Ghost Task Force

Chapter 433: Just A Few Seconds

Chapter 433: Just A Few Seconds
Zhou Yuying saw the disguised guard, and she turned on the infrared detection function of her contact lenses to search for who was carrying live ammunition.

The lobby on the first floor is equivalent to an exhibition room. There are slogans and achievements of Weixi Medicine on the walls and on the ground, so that people who come here can see the glory of Weixi Medicine at a glance.

Although this company is not very famous, it does have a high status in the medical field.

Basically every doctor knows about Weixi Medicine's drugs, but no one thought that this company would actually research that non-human drug.

Moreover, this company is also engaged in the illegal trade of human organs.

Zhou Yuying passed the hall on the first floor smoothly and came to the elevator.She planned to go directly to the [-]th floor and send a signal to Liang Ye after entering the main computer room.

While waiting for the elevator, the guard with live ammunition came to Zhou Yuying's side. He pressed the up button and waited for the elevator with his arms folded.

Zhou Yuying glanced at the guard, her facial expression remained unchanged.

When performing infiltration tasks, agents must remain calm and must not panic when encountering trouble, otherwise they will be easily discovered by the enemy.

Liang Ye and the others saw the guard with live ammunition through the contact lens. No one could explain whether this person walked next to Zhou Yuying by coincidence or on purpose.

And while waiting for the elevator, he didn't even glance at Zhou Yuying, so it can be speculated that it was a coincidence.

But this doesn't mean that Zhou Yuying can relax her vigilance. In the enemy's place, she must be ready to fight every second.

"Yueling, if you are in danger, you can use lethal means." Liang Ye said while pressing the communicator.

Zhou Yuying didn't reply, and there was an enemy standing beside her, so she couldn't continue the call like before.

Looking at the 3D floor plan displayed on the monitor, Lei Yu frowned and said, "There are four guards in the computer room, how will Yueling get in?"

Liang Ye shook his head and said: "The identity she forged allows her to have sufficient authority to enter the computer room, but the question is, will the guards really allow her to enter under the current situation?"

This is indeed what Liang Ye is worried about.

Weixi Medical has sent additional hidden guards, which must be to deal with infiltrating agents.The computer room is the place where all the data of the entire company are kept, and it will definitely be protected.

But it was Zhou Yuying, not Liang Ye, who wanted to enter the main computer room. How to deal with these problems was also handled by Zhou Yuying, who was in charge of the operation.

While Liang Ye was talking with Lei Yu, the elevator came to the first floor, the elevator door opened slowly, and several office workers came out from inside.They all held thick documents in their hands and looked serious.

Zhou Yuying walked into the elevator, and the guard also walked into the elevator.Liang Ye, who was looking at the monitor, quickly switched the screen to the monitor in the elevator, observing the situation at any time.

The guard who entered the elevator still folded his arms. He stood two meters away from Zhou Yuying, looking like Zhou Yuying.

Liang Ye looked at the monitor and said in a deep voice, "What is this guy trying to do?"

"Believe me, I really want to kill this guy with a single shot." Lei Yu looked eager to fight, and if the situation allowed, he would definitely shoot without hesitation.

Unfortunately, the circumstances did not allow it and he was not there.

Zhou Yuying pressed the button for the [-]th floor, then turned her head to look at the guard, and asked in English, "Which floor is it?"

The guard glanced at Zhou Yuying, and said in a calm tone, "Same, on the [-]th floor."

Zhou Yuying didn't say anything else, she took out her phone and played with it, pretending that the guard didn't exist.

"He's going to the [-]th floor too..." Lei Yu frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Could it be that Yue Ling's identity has really been exposed?"

Liang Ye shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be so easy to expose. Her disguise ability is very good, and she is not so easy to be discovered."

Although he said so, Liang Ye's expression was full of worry.The current situation is very unfavorable for Zhou Yuying. Once a battle breaks out, she will have to face the guards of the entire Weixi Pharmaceutical headquarters.

Although Liang Ye can quickly support, it will take a little time.Once a battle breaks out, Zhou Yuying can only rely on herself until Liang Ye arrives.

Now Liang Ye and others are worried, but Zhou Yuying, who is performing the task, has a calm face. She plays with her mobile phone silently, with a playful appearance of a little girl.

The guard standing by kept his arms folded, completely treating Zhou Yuying as if she didn't exist.

The elevator went up very fast, and there were no people on other floors who wanted to take the elevator. It took only 1 minute for the elevator to reach the No.30 floor.

Hearing the sound of "ding", Zhou Yuying's eyes flashed a cold light, and her mobile phone was quickly put back into her pocket.

Liang Ye saw what Zhou Yuying wanted to do through the monitoring, and quickly pressed a few times on the computer keyboard to completely control the monitoring in the elevator.

At this time, Liang Ye and others could only watch the monitoring in the elevator, while the monitoring room of Weixi Medical Building lost the monitoring screen of the elevator.

After controlling the surveillance, Liang Ye didn't have time to see what Zhou Yuying was doing, but quickly typed on the computer keyboard to transfer the original image of no one in the elevator to the current image.

After doing all this, Liang Ye resumed the monitoring.

In just a few seconds, he completed the three operations of control, screen conversion, and recovery.

This kind of operation speed can only be achieved by Zhou Yuying, but now Liang Ye has also reached Zhou Yuying's level.

In order to support his teammates, Liang Ye surpassed himself.

While Liang Ye was operating the computer, Zhou Yuying's figure came to the guard like lightning.

Then, relying on the power of movement, Zhou Yuying jumped up, her right knee hit the guard's chest fiercely, knocking him against the wall of the elevator.

Taking advantage of the victory, Zhou Yuying pursued and grabbed the guard's right hand with her left hand, preventing him from drawing his gun.

Although Zhou Yuying looked like a quiet goddess, when fighting, the strength she erupted was no less than that of a man.

The chest was attacked, and the guard's breathing still hadn't slowed down. His subconscious made him want to draw the gun, but Zhou Yuying was sure to grab his right hand, so he couldn't move at all.

Zhou Yuying clenched her right fist and punched the guard hard in the chest that she had attacked before.


This punch hit the guard's chest firmly, and the muffled sound of the collision made one's scalp tingle.

Then, Zhou Yuying's right knee pushed forward again and hit the guard's abdomen.

After being hit hard in the abdomen, the guard bent down subconsciously, and Zhou Yuying wanted him to look like this.

When the guard bent over behind him, Zhou Yuying grabbed his head, and with all her strength, slammed the guard's head against the wall on the other side!

(End of this chapter)

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