Chapter 407

On the second floor of the research room, in room 17.

Zhou Yuying frowned slightly as she looked at everything presented in front of her eyes.

There was no one in here, only several surgical instruments and an operating bed.The cabinet in the corner is full of bottles and jars filled with liquids of different colors, all of which have the names of the drugs marked in English.

A researcher walked out here just now, but now it's empty.

Zhou Yuying recorded the video with the contact lens in her left eye, then looked up at the ceiling, looking for the camera.

Sure enough, Zhou Yuying found cameras in the four corners of the room, and these cameras were kept turned on.

Zhou Yuying pretended to be very professional. She did not know where to take out a small notebook and pen, then walked to the cabinet, and began to record the name and quantity of the medicine on it solemnly.

The guard who was looking at Room 17 through the camera relaxed his guard after seeing Zhou Yuying's appearance. At first he saw Zhou Yuying walking in, and subconsciously realized that something was wrong, but now there is nothing wrong with Zhou Yuying's actions. It all looks normal.

"Mage, have you seen it?" Zhou Yuying whispered.

However, there was no response from the intercom, and there was silence.

Zhou Yuying noticed something was wrong, and called out again: "Magician, can you hear me?"


It was still quiet, and the quiet was a little scary.

"Captain, Hawkeye, Tyrant, Fang Siyu?" Zhou Yuying called everyone in the team.

However, there was still silence on the intercom, and no one heard Zhou Yuying's call.

This immediately aroused Zhou Yuying's vigilance. There was no one in the operating room, which was already a little scary.And now the communication is still out of order, which gives people the feeling that they have entered another world.

Zhou Yuying didn't carry any weapons, only a few explosive beads, but these were used to destroy medicine, not for fighting.

And now what Zhou Yuying did was equally important. She recorded all the names of the medicines here, and most of the names of the medicines here were unknown to her.

As a doctor of medicine, Zhou Yuying is very familiar with medicines. These medicines, which she has never been exposed to, aroused her curiosity.

Whenever there is a new drug on the market, Zhou Yuying will learn about it as soon as possible and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the drug.And these drugs that she had never been exposed to made her curious and worried about whether they would have any bad effects.

After all, the research conducted by Weixi Medicine is not very glorious. She needs to collect evidence and know the functions and principles of these drugs.

Now that she knows the names of the drugs, what she should do is to collect samples of these drugs.

However, the surveillance was always on. If Zhou Yuying took the medicine directly, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the guards.

At this time, what happened to Fang Siyu on the other side was different from that of Zhou Yuying.

The room she entered was also an operating room, but the difference was that these researchers were busy performing surgery at this time.

A tall man lies naked on a hospital bed while a doctor in a surgical gown cuts open the skin of his abdomen.

Noticing Fang Siyu walking in, the two researchers turned their heads at the same time.

"What are you doing here? Wear a mask!" a researcher snapped.

Fang Siyu was stunned for a moment, then quickly took a mask from the nearby plate and put it on.

If you don't wear a mask in the operating room, you will easily be infected by the virus. Although Fang Siyu is not a doctor, she is also very aware of this.

"We're looking at the effects of the drug on the organ, what department are you in?" the researcher asked.

"I was sent to study." Fang Siyu replied.

She is also a professional agent, and her reaction ability is no less than that of Zhou Yuying.

"I don't care if you come to study or not, but you must be well prepared before you can come in!"

Listening to the other party's scolding, Fang Siyu nodded seriously, as if studying hard.

The researchers who were performing the operation ignored Fang Siyu and did not drive her away, continuing to perform the operation seriously.

Fang Siyu walked aside and recorded the operation scene with the contact lens in his left eye.

The tall man lying on the hospital bed had a very low heart rate, and a bottle of blue liquid was being injected into his blood vessels, and the delivery speed was very fast.

The researcher just mentioned that they are observing the effects of drugs on the organs. Fang Siyu needs to investigate clearly what kind of drugs this is.

This kind of research is like the bacterial army during World War II, infecting living people with viruses, and then cutting open the stomachs of living people to observe the changes in internal organs.

Fang Siyu has never seen other people undergo surgery, but when she saw the scene in front of her, her stomach suddenly rolled.

Zhou Yuying is very suitable here, because she is a doctor of medicine and has seen all kinds of surgical scenes.

After the abdominal epidermis was cut open, all the internal organs of the tall man's abdomen were presented in front of the researchers.

At this time, Deng Xuan in the Hercules was adjusting the frequency of the video. When he saw these human organs, he was shocked.

"Damn, do you want to have such a heavy taste!"

Deng Xuan tapped on the keyboard quickly, and transmitted all the images to the headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau.

"Strange, haven't we heard them call for a while?" Lei Yu said while pressing the intercom.

Although the wind noise would interfere with the communication, Deng Xuan could still hear it clearly.

"Yes, the captain's communication is still there, but Fang Siyu and Yue Ling haven't spoken for a while." Deng Xuan replied.

Deng Xuan and Tang Hao, who were standing at the entrance of Area B, looked at each other, and a trace of vigilance flashed in their eyes.

"However, their video is still being transmitted. They are still safe at present, but I don't know why the communication failed." Deng Xuan adjusted the signal, and said with a puzzled face: "There should be something that interferes with the signal. I'll fix it."

"I really want to go inside and see what's going on." Lei Yu sighed, "Standing at the door is really not my style."

"Obey the orders, all soldiers have to stand guard." Tang Hao looked calm.

At this moment, there was a patrol in front of them, braving the snowstorm and walking towards the two with difficulty.

Both of them noticed the patrol ahead and quickly stood up straight, ready to deal with everything.

At this time, everyone on the mission encountered different situations, including Deng Xuan. He had to find a way to restore communication, otherwise he would not be able to communicate with Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu.

Zhou Yuying had always wanted to contact Deng Xuan, but she couldn't.

Now, the time has come to show what everyone is capable of, and they're left to deal with it all on their own.

(End of this chapter)

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