Ghost Task Force

414 kill him

414 kill him
Alden Hood's punch just now failed to destroy the protective shield, but it also left a fist mark on the protective glass.

"The protective shield can withstand the impact of bullets and bombs, and he won't come out." Victoria looked nervous, but still loudly comforted everyone.

Her words did not appease the fear of others. The researchers all stared wide-eyed, looking at Alden Hood who was constantly attacking the protective shield.

They are all just scientists, without any combat capabilities.If Alden Hood comes out, there will be a lot of people here!

"Damn it, hypnotic gas, use hypnotic gas!" Victoria shouted.

As for Job Humphrey, the vice president of Weixi Pharmaceutical Group, after being taken aback, he fixed his eyes on Liang Ye.

He opened his eyes wide, staring intently at Liang Ye's appearance.

Liang Ye originally focused all his attention on Alden Hood, but suddenly realized that he was being watched like this, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

"You!" Job Humphrey pointed at Liang Ye with his index finger, his expression full of panic, "I recognize you!"

Liang Ye: "..."

Victoria: "???"

"You are Liang Ye, the son of Liang Anguo!" Job Humphrey shouted.

As soon as his words fell, the task force members subconsciously widened their eyes.

Job Humphrey's words also meant that Liang Ye's identity was completely exposed, and it also meant that this mission required mass killing.

Liang Ye really didn't expect that he would be recognized here. Although this was unexpected, Liang Ye didn't panic at all.

"Yes." Liang Ye twisted his neck, then took off his white coat, revealing the combat uniform inside, "Since you know my identity, you should also know the purpose of my coming here. "

"Kill him!" cried Job Humphrey.

The guards who had been following him quickly picked up the AK47 in their hands and aimed their guns at Liang Ye.

However, just as their muzzles were raised, the shields suddenly shattered at this moment.

With the sound of glass shattering, Alden Hood's figure clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

A researcher closest to the protective shield was caught by Alden Hood in an instant. In less than half a second, blood was spilled all over the ground. Alden Hood forcibly tore him in two. Half.

The killed researcher didn't even have time to scream.

The hypnotic gas didn't have any effect at all, and the modification of the medicine made him immune to the effects of the poisonous gas.

The method and speed of the murder shocked the task force members, and the guards who originally wanted to deal with Liang Ye also turned around and fixed their eyes on Alden Hood.

Job Humphrey was not far from the position of the shield, and he was quickly targeted by Alden Hood.

Victoria began to back away, everything that happened here was out of her control.

The entire hall was in chaos, and the researchers fled screaming. If they stayed here, they would become the targets of Alden Hood.Without combat capabilities, they are like a fragile grass, which can only be ravaged by others.

Seeing Alden Hood's huge body and explosive muscles, Job Humphrey subconsciously took two steps back.

As he backed away, however, Alden Hood had taken a step and was striding towards him.

"Kill him!" yelled Job Humphrey.

Originally, he wanted to get rid of Liang Ye first, but now, if he didn't get rid of Alden, who had gone berserk, he would die here.

Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, Liang Ye pressed the communicator and quickly said: "Fang Siyu, Yueling, you two go to the drug warehouse to collect unknown drugs that can be taken away. Deng Xuan, start the engine of the plane and follow my orders to take off at any time. Tyrant, Lei Yu, come down to meet Yueling and Fang Siyu, everyone is ready to deal with everything, a big battle is inevitable!"

After receiving Liang Ye's order, everyone acted according to his arrangement. Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu quickly went to the drug warehouse. Although Zhou Yuying had collected some unknown drugs before, there might be more in the drug warehouse.

At this time, the alarm in the research and development room had already sounded, and the mercenaries stationed in the factory had already received the news and were rushing towards Area B.

A big battle is about to break out here.

The guards pointed their guns at Alden Hood, but just as they were about to pull the trigger, Alden Hood's figure suddenly disappeared from their eyes.

What happened in front of him made Liang Ye frown suddenly. Obviously, Alden not only increased his strength, but also increased his speed.

Alden Hood's speed was very fast, but he was still within Liang Ye's observable range, but for those guards who could only use firearms and basic fighting, Alden Hood seemed to have disappeared .

The next moment, with the sound of screams, a guard with a gun was firmly grabbed by the arm by Alden Hood.

Then, under everyone's gaze, the guard's arm was ripped off abruptly.

Blood spurted out from the wound like a fountain, instantly dyeing the white ground red, the bloody scene was disgusting.

The rest of the guards were shocked by the scene in front of them, and even forgot to shoot at this terrifying demon.

Job Humphrey was so frightened that his legs were limp. The guard whose arm was torn off was less than two meters away from him, and some blood even spilled on his expensive suit.

He was just a businessman. He had never seen such a terrifying scene. It was a miracle that he was still standing now.

Liang Ye opened the Hidden Blade Wristguard. The situation in front of him has made him unable to think about where Victoria has gone. What he should do is to prevent Alden Hood from continuing to kill.

Although he didn't know anyone here, and they weren't doing any legitimate research, the duty of a soldier was to save lives. Under such circumstances, Liang Ye couldn't just ignore death.

The guard whose arm was torn had lost the ability to resist. After two screams, his head bones were mercilessly crushed by Alden Hood.

Just such a punch, smashing the human skull.

"Shoot!" Job Humphrey yelled again.

After finishing speaking, he started to roll and crawl, trying to escape backwards.

However, through his shout just now, Alden Hood has locked his action.

As soon as Job Humphrey took two steps, Alden appeared behind him and grabbed him by the neck from behind.

The rest of the guards wanted to keep firing, but when they saw that Job Humphrey was caught, they all let go of their fingers that were clinging to the trigger.

If they had shot, it would have killed Job Humphrey as well.Although the odds are small, none of them dare to take the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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