Ghost Task Force

Chapter 412 Power

Chapter 412 Power
Liang Ye could only say it was a pity, because Tang Hao should have seen this scene here.

He also has a huge body and amazing strength, and he should be compared with Alden Hood most.

In other words, these two people should compete in strength to see who is stronger and who is weaker.

"My friends, have you seen it?" Zhou Yuying lowered her voice, looked at the tall man standing in the container, and said, "This is taller than a tyrant. Is this the effect of genetic modification drugs?"

Her voice was full of shock, because Zhou Yuying saw danger in this man.

Perhaps this man's power will be flawed, but his threat to the world is absolute.

Liang Ye also felt this way, and his subconscious told him that this person must not appear in the human world.

Victoria's face was full of pride. She was very satisfied with her research results, which were also the best results she had obtained in her long-term research.

Alden Hood has the same abilities as Tang Hao, and on the surface he seems to be even stronger than Tang Hao. As for who is stronger and who is weaker, it will only be known by the two of them getting in touch with each other.

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Tang Hao's eyes widened, and Deng Xuan, who was watching the video, also stood up in shock.

The man in the video really gave the task force too much visual impact.

The members of the Ghost Task Force are all supernatural beings, and they are very familiar with their superpowers. It can be said that everyone's abilities are unique.However, a power like Tang Hao's is one of the easiest superpowers in the world to imitate.

Many drugs can enhance human physical performance, allowing normal people to have strength and speed beyond ordinary people.

The only one who doesn't know what happened is Fang Siyu. She is still in the operating room, watching the doctor perform the operation.

The man who was drugged by them had a low pulse rate that was almost negligible, and he was already on the verge of death.

Under the gaze of everyone, the organs of his body began to slowly turn blue.

After the color change of the organs, his pulse miraculously returned to normal levels.

But then, his body began to shake violently. Even though he was completely unconscious and his abdomen was cut open, his body still shook uncontrollably.

The doctors who were observing and recording were suddenly taken aback, and Fang Siyu subconsciously took two steps back, what happened in front of her was beyond her cognition.

Fang Siyu is not a doctor, she can only do simple first aid, but not any medical skills.It was already unacceptable for her to observe the operation process, let alone see the internal organs of the human body.

What happened in front of her made Fang Siyu feel a little overwhelmed, and the doctors in charge of the operation quickly held down the man's arms and legs, and the doctor in charge said loudly: "Quick, hold him down, the medicine is working!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the man's organs suddenly turned into a puddle of blood.

In the blink of an eye, all the organs in the man's abdomen melted, and the scene was shocking.

Everyone at the scene was stunned for a moment, and Fang Siyu, who was not a doctor, felt his stomach tumbling.

On the nearby medical instrument, the pulse data showed zero, and the man was completely dead, without any signs of life.

When he had an abnormality, these doctors did not give him first aid, but said excitedly that the medicine worked.

Their research is too cruel!

"Hey..." The attending doctor sighed, then took the paper and pen beside him, and said calmly: "Record, the latest genetic modification medicine has defects and cannot adapt to the human body."

"The medicine from last time is better." A doctor said.

"The effect of the potion last time was too simple. Although it was a breakthrough, it couldn't achieve the expected effect. Alden Hood and his team have been transformed. Their superpowers are just powerful forces, which cannot be called It's success. Victoria is so proud, it's too short-sighted." The attending doctor looked disdainful.

Fang Siyu listened to all their conversations.

This is a very important message. Alden Hood, and his team, have been transformed and strengthened.

"You, if you are here to study, you can't tell the result this time, otherwise we won't allow you to enter the operating room again, understand?" The attending doctor pointed at Fang Siyu with a serious face.

Fang Siyu nodded seriously, pretending to be very obedient.

The doctors all nodded in satisfaction, and the attending doctor looked at the time, then frowned and said, "Job Humphrey is here. It seems that the presentation has already started, and we are late."

"Let's go, this result will make Victoria unhappy, no matter how late we are, she will definitely not let us go," said a doctor.

The attending doctor nodded, and he first said to Fang Siyu: "You can't stay here anymore, leave with us immediately."

Fang Siyu responded, although she wanted to stay here for a while to collect information, but in order not to be exposed, she had to leave with these doctors.

Although the scene here made her sick, but for the mission, she should be ready to sacrifice.

Unfortunately, things didn't go the way she wanted.

At this moment, Victoria walked up to the protective cover. She looked excitedly at Alden Hood who was still in a coma, then turned to Job Humphrey and said, "Mr. Humphrey, this I can definitely hand in a satisfactory answer once.”

"What is he capable of?" asked Job Humphrey.

People with supernatural powers have superpowers that are different from ordinary people. The whole world knows this, and Job Humphrey has been pursuing this result for a long time. Now that Victoria has finally made good progress, he certainly looks forward to it, otherwise he would not Will risk coming here through a blizzard.

"Strength, superhuman strength." Victoria replied.

Liang Ye took two steps forward, carefully observing Alden Hood standing in the container.

This is like a supernatural being like Tang Hao. As for whether he is stronger than Tang Hao, this remains to be verified.

Job Humphrey walked up to the protective shield. He thought for a while, then looked at Victoria and said, "It's not true. I want to know if all this is true."

As if she had expected him to say this a long time ago, Victoria smiled lightly, and she quickly pressed on the tablet.

As she released the control of the container, Alden Hood slowly opened his eyes.

Then, all the tubes inserted into his body were automatically released, and the container that originally closed him was also opened.

Alden Hood, this giant with a height of two meters, was released at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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