Ghost Task Force

Chapter 435 Combat Status

Chapter 435 Combat Status

Four anesthesia bombs hit the four guards who were about to draw their guns accurately, and in just an instant, they all fell to the ground at the same time.

After knocking down the enemy, Zhou Yuying pointed the muzzle of the gun upwards, and then blinked in the direction of the surveillance.

Her actions made Liang Ye and others laugh out loud, but Liang Ye clenched his fists and said, "It's almost time for me to appear."

"The five agents including Zhao Long are still in the conference room on the eighth floor of No.30, captain." Tang Hao said looking at the computer.

Liang Ye nodded. What he needs now is Zhou Yuying's report. As long as Zhou Yuying gets things done in the computer room, he can immediately attack and rescue all the agents.

Zhou Yuying walked to the door of the computer room, and she looked down at the four guards lying on the ground; then she took out her ID card and swiped it on the proximity card in the computer room.


As the notification sounded, the door of the main engine room opened automatically. Zhou Yuying looked around to make sure there were no enemies before walking in.

After entering the main computer room, Zhou Yuying did not rush to close the door, but dragged the four guards lying on the ground into the main computer room.

If the four of them were allowed to lie outside, it would not take long for the patrolling guards to discover them.

The loss of four guards at the gate will also arouse the suspicion of the enemy, but this is much better than four people lying outside.

Zhou Yuying didn't have much time left, she had to collect information as soon as possible.

There is also monitoring in the main computer room, Liang Ye switched the monitoring screen, and then looked at the scene in the main computer room.

The scale of the main computer room was larger than everyone expected. A total of fifty black computers were placed on the ground, just like the bookshelves in a library.

Zhou Yuying's gaze quickly scanned these two-meter-five mainframes. She took out her tablet computer and walked to the nearest mainframe.

Each host has a server, and all servers are connected, so any one can download file data.

Zhou Yuying connected the server and her own computer with a cable, and then quickly pressed her fingers on the computer screen to search the internal files of Weixi Medicine.

These servers have all the digital files of Weixi Medicine, but it will take a lot of time to download them all, so Zhou Yuying has to pick out some important ones to download.

This also takes time, but at least it's much faster than downloading the entire file.

Soon, Zhou Yuying found all the information on Weixi Medicine's human organ trading and genetic modification projects. At the same time, she also collected files on other illegal projects.

Zhou Yuying downloaded all these contents to her computer, and it took 5 minutes to download.

"The downloading starts, it takes 5 minutes. Captain, you can act now." Zhou Yuying said while pressing the intercom.

After receiving Zhou Yuying's report, Liang Ye responded, took the pistol on the table, and walked towards the rear hatch.

All the members of the special task force heard Zhou Yuying's words, and Deng Xuan, who was flying the plane, opened the rear hatch. The moment the hatch was fully opened, Liang Ye stopped in his footsteps.

He quickly put on the hood and goggles, then turned on the video function of the goggles.

"Captain, you can parachute at any time!" Deng Xuan said while pressing the intercom.

Liang Ye nodded, he took a deep breath, and then jumped up.

Liang Ye has done this kind of action countless times, and every time he jumps off the plane, he feels an indescribable sense of excitement, which makes his blood boil.

With his wind ability, he can do things in the air that many people cannot do, which is one of his greatest advantages.

The Hercules had been hovering at an altitude of 500 meters, so Liang Ye had already seen the target building the moment he jumped off the plane, and Liang Ye quickly spread the cloak on his back and fell in the direction of the target building.

Liang Yeyou wears a beacon, and the task force members can see the trajectory of Liang Ye's fall through the computer.

The gust of wind lingering in the air blew Liang Ye's body, but it didn't affect him in any way. Instead, it increased his speed and allowed him to better control his direction.

Liang Ye couldn't reach the eighth floor of No.30 by falling. Although he has the wind ability, it doesn't mean that he can reach the desired floor smoothly.

Although the reality is so, it does not mean that there is no way to deal with it.

When falling, Liang Ye unfolded the cloak on his back completely, forming the shape of wings.

Then, Liang Ye lowered his right hand slightly, letting himself fly towards the right side of the building.

He was going to circle the building while descending.

After one turn, he can approach the eighth floor of No.30. At that time, he will need to use the rope gun.

Although this kind of flying in circles will take some time, 5 minutes of action time is completely enough for Liang Ye. Even if the time is only 2 minutes, he can complete the task perfectly.

When Liang Ye was flying, Deng Xuan also began to lower the altitude of the plane to avoid taking too much time to descend in case of an emergency.

"Hawkeye called the captain, and two guards entered the conference room." Lei Yu, who was still on the plane, pressed the communicator and said.

"Roger that!"

Liang Ye had already flown half a circle around the building at this time, and had already seen the glass on the eighth floor of No.30.

A guard entered the meeting room, which meant that Liang Ye could not use the rope gun.The rope gun will make a sound when it breaks through the glass, which will make the enemy aware.

Now, Liang Ye can only use another method, which is to break in directly.

"Captain Ghost calls all members, I want to attack, please pay attention to the enemy's movements."

With that said, Liang Yefei completed the remaining half circle and successfully saw the conference room.

Unable to see the scene in the meeting room from the outside, Liang Ye turned on the heat detection of the goggles and saw everyone in the meeting room.

All the agents were tied up and sat on the ground, and those who were standing were all guards, so there were only two of them.

After locking on to the target, Liang Ye accelerated his flight speed and quickly approached the target.

"Report to the captain, two more guards are approaching the conference room." Tang Hao said while pressing the intercom.

Liang Ye didn't answer this time. He had already entered the state of combat and could no longer be distracted.

There were two more approaching the meeting room, Liang Ye only needed to lock the door of the meeting room.

Of course, this also requires a very fast reaction ability and offensive ability to do it.

The people in the meeting room didn't know that there was a lightning fast figure approaching, and a guard was taking out an electric baton, ready to threaten Zhao Long who was sitting on the ground.

The eighth-level agent Zhao Long is now a prisoner, his arms are covered with blood, and his expression is a bit embarrassed.

However, his eyes were still full of coldness at this time, and there was no change in the slightest because he was arrested.

(End of this chapter)

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