Ghost Task Force

Chapter 403 Too Direct

Chapter 403 Too Direct

When the elevator reached the bottom floor, Liang Ye and the others got into the mood one after another.

At present, their identities are new researchers sent by Weixi Medicine, and they are registered in the system. Even if someone checks the identities of Liang Ye and others, they will never find anything.

The elevators opened slowly, and in front of the three of them was a door made of concrete and steel bars. The door was in an open state, and there was a detector above the door to detect whether someone was carrying dangerous items.

On the right side of the gate, there is a machine for verifying identity cards, and two guards with guns stand by the gate; once someone carries dangerous items, they will immediately subdue the other party.

"The gate can withstand the impact of rockets. Even if a tank comes, it will take a lot of effort to break through here." Liang Ye whispered as he walked.

Now the three of them looked like researchers. In order to look professional, Liang Ye also specially put on a pair of glasses.

The guards standing by the gate just glanced at Liang Ye and the others and ignored them. However, their fingers were all on the trigger of the AK47. It was obvious that they did not relax their guard.

All three verified their identities and walked through the gate together.

The detector on the door did not sound, and the explosive beads carried by Zhou Yuying successfully escaped the detection of the detector.

After making sure that the identities of the three people were correct, the two guards relaxed their guard a little bit, and ignored the three people who passed by.

They are only responsible for safety, and they don't think about where the three people came from.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly." Zhou Yuying said in a low voice.

Liang Ye smiled, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that you still wanted to fight right after you came here?"

Saying that, the three of them walked straight along the passage, and after turning a corner, the eyes of the three of them all stared round at the same time.

After turning the corner, what appeared in front of the three of them was a hall as big as a football field. There were many public computers and vertical monitors in the hall.

There were many researchers in white coats walking around in the hall, and the arrival of Liang Ye and others did not attract the attention of others.

"Here, what are you researching? It doesn't look like drug development..." Liang Ye said with a strange face.

Seeing this hall, he instantly felt that something was wrong here.

The entire hall is white, including the floor, which is also the same color. In addition, the researchers are all wearing white coats, giving people a dazzling feeling.

In addition to this, there are escalators on both sides of the lobby to reach the second floor.

From time to time, people would come down from the second floor with some materials in their hands.

"You two go to the upper floor to have a look, I'll take a look here and keep communicating." Liang Ye said to Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu.

The two nodded and headed towards the escalator.

Most of the researchers here are British, and there are also some Russians. Relatively speaking, there are more British people, and the number of men and women is not much different.

Liang Ye walked up to a vertical computer, wanting to check the branch map of this underground factory.

In fact, this can't be regarded as an underground factory, and Liang Ye can't tell what kind of place it is like.

If he hadn't known that this place was located underground, Liang Ye would have thought it was his own research building.

The research building of the Yeshen Group looks like this, a huge hall, all white, and some research equipment is stored under the hall.

Underground research equipment.

Liang Ye suddenly thought of something, and then fixed his eyes on his feet.

The whole body white floor is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Sure enough, Liang Ye saw a square mark on the floor every square meter.

If you look closely at these marks, you won't notice them at all.Because there is too much white here, and this mark is golden, it is difficult to be found under the light.

Liang Ye turned on the contact lens of his left eye, turned on the camera function and whispered: "Deng Xuan, pay attention to receiving the video."

"Got it." Deng Xuan replied.

Although Liang Ye is underground, there is currently no problem with the communication, and the connection with Deng Xuan is very clear.

Liang Ye did a rough calculation. There are about two hundred square imprints in the entire hall. Liang Ye still doesn't know what is stored here, but his intuition tells him that things are not that simple. Not a device.

When Liang Ye was recording the video and was in a state of thinking, suddenly a slender hand patted his shoulder.

In an instinctive reaction, Liang Ye turned around suddenly, grabbed the palm that patted his shoulder with his right hand, and then swept his left fist forward.

But after seeing the person opposite, Liang Ye's left fist stopped abruptly.

He thought someone was going to attack him, but it was a Russian woman with long brown hair who patted him on the shoulder.

This Russian woman is about the same height as Liang Ye, but her figure is very slender, which can be said to be a devil's figure.

Russia has never been short of beauties, and this woman looked at Liang Ye with interest, and then asked curiously in Russian: "Who are you, why have I never seen you?"

Liang Ye quickly let go of the woman's hand, adjusted his emotions and said, "Hi, I'm a new researcher. I've just been transferred to the R&D department and I'm getting familiar with here."

"But you don't look like a researcher at all." The Russian woman looked at Liang Ye and said, "Your reaction just now proves everything."

Her words immediately raised Liang Ye's vigilance, and he moved his fingers a little, and the Hidden Blade wrist guard was ready.

Liang Ye's reaction just now was purely instinctive, and the Russian woman's strength was so strong that Liang Ye instantly mistakenly thought that she was being attacked.

The Russian woman's body moved forward a little, her face was only ten centimeters away from Liang Ye's face, Liang Ye could clearly feel her breathing, and could smell the perfume on her body.

Just when Liang Ye was about to attack with the Hidden Blade, the Russian woman's red lips moved, and she said, "Have you ever learned martial arts from China?"

Liang Ye: "???"

Seeing Liang Ye's weird face, the Russian woman continued, "I've watched videos on the Internet, and the martial arts in China are very fast. You scared me just now."

Liang Ye's hanging heart was finally relieved, and then he said in Russian: "I... have learned some, but I'm not proficient."

"I can't tell. There are so many people here, and few of them have ever trained. I didn't expect you, a newcomer, to know Chinese martial arts. It's amazing."

As she said that, the Russian woman grabbed Liang Ye's shoulders and said excitedly, "Come to my room tonight, and show me the Chinese martial arts you have learned alone."

Liang Ye: "???"

He never imagined that this Russian woman would be so straightforward...

(End of this chapter)

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