Ghost Task Force

Chapter 427 Another Organization

Chapter 427 Another Organization

The Bureau of Strategic Defense will definitely take action on this, and it is impossible to stand by and do nothing.Every agent is an important resource of the Strategic Security Bureau. Even if a first-level agent is caught, they will take measures to rescue him.

Zhao Long is an eighth-level agent, and his importance cannot be ignored. The senior management of the Strategic Security Bureau will definitely send action experts.

As for who to send, these will have to wait for Director Li Shan to make a decision.

At this time, Zhou Yuying turned around and said to Liang Ye: "Captain, the director is going to hold a video conference, and all agents above level eight must participate."

"I see." Liang Ye nodded, arranged his clothes, and then walked to the monitor, "Let Deng Xuan and Lei Yu come to the meeting."

Except for Liang Ye, the members of the Ghost Task Force are all eighth-level agents.So now they also want to attend the meeting, but they don't need to open another window, they just need to stand beside Liang Ye.

After treating the wound, Lei Yu returned to the cabin, and Deng Xuan also came to the cabin after setting the route.Everyone stood behind Liang Ye, waiting for the video connection.

Zhou Yuying stood by the table, quickly pressed her fingers on the touch-screen keyboard on the table, and began to connect to the headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau.

Ten seconds later, the video was switched on, and eight images were displayed on the monitor.

There are six eighth-level agents, one ninth-level agent, and Director Li Shan.

The ninth-level agent is Ding Xue. She is still wearing a black women's suit and glasses with black frames.

Director Li Shan has already returned to the headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau. The field mission he personally led before has ended. No emergencies have occurred, and everything is going smoothly.

However, just after he returned to the headquarters, he encountered Zhao Long's arrest, so he inevitably felt a little tired.

"I'm the bureau chief. I think you all already know what happened." Sitting at his desk, Li Shan said with a serious expression, "Now, what do you think?"

Li Shan did not give instructions immediately, but let the agents put forward their views.

Although he said so, his eyes were fixed on Liang Ye's window.

Everyone knows that Liang Ye has just finished his mission in Russia and is now returning to China.In other words, the only elite agent team closest to Bangzi Country is Liang Ye's Ghost Task Force.

Liang Ye used to be Li Shan's soldier, so of course he knew what Li Shan was thinking.

In fact, Liang Ye didn't want to intervene in this operation, because he and the rest of the team were already a little tired.

But after seeing Li Shan's gaze, Liang Ye was a little helpless, and then said seriously: "I am Major Liang Ye, the commander-in-chief of the battle. The Ghost Task Force is the closest to Bangzi Kingdom. We can complete this rescue."

Li Shan was just waiting for Liang Ye to say this. After all, it was too late to send action experts now. Liang Ye's team was the closest, and they were the only ones who should take action.

"Very good, we are waiting for your good news." Li Shan nodded, and then continued: "Zhao Long's accident caught us by surprise, and this time Major Liang Ye is personally responsible for the investigation of Weixi Medicine. Good progress. As for the traitors before, Agent Ding Xue is fully responsible, Agent Ding Xue, report your situation."

Hearing Li Shan's words, Ding Xue sat up straight and said expressionlessly: "According to the message received by Wang Bing's mobile phone, we arranged for combat agents to ambush in advance, successfully killed four members of the unknown organization, and arrested three people, and their interrogation is currently underway."

"Is it V's person?" Liang Ye asked his own question.

Ding Xue shook her head and said, "No, these people come from another organization, and this organization is even more mysterious. We don't have much information about them."

"Another new organization." Liang Ye muttered to himself, frowning slightly.

But he doesn't pay much attention now, because Ding Xue will take care of all this, and he still has a lot of things to be busy with. He already has a headache about V, and he doesn't want to take all the pressure on himself.

"Why did they collect intelligence from our Strategic Security Bureau, Agent Ding Xue, you have to find out all of this," Li Shan ordered.


Since the establishment of the Strategic Security Bureau, it was the first time that a traitor had occurred. Li Shan was angry about this. After all, as the director of the bureau, there was a traitor in the bureau, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

The rest of the senior agents were also very helpless. After all, once this kind of thing got out, the entire Strategic Security Bureau would be ashamed.

Every agent of the Security Bureau has to swear an oath to the national flag, sign various confidentiality agreements, and go through ideological education to become an official agent, even if it is a first-level agent.

But no matter how good the education is, it is inevitable that there will be stains. Now Li Shan has personally ordered to thoroughly investigate the traitors in the Strategic Security Bureau. Every agent must be investigated, even the Ghost Task Force is no exception.

Everyone has no objection to this. In the Bureau of Strategic Defense, traitors absolutely cannot exist. Such a large intelligence agency, the appearance of traitors is undoubtedly a huge loophole.

In this meeting, in addition to announcing the investigation by special agents, Li Shan also asked Liang Ye some details about the mission. The meeting did not last long, only 15 minutes.

Deng Xuan also set a route to Bangzi Country, and it will take less than an hour to get there.

Although Liang Ye didn't want to participate in this rescue, Li Shan had already ordered, and Liang Ye had to obey.

Soldiers take orders as their bounden duty, and everything is based on orders.As long as the country needs it, no matter how unwilling it is, it must follow the order.

After the meeting ended, Liang Ye took a deep breath, and then said to everyone: "The action has changed, go to Bangzi Country to rescue Zhao Long and his team, Zhou Yuying, go find the place where Zhao Long is being held, Lei Yu, To assist Zhou Yuying, we must not let go of any clues."


Zhou Yuying and Lei Yu responded at the same time, then sat down in front of the computer and began to inquire.

Zhou Yuying is the most proficient in investigations, especially using computers to look up information, which is basically not difficult for her.

Deng Xuan was to fly the plane, while Tang Hao was in charge of communications.

Liang Ye poured a glass of water, then walked back to his office.

Everything came so suddenly, and everyone was unprepared, and they were about to go to Bangzi Country immediately.

The failure of Zhao Long's action was unexpected by everyone. After all, everyone believed that he could complete this mission perfectly.

Although there are always many accidents during operations, this accident obviously shouldn't have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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