Ghost Task Force

Chapter 430 Action Plan

Chapter 430 Action Plan
Zhou Yuying adjusted Zhao Long and others to a blue display to distinguish them from the enemy.

Liang Ye read the 3D floor plan of the building in detail, and then said: "We don't need everyone to cooperate in this operation. If Zhao Long and the others still have fighting power, then let me bring them out alone, and you all stop the plane." On the roof."

According to the information provided by Zhou Yuying, Liang Ye finally determined his action plan.

This is the best plan so far. Liang Ye intends to use the form of gliding to enter the conference room of Weixi Medicine.

Glide in from the air, which can avoid being discovered by the enemy, and also reduce the mission time, without having to spend a lot of time to disguise your identity.

With Liang Ye's ability, gliding in the air is absolutely stress-free, and this is also Liang Ye's favorite way of action. It is convenient and quick, and it also allows him to show off his skills.

"The news of the death of the vice president of Weixi Medicine has spread, and the branch of Weixi Medicine is on high alert now..." Zhou Yuying suddenly discovered something, and then quickly said: "The information is wrong, Captain, Bangzi The building in China is not a branch of Weixi Medicine."

"What is that? Headquarters? How could this be wrong?" Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

Liang Ye frowned slightly at Zhou Yuying's words. She had been investigating all the time, and it would be really embarrassing if the branch and the headquarters could be mistaken.

"Yes, that is their headquarters, but they have always claimed that it is a branch, and the company building they call the headquarters is just a disguise, an empty shell." Zhou Yuying quickly tapped the keyboard with her fingers, a little embarrassed Said: "Everything about Weixi Medicine has been tampered with. My mistake is that I believed too much in the official news channel. When I checked just now, my hacker friend told me that Bangziguo is the headquarters of Weixi Medicine. , everything else is an empty shell. And the investigation data also shows that it is indeed an empty shell, nothing at all.”

"This is impossible, since that is their headquarters, but their chairman, Anthony Lawton, is always going out." Lei Yu asked with a puzzled expression.

Zhou Yuying shrugged helplessly, and explained: "That's because Anthony Lawton rarely returns to work in the company, and spends most of his time on business trips, only going to the headquarters of Bangziguo once or twice a month. It seems to the outside world that he is going to the branch, and it is normal for the chairman to visit the company branch occasionally."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Liang Ye said: "I don't care if it's a branch or the headquarters, if there is information worthy of our use, then we will add a mission plan."

"I apply." Zhou Yuying stretched out her hand and proposed: "I apply to enter Weixi Pharmaceutical's building and inquire about their computer hosts, which must contain their transaction records and all the research they have performed; if we want to If you want to start, you must know everything about them, and the previous investigation alone is not enough."

Zhou Yuying thought about this action very carefully, Liang Ye didn't even think about it.

After listening to Zhou Yuying's words, Liang Ye gave her a thumbs up and said, "The action is approved, you will be the top of the plan, and if you need someone to cooperate, you can just say it."

"I can do it alone." Zhou Yuying said.

Liang Ye nodded, then pressed the communicator, and quickly said: "I am the commander, Major Liang Ye, and all the personnel must gather in the cabin."

In fact, Deng Xuan and Fang Siyu are the only ones who are not in the cabin now. Fang Siyu does not belong to the Ghost Task Force, but now she is also wearing the communicator used by the Ghost Task Force during operations, and she can hear Liang Ye's call.

In less than 30 seconds, Deng Xuan and Fang Siyu also came to the cabin, and Liang Ye said seriously after taking a sip of coffee: "The plan is this. After the plane arrives at Bangzi Country, find a place for Yueling to get off the plane. She To enter the building of Weixi Medicine, download the host system data."

"After Yueling's operation started, the plane kept circling stealthily at an altitude of 500 meters. After Yueling issued a notice, I will airborne and glide into the conference room on the 38th floor of Weixi Medical Building to rescue the hostages. After all the hostages were rescued, the plane landed in Weixi. We will evacuate all of the rooftops of Xiyao Medical.”

This is Liang Ye's current plan. Zhou Yuying will start the operation first, and he will start his mission after Zhou Yuying's operation is completed.

The two tasks cannot be carried out together, otherwise the time will not match.

It will take a lot of time for Zhou Yuying to act, and it will also take time to download Weixi Medicine's computer data.

Liang Ye is quick to save people, but the alarm system will be triggered, and the computer room will be blocked at that time, which will bring trouble to Zhou Yuying, so Liang Ye can't carry out the two tasks together.

If you want to complete the task perfectly, it's okay to spend some time. The most important thing is to collect all available information and rescue Zhao Long and others at the same time.

Liang Ye's actions would alarm all the guards in the building, and there would inevitably be a fight during the evacuation, but Zhou Yuying's mission should have been completed by then, and he could evacuate with Liang Ye and the others.

The plan is very thoughtful, and Liang Ye is now looking forward to the execution without any problems.

After talking about the plan, Liang Ye glanced at everyone, and then continued: "Everyone is waiting for orders on the plane, and no one can leave the plane without my notice. You are the only support force. If Yue Ling and I need help, Then you must provide military support at any time."

"Received!" Everyone responded loudly.

And Fang Siyu thought for a while, then asked in a low voice: "Mr. Liang, what do I need to do?"

"You, stay on the plane. You don't need your help in this mission. Just wait for the result." Liang Ye replied.

Although Fang Siyu is an elite agent of the National Security Bureau, she is not a member of the Strategic Security Bureau, nor is she a member of the Ghost Task Force, and she does not need her help in this mission, because the only people who will go out are Liang Yehe It's just Zhou Yuying.

It was Liang Ye's idea to use as little power as possible.

Fang Siyu didn't have any opinion on Liang Ye's arrangement, after all, it was Liang Ye's decision, he was the commander, and he had the final say.

"It seems that we don't need to intervene in this operation." Tang Hao said with folded arms.

Liang Ye shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I can't tell, everything has accidents, let's see if there will be any emergencies now. The situation is changing rapidly, just like the actions we have carried out before, there are too many accidents , we must be fully prepared.”

"Understood." Tang Hao nodded vigorously.

This mission was arranged suddenly, and no one was prepared, but being able to collect intelligence and formulate an action plan in such a short period of time fully demonstrated the ability of the Ghost Task Force.

Next, it depends on whether Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying's actions can go as smoothly as planned.

(End of this chapter)

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