Ghost Task Force

Chapter 411 Genetic modification

Chapter 411 Genetic modification

Zhou Yuying failed to get Liang Ye's order, so she had to come to the corridor and stare at the researchers below.

After seeing the dense crowd, Zhou Yuying knew why Liang Ye didn't answer.

Victoria was standing beside Liang Ye and talking to him. If Liang Ye used the intercom, she would definitely find out.

In addition, a thin man in a black suit and a down coat came out of the passage, surrounded by more than 20 guards holding AK47.

With such a big battle, it doesn't take a talent to tell that this guy is Job Humphrey, the vice president of Weixi Medicine.

Weixi Pharmaceutical has only one vice president, and this Job Humphrey is the second in command of Weixi Pharmaceutical, second only to Anthony Lawton.

Including Liang Ye, no one thought that this guy would come to this place at this time.And what he was going to do was already obvious by now.

His arrival also enabled Liang Ye to see the effect of the medicine in advance.The "volunteers" in Victoria's mouth, what kind of appearance they have become, Liang Ye can see right away.

Under the protection of the guards, Job Humphrey walked up to Victoria.

Victoria is the person in charge of this laboratory, and only she is qualified to talk directly to Job Humphrey.

In addition to his thin body, Job Humphrey's expression was also full of exhaustion. It was obvious that he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

His messy brown hair showed how rushed his schedule was, proving he was always running around.

It is difficult for such a middle-aged man who looks a bit embarrassed to think that he is the vice president of a large pharmaceutical group.

As the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance, no one knows what kind of means this man has.

Liang Ye was standing next to Victoria, so he could see Job Humphrey's appearance at a close distance.

"Mr. Humphrey!" Victoria stood up straight and paid respects to Job Humphrey.

Scientists have knowledge, but not necessarily funding.Therefore, many scientists will be hired, and large companies will provide them with research and development funds, and the ownership of the products they develop will belong to the company that provides the funds.

This phenomenon is very common all over the world. It is basically impossible for scientists to rely on themselves. The equipment and materials developed are a huge sum of money.Unless they can get state support or participate in national projects, they can only turn to other companies for help.

Victoria is one of them. She does not obey Weixi Medicine, but she must get their support, so she will pay tribute to Job Humphrey.

The same is true for other R&D personnel, all of whom are employed by Weixi Medicine and love to study this project.

Liang Ye also knew this, but he would not change his guard against Victoria because of this.He will never forget what kind of project this woman is researching, nor will he forget the dangerous aura emanating from this woman.

Victoria is not an ordinary person. She has an aura that ordinary scientists do not have. These auras do not come from combat power, but from the heart.

On the surface she appeared to be a very scientific and passionate Russian woman.But Liang Ye didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, he could only judge by the surface.

"I heard that the research has progressed." Job Humphrey was half a head shorter than Victoria. He raised his head slightly, looked at Victoria and said, "Mr. Anthony is being entangled by agents of the Strategic Defense Bureau. I hope You and your team don't let me down, we've been in too much trouble and now we just want news that will surprise us."

In addition to his tired expression, Job Humphrey also carried deep worries.Obviously, the Bureau of Strategic Security's investigation of Weixi Medicine has had a very good effect, and they have already started to have a headache.

"Trust me, sir, I will never let you down!" Victoria said confidently.

The smile on her face proved that she was quite sure, which made Liang Ye who was standing by the side worried.

Although drugs cannot create a perfect supernatural being, flawed supernatural beings can still pose a threat to the world.

If it wasn't for the wrong situation, Liang Ye would definitely take Victoria down now.

"Oh?" A look of surprise flashed across Job Humphrey's face, he took half a step forward, staring at Victoria's beautiful face, and said with a serious expression: "I've never seen you so confident. "

"That's because the previous research and development drugs have flaws, and even if the current ones are not perfect, they can still achieve the effect we want."

With that said, Victoria pressed hard on the tablet in her hand and said with a smile, "A supernatural being with great power."

As soon as her words fell, a three-meter-high container rose up from the floor in the center of the hall of the research and development room.

This container is square, and the raised position is where the golden marks exist.

Liang Ye's guess was not wrong, there was indeed something hidden underground.

A man in white shorts stood in the container with tubes inserted into his arms and legs, including a respirator in his mouth.On both sides of his forehead, there is also a catheter inserted.

This is a person who has been studied by scientists, and his body has also been injected with genetically modified drugs.

Unlike normal people, this man is two meters tall, and his muscles are several times stronger than normal people.

At first glance, this person is taller than Tang Hao, and his visual impact is much stronger than Tang Hao.

Whether his figure was originally like this, or whether it was because of genetically modified drugs, Liang Ye didn't know.

After the container was lifted up, a transparent protective cover was also raised three meters around the container, covering the entire container.

The reason for this is obvious, for safety.Victoria wasn't dazzled by the research, she was well aware that these modified people posed a threat.

Liang Ye widened his eyes, looking at the man in a coma, trying his best to control his emotions, no one let his surprise show.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the man, except for Victoria, everyone had expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Is this the product of your drug transformation?" Job Humphrey asked.

Victoria nodded with pride, and replied: "This man's name is Alden Hood, the captain of the group of volunteers. After genetic modification, his body has been strengthened to look like this."

The current Alden Hood can be called a giant, with a body stronger than Tang Hao. As for his strength, it can be seen from his explosive muscles. His strength, It can definitely bring fear to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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