Chapter 434
Lei Yu and Tang Hao looked at Zhou Yuying who launched the attack. Although they were through the monitor, they still saw Zhou Yuying's cold eyes that made people want to tremble.

During the battle, Zhou Yuying was a completely different person, completely different from the cute girl before.


The head of the attacked guard slammed into the other wall of the elevator, making a scalp-numbing sound.

This time, his head collided directly with the wall. As for the serious injury he will receive, it depends on the strength of his body.

But at least, now he can't get up again.

Zhou Yuying didn't kill him, but it also made him lose his combat effectiveness, and he would not be able to wake up for a short time.

And after waking up, it is unknown whether he can still live as before.

After finishing all this, Zhou Yuying took the guard's ID card and electric baton, and just as she put the ID card in her pocket, the elevator door opened completely.

Zhou Yuying defeated the guard while the elevator was opening.

Although Zhou Yuying is 1.7 meters tall, which is the height of a goddess among girls, she looks very cute and looks like a weak woman.No one would have thought that she possessed such amazing fighting power.

That's why people should not be judged by their appearance. No matter who saw Zhou Yuying, they would not believe that she was a secret agent, and she was also a Navy second lieutenant.

Watching Zhou Yuying walk out of the elevator, Liang Ye switched the monitoring screen to the corridor, then pressed the intercom and said, "Your time is running out."

Zhou Yuying attacked the guard, people who press the elevator on other floors will definitely find out, and it won't take long for them to know who is in the same elevator as the guard, so Zhou Yuying doesn't have much time to continue her mission.

But if Zhou Yuying didn't attack, then this guard might cause more trouble, so Zhou Yuying took a dangerous move.

"I know." Zhou Yuying looked at the map displayed on the watch in her left hand, and walked towards the computer room step by step.

The computer room is not far from her location. This floor is mainly the archive room and the computer room.However, apart from the main computer room, there are no guards in other places.

"Her attack was too fierce just now, but luckily I wasn't the one who was beaten." Lei Yu said with a look of horror.

Tang Hao glanced at Lei Yu silently, and then slowly said: "It's great that you can live till now."


Liang Ye, who was standing aside, couldn't help laughing out loud. Thinking of the scene where Lei Yu was bullied by Zhou Yuying before, Tang Hao couldn't help but also laughed twice.

Lei Yu usually provokes Zhou Yuying when he has nothing to do, but Zhou Yuying will teach him a lesson every time, but he still insists on making troubles.

Therefore, Liang Ye and the others all admired Lei Yu, who had provoked Zhou Yuying so many times and still survived to this day.

From the battle scene just now, it can be seen that Zhou Yuying's combat power is not fake. Once a girl breaks out, she will sometimes be much stronger than a man.

None of the female soldiers in China is easy to bully.

Liang Ye glanced at the floor plan of the building, and then said, "Yueling, there are patrolling guards at the corner on the right ahead, you decide how to deal with it."

This floor is equipped with many patrolling guards. Their gun bags are kept open and they will attack the enemy at any time.

Liang Ye's words are equivalent to authorizing Zhou Yuying to use any means. She can attack or hide.

But this time, Zhou Yuying did not attack again, but took out a forged ID card.

Her identity card is a supervisor-level position, and her identity is much higher than that of the captain of the guard.

Seeing Zhou Yuying's actions, Liang Ye couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help admiring in his heart, Zhou Yuying was indeed very smart.

First deal with the person who is the most threatening to him, and then use his fake identity to avoid another fight.

The previous guard also came to the [-]th floor. No one knew what he was going to do, but what was certain was that this person would definitely affect Zhou Yuying's actions, so Zhou Yuying dealt with this person in advance.

Two guards came out from the corner. When they saw Zhou Yuying, their expressions were instantly full of alertness, and their hands were naturally placed on the gun pouches.

Zhou Yuying is very strange to everyone, not to mention that this is the most heavily guarded place, so the guards are ready to fight first.

Seeing the actions of the two guards, Zhou Yuying took out her ID card and waved it in her hand as she walked.

When the two guards saw Zhou Yuying's ID card, they were stunned for a moment, and then put their hands on the gun pouch.

Although it was the first time I saw this supervisor, Zhou Yuying's identity was indicated on the identity card, she was qualified to enter here, and the two guards did not dare to stop her.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this identity card is really useful." Lei Yu praised.

Liang Ye crossed his arms and said with a smile: "Her ability to forge her identity is the strongest among all of us, so just admire it."

Zhou Yuying successfully passed the guards of the two guards and continued to walk towards the computer room.

The main computer room was a short distance away from her, and she had already seen the four guards guarding the door of the main computer room.

The four guards had live ammunition, and all of them looked fierce.

In terms of possession of firearms, Weixi Medicine can bear the conviction just because civilians are not allowed to be equipped with guns in Bangziguo. It is undoubtedly a crime for Weixi Medicine to equip the guards with live ammunition without permission.

However, even if Bangziguo knew about it, he did not impose any punishment on Weixi Medicine. Both parties had unscrupulous transactions. It is normal that Bangziguo did not punish Weixi Medicine.

With the deepening of the investigation, the Bureau of Strategic Defense has a deeper and deeper understanding of this company.Now, let's see what Zhou Yuying can find out in this computer room.

Sensing that someone was approaching, the four guards all looked in Zhou Yuying's direction, and Zhou Yuying said in a low voice as she walked around, "Surveillance."

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Liang Ye instantly understood something, and quickly controlled the surveillance in the corridor as he did in the elevator before.

The cooperation of the team was reflected at this moment. Liang Ye could understand Zhou Yuying's meaning in seconds, and Zhou Yuying also took out the anesthesia gun at the waist at the moment Liang Ye controlled the surveillance.

The four guards all saw Zhou Yuying's actions and subconsciously wanted to draw their guns.

But Zhou Yuying's speed was faster than theirs. After all, Zhou Yuying had received much more combat training than these guards.


The sound of an anesthesia gun is different from that of a live ammunition. The sound of the shot is as if it has been processed by a muffler, and there is almost no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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