Ghost Task Force

Chapter 416 Combat Skills

Chapter 416 Combat Skills

Under the interference of the wind, Alden has no ability to resist, even though he is powerful; but at this time, he can only lower his body and use his back to resist the destructive force brought by the strong wind.

When Liang Ye was about to collide with Alden, he stretched out his right hand suddenly, and pressed his palm on Alden's head.

And in the palm of his right hand, there is a small whirlwind that is constantly spinning.

Under Liang Ye's deliberate actions, the little whirlwind was crushed on Alden's head.

Then, Alden's body was like a flying top, spinning at a speed of [-] per minute and flew into midair, and then hit the white wall of the hall at an alarming speed.


With a sound like a cannonball explosion, Alden's body sank into the wall, and the traces of the collision were shocking!
One thousand revolutions per minute is still a human body, no one can bear it.

And Liang Ye just relied on his own abilities to force Alden to do this superhuman behavior.

No matter how powerful Alden's modified body is, in this case, it is impossible not to get injured.

Liang Ye picked up a dropped AK47 from the ground, skillfully removed the clip, took out a bullet in the clip, and loaded it into the sleeve gun in his right hand.

The guards who originally wanted to shoot Liang Ye and Alden were already dizzy from the wind, lying on the ground and no longer had the strength to get up.

Not everyone can bear that kind of rotation, and ordinary people can't bear it at all.

Liang Ye walked towards Alden step by step. This Alden surprised Liang Ye too much, and also made Liang Ye use fighting skills that he had never used before.

This is also Liang Ye's latest exploration. Liang Ye is not skilled enough to use it, but at least it can cause heavy damage to the enemy.

From the current situation, this new attack method works very well.

But to Liang Ye's surprise, after a brief coma, Alden began to struggle to leave the wall.

The big hole in the wall seemed to have been blasted out by a shell. While struggling, Alden held down the walls on both sides with his hands.

And the blood on his head was very conspicuous. Liang Ye's attack just now did hurt him.

Alden hadn't spoken since the beginning of the battle, and could only roar like an animal. Liang Ye temporarily speculated that he had lost the ability to speak.But the only thing Alden hasn't lost is all his fighting skills and fighting instincts.

Otherwise, he wouldn't attack the researchers as soon as he woke up.

Liang Ye's right sleeve gun was loaded, ready to kill Alden at any time.But Liang Ye was not in a hurry to do so, he was even more curious about the side effects of this drug.

All drugs that can transform the human body and bring great power to ordinary people will have side effects more or less.

Even if it doesn't show up right away, it can shorten lifespan.

There is no perfect medicine in the world, not to mention that these are used to modify human genes and inspire superpowers in ordinary people.

This drug should never exist, let alone be used in the human body.

Whatever the reason, it cannot be an explanation for this sequence of events.

Weixi Medicine has an unshirkable responsibility, and Victoria, who is in charge of the research, has the main responsibility. She developed these drugs and erased Alden Hood's memory.

Although Alden Hood was an experiment, Liang Ye had to get rid of him, otherwise he would hurt more people.

Liang Ye slowly raised his right hand, and the infrared assisted aiming of the sleeve gun locked on Alden's head.

Even though it has been strengthened, the brain is still the most vulnerable place of human beings. One shot can kill you!

Alden had already left the wall at this time, and was kneeling on the ground with his head lowered, obviously not recovering from the rotation just now.

However, just when Liang Ye was about to shoot, Alden's right hand swung forward.

Then, from his hand, a handful of debris flew out.

These crumbs were grabbed by him when he left the wall just now. At first it was just a piece of gravel, but with his strength, it was not a problem to turn it into crumbs.

When the debris hit, Liang Ye subconsciously wanted to dodge. It was also because of this attack that Liang Ye lost the opportunity to continue aiming.

The debris did not harm Liang Ye, but it also affected his actions, giving Alden a chance to fight back.


Alden bumped into Liang Ye's body, knocking Liang Ye to the ground.

Then, Alden pressed his knees on Liang Ye's abdomen, clenched his fist with his right hand, and slammed towards Liang Ye's head.

If this punch landed, Liang Ye's head would definitely be severely injured.

Liang Ye's body has received a lot of training and has a strong ability to fight.

But Liang Ye knew very well how strong this Alden was after transformation. Even if his body was different from ordinary people, if he received this punch, he would be seriously injured if he did not die!

When the fist was falling, Liang Ye crossed his hands on his face, resisting the blow with his wrists.

The fist fell, and although both hands had wrist guards, Liang Ye still felt a sharp pain in his arm.

The attack failed, Alden roared angrily, stretched out his left fist, and wanted to continue attacking Liang Ye.

But how could Liang Ye give him a chance to continue attacking? He resisted the pain in his abdomen; he swung his right foot up and kicked Alden hard on the back.

The back was attacked, and Alden's body fell forward uncontrollably.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Ye quickly rolled to the left and jumped up from the ground nimbly.

Alden was also struggling to get up from the ground, but Liang Ye didn't give him any chance to continue to be presumptuous.

At the moment Alden's body just got up, Liang Ye kicked out with his left foot, kicked Alden's rear joint of his left leg, and kicked him to the ground with one knee.

Then, Liang Ye took two steps forward and locked Alden's throat with both hands.

This chokehold method was learned by Liang Ye when he received special training not long after he joined the army.This combat technique is very practical in actual combat. One hand holds the enemy's head and fixes it so that the opponent does not struggle.The other hand strangled the opponent's throat, causing the opponent to suffocate.

As long as the force is enough, it will take a few seconds to make the enemy breathless and stunned.

Liang Ye's power was very strong, but Alden's was even stronger, so Liang Ye couldn't make Alden unconscious immediately, so he could only lock Alden up first.

Alden gritted his teeth and kept stretching his hands back, trying to pull Liang Ye's arm away.

His resistance made it difficult for Liang Ye to continue using his strength, but it also aroused Liang Ye's anger.

Liang Ye has a good temper, but once provoked, it may bring endless terror to the world.

With a gust of wind blowing, Liang Ye's right elbow hit Alden's shoulder hard!
(End of this chapter)

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