Ghost Task Force

Chapter 417 Give an order

Chapter 417 Give an order
There was a dull sound when the elbow touched the flesh. On the surface, nothing could be seen, but the sound gave people a feeling of scalp numbness.

Alden's body was strong enough to withstand the fatal penetration of the Hidden Blade, but Liang Ye's attack hit one of the most vulnerable places in the human body, the carotid artery.

The carotid artery was severely hit, which could range from fainting to fatal.

Although Alden was physically strong, he couldn't help but let out a wail when the vulnerable part of his neck was attacked like this.

Not to mention him, even Tang Hao would definitely not be able to bear it.

No one can resist this kind of pain from a vital point. Liang Ye's blow immediately made Alden lose the strength to continue to resist.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Ye forcefully locked Alden's throat from behind, causing him to suffocate again.

This monster, which could tear ordinary people apart in a second, was completely controlled by Liang Ye at this moment, and he no longer had the strength to resist.

It's not that he's not powerful, it's just that he met a stronger opponent than him.What's more, his memory has been erased, leaving only the fighting instinct, and his previous experience has long since disappeared.

Therefore, if he wanted to fight Liang Ye, he would have no advantage other than relying on brute force.

The current situation is very unfavorable to Alden, and Liang Ye has completely gained the upper hand.

At this time, the security team of the entire factory was on alert, and the combat team began to approach Area B. Lei Yu and Tang Hao, who were stationed at the entrance of Area B, looked at each other, thinking about countermeasures.

Liang Ye had ordered them to get ready, that is, authorized them to use all means to ensure the continuation of the mission.

Now Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu are going to collect medicines, Liang Ye is dealing with the monster, Deng Xuan is controlling the plane, and the two of them are still on alert.

It can also be said that the two of them have nothing to do.

From time to time, researchers escaped from the entrance of Area B, and gradually, almost all the researchers who were not dead inside had been evacuated.

Lei Yu and Tang Hao didn't know what Victoria looked like, and they didn't know whether the Russian woman who molested Liang Ye before was also among the escaped crowd.

In this case, it is also difficult for the two to notice who is gone and who is not.

"I have to go in and have a look. The boss is already fighting. He may need our assistance." Lei Yu loaded the bullet in his hand and said quickly: "You stay here."

But this time, Tang Hao didn't listen to Lei Yu's order. He grabbed Lei Yu's arm and said, "No, deputy captain, your marksmanship is the best. We will stay here together."

Lei Yu stopped and looked at Tang Hao with doubtful eyes.

"Those guards went in not just to kill the modified monster, the captain is also the target, he has been recognized. If we let these guards in, it will undoubtedly increase the pressure on the captain, now he is dealing with that monster, we can't let He's in a dangerous situation. If we're going to help him, we're going to stay here and stop those guards."

Tang Hao's words are not unreasonable. Although he is not highly educated and has the least words in the task force, his words are very suitable for the current situation.

The guards received the order to kill all the non-researchers in the research room, and Liang Ye had already been exposed, and the guards who were rushing to Area B also aimed to kill Liang Ye.

If all these guards went in, it would bring absolute pressure to Liang Ye.

Although he is a supernatural being, he is not a god, and he will have limits.Once the guards came in, even with the help of Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu, it would be difficult for Liang Ye to leave the laboratory.

What's more, the only way to leave the research room is the elevator.

If the guards guarded the elevator, with Liang Ye's current situation, it would be difficult to break out.

Both Zhou Yuying and Fang Siyu had no weapons, and he only had a Hidden Blade and a rifle bullet, these were not able to participate in the battle at all.

Liang Ye's order was to be prepared, and the rest depended on Lei Yu and Tang Hao's own ability to react and think.

They must make the right decision in order to help their comrades.

Lei Yu didn't think for too long, and after half a second he nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, listen to you!"

"Give the order, deputy captain!" Tang Hao said with a serious face as he loaded the AK47 rifle in his hand.

Lei Yu let out a sigh of relief, he glanced at the rifle in his hand, frowned slightly and said: "The situation is not good for us, we don't have enough ammunition and weapons for us to fight a big battle, and the opponent has at least one company, once we fight, it will be difficult for us to take it." Cheap."

As he spoke, he looked at the watch on his left hand. The satellite map was displayed on the screen of the watch. At this time, dozens of red dots were approaching the entrance of Area B at a very fast speed.Fortunately, before entering the research room, Liang Ye strengthened the power of the blizzard, so the guards moved slowly.

Tang Hao looked at Lei Yu without saying a word. At this time, Lei Yu could only decide.

"We were lucky to have the cover of a blizzard, and now we use the remaining time to install the remote-controlled bomb." Lei Yu said.

Tang Hao responded, and quickly dug out his backpack from the snow.

In this mission, Lei Yu and Tang Hao's duty was to provide fire support, so both of them carried some auxiliary equipment.

"I want to kill my 'Sky Eye'." Lei Yu gritted his teeth, with a helpless expression on his face.

If his 'Sky Eye' is brought out, then he can display his best state in this battle.

Facing the blizzard, Tang Hao buried the remote control bomb 20 meters in front of him. While Tang Hao was installing the bomb, Lei Yu held down the communicator and quickly said, "I am the vice-captain Hawkeye, calling for the magician."

"The magician received it, waiting for the order!" Deng Xuan replied quickly.

"Take off the plane, hover over the factory, activate all weapon systems, and provide us with fire support at any time. We must guard the entrance of Area B and wait for the captain and Yue Ling to come out!" Lei Yu ordered.


After receiving the order, Deng Xuan began to recover the drones wandering outside.

However, when one of the drones was returning, it suddenly sounded an alarm.

Deng Xuan frowned, and quickly called up the footage captured by the drone.

When he saw the video, his eyes widened subconsciously, and he jumped up from his seat.

What the drone captured was a monster that was covered in crocodile skin and looked like a crocodile.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Deng Xuan quickly recalled the crocodile monster Liang Ye encountered when the ghost task force returned to S city.

"Call all members of the Ghost Task Force, the Hercules was attacked by a crocodile monster, repeat, the plane was attacked by a crocodile monster!"

After speaking, Deng Xuan took the pistol next to the computer and walked down the stairs quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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