very cold, but Liang Ye and the others took off their white down camouflage clothing, leaving warm clothes and a white coat.

Liang Ye and the others hid the clothes in the snow, verified their ID cards, and walked into the elevator.

The elevator only has three options: down, up, and emergency calls, and they are all in Russian.However, the three people who acted were all professionals. Although Liang Ye was not an agent, he had learned various languages ​​since he was a child, including Russian.

Liang Ye pressed the down button, and then, the old elevator began to move down, neither fast nor slow.

There is no camera in the elevator. Zhou Yuying checked it with a detector, but did not find any electronic equipment related to surveillance.

"It seems that this factory has been built for many years." Zhou Yuying looked up at the top of the elevator, and said curiously: "But the strange thing is that the factory was built five years ago, and the equipment looks like How many decades or even longer."

Liang Ye glanced around, and then said: "In the Soviet era, Russia built many underground factories in the country. During the Cold War, these underground factories expanded to one or two in every city."

"Prepare for the war." Zhou Yuying said.

Liang Ye nodded, and said: "Yes, once a war breaks out, these underground factories are places for people to take refuge. At the same time, underground factories can also be used to store weapons and equipment, and they are also underground ammunition depots."

"During the Cold War, China was also preparing for the Third World War. Fortunately, none of these broke out in the end." Liang Ye seemed a little emotional.

Liang Anguo often brought up the events of the Cold War in front of Liang Ye. At that time, the whole world was in chaos, and most people were afraid of the third world war.

After all, World War II had only been over for a few decades at that time. If another world war broke out, the civilization of the entire world would regress. This result is something no one wants to see.

The war did not break out, and Russia did not close these underground factories. Some are still in use, and some are used by some institutions or large groups.

Weixi Medicine was one of them, and Anthony Lawton did not know who he had reached an agreement with, and even transformed the entire underground factory.

(End of this chapter)

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