Chapter 432

As before, Zhou Yuying forged an identity for herself in the internal system of Weixi Medicine, which would allow her to easily enter and leave the building of Weixi Medicine, and directly enter the main computer room of Weixi Medicine.

The identity she forged belongs to the executive level of the company, which can be regarded as half a high-level executive, and has sufficient authority to enter the main computer room.

But even so, the task force members are still very worried, because the fake identity, no matter how well done, will always be found out.

The factory in Siberia was destroyed, and Weixi Medicine must be on high alert now, and will definitely send more guards.No one knows whether Weixi Medicine tortured Zhao Long and his teammates. Under torture, few people can keep secrets.

If the identity of the members of the Ghost Task Force is exposed, then Zhou Yuying will definitely be in danger when she acts.

But this time Liang Ye only wanted a quick solution, and Zhou Yuying also thought so, so neither of them asked others for help.The only person in danger is Zhou Yuying, but she firmly stated that she can do it alone.

Liang Ye didn't force it either, everyone's actions are different, this operation itself is a separate task, Liang Ye is responsible for the rescue, Zhou Yuying is responsible for collecting intelligence, each of them can do whatever they like.

The Hercules plane dropped Zhou Yuying down near the target building, and it was up to Zhou Yuying herself what to do next.

After Zhou Yuying left, the Hercules plane climbed rapidly and circled the target building at an altitude of 500 meters. Liang Ye, who was dressed in combat uniform, walked to the cockpit and looked at the city outside through the windshield of the cockpit. .

The territory of Bangzi Country is not as big as half of the province of China. The population of this country is not large, but there are countless artists.And many young people in China who want to make their debut will also choose to go to Bangzi Country to receive training in performing arts.

"Captain, the surrounding area of ​​the building is very empty. I don't think we need to land on the roof." Deng Xuan, who was piloting the plane, slowed down his flight speed, pointed down and said, "Captain, after you have rescued the hostages, I can let you The door of the plane is aimed at the glass of the target room, you just need to shatter the glass, and then lead them to jump on the door."

Deng Xuan made precise calculations. If the Hercules plane landed on the roof, it would take up a lot of space, and the roof is not suitable for parking such a large plane.

And the engine of this aircraft can support the fuselage for vertical take-off and landing and air suspension. The operations he mentioned can be perfectly performed by this aircraft.

Of course, Liang Ye has no objection to Deng Xuan's proposal. This idea is much better than what he said before, at least there is no need for the injured agent to climb the stairs.

"Approved." Liang Ye said.

With Deng Xuan's driving skills, there is no problem at all.Liang Ye originally asked Deng Xuan to join the Ghost Task Force because he liked his aircraft piloting skills.

He is the youngest golden helmet pilot in the Shenzhou elite pilot team, and he has defeated the other two golden helmet pilots in the simulation captain.

If it wasn't for the more important plan that Liang Ye wanted to implement, the air force would still not release Deng Xuan.

Liang Ye looked at a blue dot displayed on the satellite map, which was Zhou Yuying who was moving towards Weixi Medical Building.

"Yue Ling, radio test, I'm Captain Ghost, it's over." Liang Ye said while pressing the intercom.

"Radio test, the sound is very clear, it's over." Zhou Yuying replied.

She is still moving, less than one kilometer away from the Weixi Medical Building.

Liang Ye was a little worried, and was ready to support Zhou Yuying at any time.

The only person who can provide quick support here is Liang Ye. His wind ability allows him to glide quickly in the air with a cloak. Just jump down.

Liang Ye returned to the cabin, and the large display screen in the cabin was showing the 3D floor plan of Weixi Pharmaceutical's headquarters building, which marked the positions of all the guards.

"Yueling, stay vigilant. Additional guards have been sent to the building. The main computer room is on the No.30 floor, and there are four guards there." Liang Ye said while pressing the intercom.

"Understood, moving, about to enter the building."

At this time, Zhou Yuying had already seen the entrance of the building of the headquarters of Weixi Medicine. On the wall of the building, "Weixi Medicine" was written vertically in English.

Zhou Yuying opened the contact lens of her left eye and took a picture of everything she saw.

Liang Ye transmitted the scenes captured by Zhou Yuying to the big screen in the cabin, allowing the two images to be displayed on a split screen.

And Lei Yu, Tang Hao and others also came to the cabin, looking at the progress of the mission together.

It is also night in Bangziguo, but even though it is night, the building is still brightly lit, and it can be seen that many people are working overtime.

Zhou Yuying passed the guard's inspection smoothly, and her forged identity has not been discovered for the time being.

"Report, I have entered the lobby on the first floor." Zhou Yuying whispered.

In the lobby on the first floor, there are many promotional posters on the walls. The high-efficiency drugs developed by Weixi Pharmaceutical are printed on the posters, and some artists endorse them.

Zhou Yuying took pictures of everything on the wall. As a doctor, she also knows something about the drugs developed by Weixi Pharmaceuticals.There is no doubt that some of the specific medicines launched by Weixi Medicine are really effective.

"Captain, the security forces here have indeed been strengthened, and there are hidden guards." Zhou Yuying whispered.

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Liang Ye frowned, then quickly tapped his fingers on the computer keyboard, and called up the surveillance camera in the hall on the first floor of Weixi Medicine.

Before getting off the plane, Zhou Yuying had already hacked into Weixi Medicine's system and switched on all the monitoring, making it easier for Liang Ye and others to operate.

Through the surveillance video, Liang Ye found many hidden guards. They were all dressed in casual clothes and looked like office workers.

If it weren't for their bulging waists, they would definitely be mistaken for ordinary employees.

"There, that guy is equipped with live ammunition." Lei Yu pointed to a man wearing glasses on the right side of the screen and said.

Lei Yu's nickname is Eagle Eye, and his observation ability is also top-notch, and he can see the tricks in just a moment.

"Be careful, Yueling. There are guards equipped with live ammunition in the hall. He is observing the people in the hall at two o'clock on your right." Liang Ye looked at the monitor and reminded by pressing the intercom.

Now except for Deng Xuan, the whole team is helping Zhou Yuying keep an eye on the surveillance cameras, looking for danger.

Although Zhou Yuying is a professional agent, but a girl is alone to carry out the mission, it is not at ease to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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