Ghost Task Force

Chapter 410 Unreserved

Chapter 410 Unreserved
Hearing Lei Yu's call, Liang Ye frowned immediately, then fixed his eyes on the computer screen, the progress bar just reached [-]%.

He had been waiting for the data transmission before, and now the transmission just happened.

As soon as Liang Ye pulled out the USB flash drive, Victoria came to his side, patted his shoulder and said, "The vice president is here to inspect the progress, come quickly, didn't you just want to see how the medicine works? Take you to see."

She didn't notice that Liang Ye was holding a USB flash drive in his hand. At this time, her expression was full of excitement, and she didn't notice other problems.

Now she also completely regards Liang Ye as her own, and the initial suspicion has completely disappeared.

Liang Ye quickly stood up, pretending to be excited and said, "Okay, I've been waiting for this moment."

Then, Liang Ye asked again: "Vice President, is that Job Humphrey?"

When he came here, Liang Ye had already read the information of Weixi Medicine, and also got to know the senior figures of Weixi Medicine. Among them, Anthony Lawton was the boss and chairman of the company, responsible for all external transactions.And this Job Humphrey is the vice president of the company, responsible for internal management.

Weixi Medicine is engaged in human organ trading, and it is very likely that Job Humphrey personally leads it. Although this industry is not very profitable, it can directly deal with people in the upper class.

Most of the people who buy organs are also these famous, wealthy and high-class figures who do not have good health.

The purpose of Weixi Medicine to engage in this illegal transaction is also to establish relationships with these people.

That's all Liang Ye's general understanding is, but he has never dealt with the senior management of Weixi Medicine.

At this time, the researchers of the research room and some high-level researchers began to leave the research room and came outside the hall.

Victoria also led Liang Ye out of the hall. She was holding a tablet computer and communicating with some researchers. Most of their chats contained technical terms, which made Liang Ye a little confused.

"Report, the team entered the entrance of Area B." Lei Yu reported.

Both Lei Yu and Tang Hao had done their duty, and they stopped the team, but the team leader explained the identity of the person who came.

Job Humphrey, vice president of Weixi Pharmaceutical Group.

Although Lei Yu didn't want them to go in, but in order not to be exposed, he could only let them go.

Now everything can only depend on Liang Ye and the others. Zhou Yuying, Fang Siyu, and Liang Ye are still performing tasks in the R&D department, and there are less than 10 minutes left for the task.

Of course Liang Ye knew the mission time, he had always counted the time, according to the current situation, before the mission time was up, Liang Ye could know everything he wanted to know.

Obviously, now that Job Humphrey is here to inspect, Victoria and others will definitely show the results of the research to Job Humphrey.

When the time comes, Liang Ye will be able to see everything he wants to see.

What kind of consequences will this genetic modification research have, this is what Liang Ye is eager to know.

Job Humphrey and his team had entered the elevator, which could seat more than 20 people without seeming overcrowded.

Thunderstorm didn't know whether he should be thankful, because Job Humphrey didn't leave a guard at the entrance.

If he stays, it will make Lei Yu and Tang Hao unable to contact other players.If they don't stay, it will make it more difficult for Liang Ye and others to perform the task.

Now Job Humphrey has led his team into Area B and is taking the elevator to the R&D department.The researchers in the R&D department are all ready, waiting for the arrival of Job Humphrey.

When he arrives, Victoria will present the results of the research.

Liang Ye looked at his watch, then looked up at the second floor.Fang Siyu and Zhou Yuying have lost communication for a long time. No one knows what happened to them. Liang Ye can only worry in his heart, and now he can't get away to look for them.

At this time, in room 17, Zhou Yuying risked interrupting the monitoring.

Her watch has always displayed the control buttons of the R&D room system, and she happily interrupted the monitoring of the entire R&D room.

If she only interrupted the monitoring of room 17, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the enemy.But interrupting the monitoring of the entire research and development room will only cause chaos, and no one will suspect her.

It's bold, but it also guarantees that the action will not be exposed.

It took only 15 seconds for the monitoring to resume. Zhou Yuying calculated the time accurately and stuffed all the medicines on the shelf that she had never seen before into her pockets.

There are not many medicines, and they are all in small bottles, so she will not have any difficulty carrying them.

After the communication was restored, Zhou Yuying had already put all the medicines she had taken into her pocket, then turned around and left with a serious face.

The guards in the monitoring room were all stunned. They didn't know what happened. During the 15 seconds of monitoring the communication, they didn't react at all.

After leaving the operating room, Zhou Yuying's communication was finally restored, and she could clearly hear Victoria's speech.

At this moment, Victoria was standing beside Liang Ye, talking with the researchers.

"Captain, where are you?" Zhou Yuying asked in a low voice as she walked.

Liang Ye had been looking up at the second floor. After hearing Zhou Yuying's call, he hurriedly whispered, "In the hall on the first floor, something will happen here soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Victoria grabbed his arm and followed his gaze.

Victoria's actions startled Liang Ye. Before Liang Ye could ask, Victoria said first: "The upper floor is our surgery laboratory. Whenever there is a new development in medicine, we will give it to volunteers there. At the same time Observe the changes in their bodies."

"Are all the rooms?" Liang Ye asked.

"It's not, the last 31 and 32 are the warehouses where we store the drugs, there are all the drugs we have studied, from the old generation to the latest generation, we have stocks."

Victoria was almost unreserved, her trust in Liang Ye made Liang Ye's mission go much smoother this time.

At least he didn't have to check them one by one. Although Victoria took advantage of them, at least the result was good.

Victoria knows everything here, Liang Ye asked her to save a lot of time.

Most importantly, Victoria Ken confessed to him without revealing anything.

Zhou Yuying heard Victoria's words, she thought for half a second, and then said: "Captain, I have already obtained a lot of drug samples in the operating room, if I need to go to the warehouse, please give me an order."

Liang Ye didn't speak, because he couldn't speak now, and Victoria would find out as soon as he spoke.

At this time, Victoria was leaning against Liang Ye's body, watching the security team coming out of the passage with him, as well as Job Humphrey!
(End of this chapter)

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