Ghost Task Force

Chapter 413 He's Coming Out To Kill

Chapter 413 He's Coming Out To Kill
England, London, Locke Family Castle.

This is one of the largest private castles in the UK. It has a defense force stronger than a military base, and it also houses Arthur Locke, the leader of the largest consortium in Europe.

At this time, Arthur Locke's daughter, Gladys Locke, was lying on a deck chair by the pool.She wears sunglasses and enjoys the sunshine.

The two sisters, Catherine and Angela, were standing beside Gladys in swimsuits. Both of them were staring at Gladys' impeccable figure, and their cheeks were slightly flushed.

Gladys is also wearing a swimsuit, her skin is rosy, and her height of 1.7 meters [-] gives her a pair of slender legs.Let alone a man, even a woman would have the urge to bow down when seeing her face and figure.

After a while, Catherine said cautiously: "The man of strength has been released."

However, Gladys didn't respond right away. She moved her hands first, and Angela, who was standing aside, immediately understood, and quickly took a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and handed it to Gladys.

Gladys took the orange juice, drank a couple of sips and said, "It's just for testing, and it doesn't meet the standard I want. This so-called powerful person is not even as good as the tyrant of the Ghost Task Force, let alone used to deal with Liang Ye."

"Should we just stay on the sidelines?" Catherine asked.

Gladys nodded slightly, and said: "Weixi Medicine is just a clown, and their research has no effect on us."

"The elders gave them high expectations." Angela said.

"The medicine they developed can't meet the requirements I want at all." Gladys looked a little excited, she sat up from the recliner, and said coldly: "Alden Hood is a waste, no matter how good the evolution Drugs are unlikely to make him a god."

Her reaction made both Catherine and Angela take a step back, a look they had rarely seen Gladys show.

Gladys took a deep breath slowly, and then said word by word: "They will be wiped out."


Siberia, Weixi pharmaceutical factory.

The released Alden Hood looked around with somewhat confused eyes. At this moment, he was like a guinea pig appreciated by others, who could only stay in a cage.

"Does his memory still belong to him?" asked Job Humphrey.

This is indeed the key point. If these transformed people still have their original memories, then these people cannot be controlled at all.

But if not, what is Alden Hood now?Whether he can still fight bravely like before, and whether he can still think normally.

No matter which aspect it is, it can bring bad influence, and this is not what Job Humphrey wants to see.

"We cleared his memory, but our brain technology is not mature enough, and we also lack talents in this area. For the time being, his thoughts belong to a baby." When Victoria said these words, she seemed a little lacking in confidence.

This is indeed a flaw, but what she wants to show today is his research results, not how to make a person obedient.

Defects can be repaired later, which is currently Victoria's idea.

Victoria thinks so, but it doesn't mean that other people think so.

What Liang Ye felt from Alden Hood was not only confusion, but also a drive.

This momentum comes from instinct.

Some people lose their memory, but their previous instincts are still there.For example, a soldier who has been on the battlefield, even if he has forgotten who he is, will never forget the feeling when he held a gun.

Therefore, Alden Hood is looking for his own positioning at this time, and recovering the instinct of body muscles.

Alden Hood was a lunatic and a murderous maniac. His legend had been circulating in the mercenary circle. Many people knew that he had some mental problems. He liked to kill those he disliked.

He no longer knows who he is, but he will never forget the feeling of killing.

Alden Hood was looking around at this moment, remembering the appearance of every researcher in his eyes.And his five fingers are constantly moving, as if preparing for something.

His every move made Job Humphrey very puzzled. He looked at Victoria and asked, "What is he doing?"

"He is thinking now, adapting to the power in his body." Victoria explained.

In fact, Victoria herself didn't know what Alden Hood was doing, and this situation was not her area of ​​expertise.

She is good at researching drugs that modify genes, but that doesn't mean she has the ability to control everything.

She was very thoughtful, but she didn't consider what Alden Hood would look like when he woke up.

"No, he's looking for his place." Liang Ye said.

His words made the surrounding researchers focus on him, and Job Humphrey was also puzzled because he had never seen Liang Ye here.

"Who are you?" asked Job Humphrey.

Victoria hurriedly walked to Liang Ye's side. She grabbed Liang Ye's arm and explained with a smile: "He is the new researcher Jack, and he is currently my assistant."

Job Humphrey ignored Victoria. He continued to look at Liang Ye, frowning and asked, "What do you mean by what you said just now that he is looking for his place?"

Victoria glanced at Liang Ye with a hint of nervousness in her expression.She was very worried that Liang Ye would say something wrong and confuse this presentation, because Job Humphrey was already very disappointed with Victoria and her team. There would be no support, and her research would be in vain.

"As far as I know, Alden Hood used to be a mercenary who killed without blinking an eye. Even if he loses his memory, he will never lose his instinct for fighting." Liang Ye's face was serious. He said word by word: "Alden Hood is recovering this ability. The medicine has enhanced his strength and body, and now he has to learn to control it."

"Learn to control?"

This question was raised by Victoria. She looked at Liang Ye and asked with a puzzled expression, "What do you mean?"

Liang Ye didn't look at Victoria. His eyes stayed on the protective cover in the center of the hall, and he said slowly, "It means he's going to come out to kill people."

As soon as his words fell, a loud noise spread throughout the hall of the research room.

Except for Liang Ye, everyone present was taken aback.

I saw that Alden Hood's eyes were red, his fists were clenched and his veins were bulging. The sound just now was because he smashed his fist on the glass of the protective cover.

No one considered this situation, and Liang Ye never expected that such a thing would happen in this mission.

However, since he was here, he had to take care of everything.

He has completed the collection of intelligence and drugs, and now, it is time to deal with this Alden Hood!
(End of this chapter)

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