Ghost Task Force

Chapter 428 Really Hope

Chapter 428 Really Hope
Although there are many puzzles and questions in my heart, action is still necessary. After all, if the Ghost Task Force goes out in person, the threat can be minimized.

In the office, Liang Ye was sitting on the sofa drinking tea with a slightly serious expression.

It can be said that the Ghost Task Force is not prepared to rescue Zhao Long, unless Zhou Yuying can find useful information in the next hour.

Otherwise, rash actions may put the task force in danger.

As the captain of the task force, Liang Ye had to consider all the situations that should be considered and come up with countermeasures in advance.

Now the task force has not obtained any information that can help the operation, and there is not even a location where Zhao Long and his team are being held.

Not only the Ghost Task Force is investigating, but the intelligence personnel of the Strategic Defense Bureau are also working hard to find useful information.

Both sides are working hard for this rescue mission.

After thinking for a while, Liang Ye took out his phone and turned it on.

After sending a text message to Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye turned off the phone.He was worried that he would not be able to help thinking about her after seeing Xiao Xiao's reply, so he didn't dare to put too much emotion into it.

But now, things have not progressed yet, and there is still a lot of time before arriving at Bangzi Country, Liang Ye does not intend to let himself continue to be depressed.

Turning on the phone, Liang Ye did receive a text message from Xiao Xiao.

"It's good to be safe, I miss you." Behind the text message is a "red heart" emoji.

Looking at Xiao Xiao's reply text message, Liang Ye blinked, and after thinking for a while, finally dialed Xiao Xiao's number.

For Liang Ye's sudden call, Xiao Xiao was very surprised. After the call was connected, Xiao Xiao said first: "Why did you call me suddenly? Aren't you on a mission?"

Xiao Xiao asked two questions in a row, and every time Liang Ye called her during the mission, she would ask the same question.

Leaning on the sofa, Liang Ye glanced at the fifty-centimeter-wide window in the office, looked at the black clouds flashing across the sky quickly, pursed his lips and said, "I have some free time now, I just want to hear about your the sound of."

It was the first time for Xiao Xiao to hear Liang Ye say such hypocritical words. After a brief surprise, she smiled and said, "Okay, finish the task quickly, so you can see me?"

Hearing Xiao Xiao's voice, Liang Ye took a deep breath, and then said with a smile: "It's true, I'm working hard."

Liang Ye's words made Xiao Xiao aware of something, she quickly asked: "What's wrong? Are you worried?"

"Yeah, I have encountered some troubles." Liang Ye adjusted his sitting posture and said, "The operation has ended, but now there are new arrangements."

If it wasn't for Zhao Long's accident, then Liang Ye would already be on his way back to City S, and after returning, he could meet Xiao Xiao and then deal with other matters.

But now, he must go to rescue Zhao Long and his team.

Zhao Long and his team also belonged to the elite team. What happened this time was so sudden that no one would have thought that this elite team would be captured.

Xiao Xiao on the other end of the phone smiled softly, and she whispered: "Life is always full of surprises. There are too many things that need you in this world. You can't just focus on being with me."

"I understand." Liang Ye stood up and walked to the window. He looked at the starry night sky and said slowly: "I still have to stay abroad for a while, I'm sorry that I can't meet your parents for the time being."

"It's no big deal, my parents will understand."

"How is the decoration of the cafe going? I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe after I leave the army, we can run this cafe together. I'll be the boss, and you will be the proprietress!"

"Yes, hee hee, I'm looking forward to it too." But after speaking, Xiao Xiao finally thought of the point of what Liang Ye said just now, and she asked quickly, "Retired from the army?"

Liang Ye was not thinking about retiring from the army, in fact he was just thinking about his future life.

It is impossible for him to stay in the military camp all his life. The best years of his life have been dedicated to the army. Maybe in a few years, after V is completely wiped out, Liang Ye will leave and spend the rest of his life with Xiao Xiao .

People with great strength will one day get tired of disputes, and Liang Ye doesn't want to spend his whole life in battle.Now that he has Xiao Xiao, he starts to think about his family, and the life he will live with Xiao Xiao in the future.

His life is now full of beauty.

"I'm not planning to retire now, there are still many things that I need to deal with myself," Liang Ye said.

At this time, Xiao Xiao on the other end of the phone pondered for a while, and then said softly: "Have you ever thought about what a home looks like? I have thought about it. Close the door, and when you look back, you will find a sofa that takes up half of the living room. The cushions are not used." The kind that is very tall, but it must be very soft. The pot in the kitchen is gurgling, and the smell of pork rib soup in the pot is wafting out with a blunt aroma. The sky is about to darken. The light reflected the city on the glass, I put down my book cover, pulled on my slippers and ran to close the curtains. Suddenly the door opened with a "click", and you came in with a cold air and smiled and said "I'm back", I walked over and hugged You are like hugging the whole world."

Listening to Xiao Xiao's words, Liang Ye closed his eyes and opened them after a long time.

"I have to admit, I want a home with big floor-to-ceiling windows, clean wooden floors, flax-colored curtains, and a warm balcony. We wake up every morning with the comfort of the child still asleep and the lazy cat lying down In front of the bed, you were busy getting ready for breakfast, and I was like a bad guy pulling the child to get up. In fact, the best life is nothing more than having you, me, and children, and we smile sweetly in every satisfied day. "

Liang Ye is also a rare artist. He really wants this kind of life. Although reality does not allow it, imagination is always beautiful and it is possible to realize it.

"Are you still thinking about the child?" Xiao Xiao couldn't stop laughing. If Liang Ye was in front of her now, she would definitely see her cheeks flushed.

Liang Ye had never said this to her before, but when he mentioned it today, Xiao Xiao felt not only shyness, but also sweetness.

Liang Ye is a supernatural being, and he has incomparable power. Today he said something like this to Xiao Xiao, which also proves that he really loves Xiao Xiao deeply.

Life may not be as good as the news says, but it is definitely not as bad as the rumors say. Behind the light, there will always be someone blocking all darkness.

Liang Ye is the one who blocks the darkness, but he will be tired one day.Now he is a little tired, that's why he said this to Xiao Xiao.

He really hoped that in the days to come, he would have a family, Xiao Xiao, and children.

 It's not easy to code when I'm on a business trip, I hope everyone will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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