Ghost Task Force

Chapter 415 The speed of the wind

Chapter 415 The speed of the wind
No one thought that such a thing would happen. This feeling was like falling from the normal world to hell suddenly. Many people present were at a loss and only knew to run for their lives.

The guards who had been with Job Humphrey were all stunned at this moment. No one dared to shoot first. They didn't have enough confidence to kill Alden without hurting their boss.

However, Alden was faster than everyone else. As soon as he lifted Job Humphrey into the air, his fingers quickly squeezed hard, breaking his cervical spine in an instant.


In just an instant, the vice president of Weixi Medicine, a rich man with a net worth of over [-] million, was wrung out by the monster developed by his scientific researchers.

When he came, he was still full of curiosity about this transformed person.But he never thought that he would risk his life here.

Job Humphrey's head lowered slowly, and his limbs were no longer stiff.

He is completely dead.

Watching Job Humphrey being killed, the guards stared wide-eyed, and even forgot that they could shoot.


The body of Job Humphrey was thrown on the ground by Alden like a dead dog.

When Alden's gaze rested on those guards, Liang Ye finally made a move.

Liang Ye, who mainly fought with agility, showed a speed twice as strong as Alden at this time.

Before Alden could react, Liang Ye had already appeared in front of him, and the Hidden Blade in his right hand pierced his abdomen fiercely.

The Hidden Blade was twenty centimeters long, and its penetration was stronger than that of a rifle bullet at Liang Ye's explosive speed.

However, Liang Ye felt as if his Hidden Blade had been pierced on a piece of steel. The blade of the Hidden Sword only pierced through, and there were still ten centimeters that could not penetrate completely.

After being strengthened, Alden's physical strength was like a hard stone, which surprised Liang Ye secretly, because Alden's physical strength seemed to be no less than Tang Hao's.

Tang Hao's supernatural ability was brought by nature, and he had it for a long time. In comparison, Alden was weaker.

Liang Ye defeated Tang Hao, but that was without going all out, and both of them suppressed their respective abilities.

If Tang Hao goes all out, even if Liang Ye can win, it will take a lot of effort.Now dealing with this Alden, Liang Ye had a feeling of dealing with Tang Hao again.

The battle had already broken out, and when Liang Ye wanted to continue to use force, Alden roared and pushed his left hand on Liang Ye's shoulder.

This palm gave Liang Ye the feeling that a huge boulder had hit him on his shoulder, and the impact it brought was astonishing.

Liang Ye's stamina is very strong, but at this time, he was pushed backwards and flew out.

Although Alden's strength cannot be compared with Tang Hao's, the difference is not far behind.

Liang Ye, who flew upside down, endured the pain in his right shoulder, first crossed his hands in front of his chest, and then opened them forcefully.

Then, the memory cloth cloak instantly appeared behind Liang Ye, causing him to fall to the ground smoothly.

Liang Ye hadn't used the cloak for a while. When performing missions, the cloak would be hidden on his combat uniform. Liang Ye could use it and take it back at any time.

After landing smoothly, Liang Ye stared at Alden with sharp eyes.

Liang Ye pierced Alden's abdomen with the Hidden Blade just now, but it seemed that Alden was not affected in the slightest.

At this time, the researchers had already fled, and Victoria didn't know where she went.In this chaotic situation, it was difficult to find someone, not to mention that Liang Ye didn't have such time.

The guards had already reacted, but to Liang Ye's surprise, they actually planned to deal with themselves and Alden at the same time.

I saw that after the captain of the guard gave an order, the remaining 47 guards turned around in two groups, and the AK[-] in their hands aimed at Liang Ye and Alden respectively.

Then the captain of the guard yelled, "Fire."

The captain was still in a state of not reacting before.Now that Job Humphrey was dead, it was their duty to eliminate all threats.

Alden was a threat, and Liang Ye was also a threat.

Only by getting rid of these two people can the safety of this place be guaranteed.

At this time, Liang Ye didn't know what to say, so don't praise them, they have fulfilled their duties.Praise them, they have posed a threat to themselves again.

The current Liang Ye could only smile wryly, and then unfolded the cloak on his back, letting himself fly into the air with the help of the wind.

As soon as Liang Ye's feet left the ground, the guards pulled the trigger, and the merciless bullets flew straight towards Liang Ye and Alden's bodies.

The speed of the wind cannot be captured, and when the bullet was about to hit Liang Ye's body, he successfully flew into the air.

As for Alden, his huge body exploded with a speed it shouldn't have.

As soon as the bullet left the barrel, Alden was like a ghost; he moved quickly, approaching the guards while avoiding the bullet.

Liang Ye watched what happened on the ground. Although the guards wanted to kill him just now, he couldn't just stand by and watch at this moment.

Allowing Alden to kill people undoubtedly gave Alden the opportunity to continue to become stronger.

When Alden was less than three meters away from the guards, a gust of wind that could blow people away blew across the entire hall of the research room.

There are still many researchers in the hall who have not had time to escape. Before they can react, the gust of wind blows them so that they can no longer stand still.

As for the thinner researchers, they were blown into the air in embarrassment.

The main trajectory of this gust of wind was in the direction of Alden and the group of guards.

Liang Ye tried his best to control his body balance in the air, and at the same time let the gust of wind blow Alden's body.

Although Alden's body is huge, he will still be disturbed when he is blown by the wind.

Alden, who was originally moving at high speed, stopped abruptly under the interference of the wind.

And those guards who were also blown by the wind were also sucked into the wind one after another. Even if they wanted to fire, they couldn't do it anymore, because the AK47 that was originally in their hands was also sucked into the wind.

After finishing off the guards, Liang Ye let a gust of wind blow over his body, and began to dive towards Alden below.

Alden also lowered his body to reduce the wind's interference to him. The wind was so soft that he didn't even notice that Liang Ye was swooping down from the sky.

Liang Ye did not stretch out the Hidden Blade this time, but formed a tornado in the palm of his right hand.

Now he was able to control his abilities very well, even a small whirlwind, under Liang Ye's control, could still release astonishing destructive power.

(End of this chapter)

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