Ghost Task Force

Chapter 431 Guaranteed to complete the mission

Chapter 431 Guaranteed to complete the mission
The plane was less than 10 minutes away from Bangzi Country. Zhou Yuying was packing up the equipment to be used, while Liang Ye had already changed into his exclusive combat uniform.

Although the operation has not officially started, Liang Ye is already ready.

Liang Ye's actions will be very fast, airborne, broken windows, rescue, evacuation, it's that simple.

But Zhou Yuying is different, she needs a lot of time to complete, downloading the data will consume her a lot of time, not to mention she has to sneak into the building before entering the main computer room.

Liang Ye had no plans for these, because he did not intend to obtain other information about Weixi Medicine.According to the information obtained so far, it is enough to bring down the entire Weixi Medicine.

The only thing that the Strategic Security Bureau didn't have was the information on Weixi Medicine's trade in human organs, and this was why Zhou Yuying planned to sneak in to investigate.

"We still have more to investigate." Zhou Yuying, who was packing up her equipment, said to Liang Ye: "Captain, Weixi Medicine has too many hidden secrets. Although we can bring it down, before it goes down, We should gather more useful intelligence about who it is working with."

Liang Ye nodded. He understood Zhou Yuying's thoughts and supported her in doing so.

"You're right, but the information we have is not enough, and once this information is made public, the whole world will want this technology." Liang Ye leaned against the wall with his arms folded, looking Zhou Yuying said: "Turning an ordinary person into a powerful monster. If this technology is used in the army, it can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the army. This is undoubtedly the dream of many countries. Therefore, we really can't make it public. , I was lacking in consideration before."

For a good team, the most important thing is to support each other and fill each other's vacancies.What Liang Ye didn't consider, others should consider. This is the most important aspect of a good team.

The Ghost Task Force has achieved this. After all, people are not omnipotent. Liang Ye has a lot of knowledge and the most powerful power among all people, but he is also not perfect, and there will be times when he lacks consideration.

Whenever Liang Ye fails to consider everything, other people should put forward opinions or ideas to help Liang Ye fill in the loopholes in the plan.

Only in this way can the Ghost Task Force perform its tasks better and achieve its intended purpose.

"Yes, this technology cannot be made public, and we don't know what kind of harm this technology can bring to the human body. To modify human genes, there is currently no perfect way in the world to make a person have no side effects. Evolution." Zhou Yuying said.

She is a scientist, she knows these things best, and there is not enough time now, otherwise she would definitely look up the components of these drugs first.

"But some lunatics don't think so much." Liang Ye smiled bitterly: "If this technology is made public, then we will probably have to bear a lot of pressure."

Liang Ye didn't dare to imagine Li Shan's temper. Once he published it, the people in the center would have to give face.

"Organ trading is what we need to investigate most, and this is also the best excuse to bring Weixi Medicine down." Zhou Yuying put all the equipment she was going to carry into her backpack, and said while tidying up: "The most sufficient reason, It is also the most useful information."

"The information I downloaded before contains some, but not much." Liang Ye took out the USB flash drive he used to download information in the underground factory before, and said, "You will transfer it to the headquarters later, and let them check it carefully. I don't want to take the time to watch it, I just need to know the final result."

Zhou Yuying nodded vigorously and said, "Understood, I will let someone deal with it."

Saying that, Zhou Yuying reached out and took the USB flash drive.

It contains all the information that Liang Ye collected in the underground factory, including the components of the drug and its specific effects. These most critical information are all inside.

As long as the information here is not made public, the outside world will not know that Weixi Medicine has researched this technology.

But this kind of technology is not mature. From what Alden Hood showed before, the transformed people will soon enter a period of exhaustion. After entering the exhaustion period, they can no longer fight, as if It's like getting adrenaline, after a while, you will completely lose your fighting power.

This kind of technology is useless for the Strategic Defense Bureau, and it can even be called tasteless for the Ghost Task Force.

Liang Ye took an anesthesia pistol from the weapon rack, handed it to Zhou Yuying and said, "Be careful when you act, use anesthesia, and try not to kill people unless you have to."

"I think so too." Zhou Yuying nodded.

This time, Zhou Yuying was very low-key, while Liang Yehui was very high-key.He'll just break through the window and get in, and he'll get the attention of the guards.

However, Liang Ye did not intend to kill anyone this time, but to use anesthesia to put the guards into a coma.

Different from the guards in the factory, the guards in the Weixi Medical Building all came in through formal recruitment channels, and they all took the job to support their families.

Therefore, Liang Ye did not intend to kill anyone in this action. Although he acted in a high-profile manner, he only used anesthesia to make the enemy lose their combat effectiveness.

But if he had to, he would still kill him.For example, when encountering a fatal crisis, Liang Ye will put away all kindness and protect himself and his comrades as the greatest goal.

No one could be sure what would happen during the operation, so Liang Ye carried a live ammunition clip in addition to anesthesia.

The same goes for Zhou Yuying, three with anesthesia and one with live ammunition.

The pistols are special task force pistols developed by the Yeshen Group, which can automatically adapt to anesthesia and live ammunition.

This pistol has a longer range than normal pistols.

Liang Ye carried twenty darts and put on gloves.

The gloves have strong adsorption force, which can help Liang Ye climb and move more conveniently, and can also be directly adsorbed on the wall or glass when necessary.

Now Liang Ye will use this glove. He will glide directly to the glass in the meeting room, then use the glove to absorb the glass, stabilize his body before moving.

The plan has already been set, and if there is no unexpected situation, both of them will execute it smoothly.

While downloading information, while rescuing hostages, the two tasks are carried out at the same time, killing two birds with one stone.

"Captain, the plane will arrive in 3 minutes." Deng Xuan said through the intercom.

Hearing Deng Xuan's call, Liang Ye stretched out his fist and said to Zhou Yuying, "Proceed with caution, safety is the top priority."

Zhou Yuying also clenched her fist, touched Liang Ye's fist and said, "Understood, I promise to complete the task."

(End of this chapter)

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