Ghost Task Force

Chapter 406 Volunteers

Chapter 406 Volunteers

The moment Liang Ye walked into the R&D room, the door was closed quickly. The speed of closing the door made Liang Ye slightly frown. If it weren't for the surrounding scene, Liang Ye would have thought that these people wanted to attack him.

Victoria seemed to see Liang Ye's emotions, and she explained with a smile: "Don't worry, this is for safety. All the research in the laboratory is top secret, and it is very dangerous. Once leaked, it will kill the people here in a few minutes." Everyone. So the door must be kept closed at all times, in order to prevent emergencies.”

The scene in the R&D room is no different from the R&D rooms in other places. A group of researchers wearing chemical protective suits, goggles and masks are busy standing in front of the instrument. Many liquid samples are placed in front of them. Ready for compositing.

In addition, there are also notebooks filled with chemical formulas beside them. The chemical formulas on them are dazzling, and the complexity of them can make undergraduates daunted.

The people here are all talents, but what they do is not for the benefit of the world.

And the leak mentioned by Victoria just now will kill people, which also reflects how dangerous this place is.

As soon as Liang Ye walked in, his first feeling was seriousness. Everyone here was in a busy state, and there was hardly any communication with the people around him.

"I'm the person in charge of the research and development department, and you will also work here in the future." Victoria glanced at the surrounding researchers, then stopped to look at Liang Ye, and said, "What research are you good at?"

This question asked Liang Ye. The original plan was not that Liang Ye came to deal with these researchers in person. Liang Ye was involved in many fields, but he didn't know much about medicine.

However, during the execution of the mission, no matter what happened, Liang Ye replied naturally: "I am good at biotechnology, and I want to participate in genetic research."

Victoria looked at Liang Ye's appearance again, and said in surprise: "I don't see that you are good at biotechnology, it seems that I need to take a good look at your file."

Liang Ye smiled and turned his attention to those researchers.

His contact lenses remained in video mode, recording everything he saw.

The scene in the R&D room is no different from other places, the only difference may be what is being studied.Liang Ye's proposal to participate in genetic research did not arouse Victoria's suspicion. Now that Liang Ye has gained Victoria's trust, she doesn't seem to have any guard against Liang Ye.

Liang Ye has experienced how passionate Russian women are.There are quite a few women who are more open than men. They dare to love and hate without any sloppiness.

But like Victoria, she asked someone to go to her room at night when they met for the first time. This was the first time Liang Ye met her.

Although Liang Ye said that he has experienced many ups and downs, he is a person who is extremely dedicated emotionally and will never have two minds.He was hugged by Victoria just now, and now his heart is full of guilt, and he always feels that he is sorry for Xiao Xiao.

Now Liang Ye just wants to find the evidence of Weixi Medicine's research and development of genetic drugs as soon as possible, and he can't continue to waste time. Now the task time is only 10 minutes. There is progress, but Liang Ye is not satisfied with the status quo.

Both Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu deviated from the original plan, and now Liang Ye can only rely on himself.

"The person who hired me hopes that I can participate in genetic research. I am very interested in the gene medicine of Weixi Medicine. I don't know if it is the same as the rumors." Liang Ye said.

"Rumor?" Victoria was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What rumor?"

"Modifying human genes, I have always dreamed of developing this kind of medicine." Liang Ye showed yearning and excitement on his face, and he clenched his fists and said, "When I heard that Weixi Medicine has been conducting this kind of research , I can’t wait to go to the interview, so that I can personally participate, even if it’s just watching!"

The emotion he showed surprised Victoria standing aside, because Liang Ye had no flaws, and his emotional expression was very much like a young man who pursued his dreams.

Whether it's an agent or a special soldier, especially a person like Liang Ye who has come out of the hunter school, he can control his emotions just right, and it's difficult for others to find a loophole.

Looking at Liang Ye's appearance, Victoria blinked her big blue eyes, then pressed Liang Ye's shoulder firmly, and said with a smile: "Very well, I like people like you the most, but it's a pity that genetic modification We've done the research and the drug has been given to the first volunteers. But I'll let you look at the data on our drug and maybe you can make some comments."

Hearing Victoria's words, Liang Ye's heart suddenly thumped, and the heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

Victoria's words were not many, but they conveyed the most important meaning.

Done, first volunteers!
These two are the key points.

This also means that Weixi Medicine has completed all the research on genetically modified drugs and has used them for human experiments.

As for whether the volunteers she mentioned are really voluntary, these have yet to be verified.

Seeing the surprise on Liang Ye's face, Victoria thought Liang Ye felt sorry, and quickly patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged, this is just the initial research, and there will definitely be a time for you to participate."

Liang Ye didn't listen too carefully to what she said later, and now he was thinking, where are the people who have been drugged, and what changes will happen to them?
Also, where are the samples or finished products of the drug?
These are what Liang Ye urgently needs to know, and it is also the purpose of his hard work to come here.

"Can I have a look at the data of the drug?" Liang Ye asked.

As long as the data can be seen, Liang Ye can record all the above data, and Deng Xuan will also save the screenshot of the data and send it to the Biotechnology Department of the Strategic Security Bureau.

"Of course you can, but you have to be as soon as possible. We will soon test the volunteers who took the medicine." Victoria said.

After finishing speaking, she held Liang Ye's hand and led him forward.

This laboratory is huge, and most people didn't notice Liang Ye, the new "researcher".

It is very quiet all around, there are also small conversations, and no one speaks loudly.

The floor and walls are uniform white, and the researchers are concentrating on the data in front of them, or carefully blending the samples in their hands.

Liang Ye looked around, but unfortunately he was too far away to see what was displayed on the computer screen.

Victoria wanted to take him to see the drug data, but Liang Ye thought in her heart, what is the test she was talking about?
(End of this chapter)

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