Chapter 437
"We can do it."

With that said, Liang Ye loaded the pistol. This time he still used anesthesia bombs instead of live ammunition.

Zhou Yuying nodded vigorously, and she also quickly changed a magazine.

With Liang Ye here, her confidence has also increased a lot. At least she doesn't have to face so many enemies alone, and she has to protect the host.

Both Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying were firing towards the gate, suppressing the guards who wanted to rush in, and Deng Xuan also obeyed Liang Ye's order to hide the plane again.

Although this will increase the support time, in the operation, everything is based on Liang Ye's orders; and the situation is a bit urgent, and no one else dares to raise objections at this time.

The weapons and ammunition carried by the two of them are not many, and using a pistol to resist a submachine gun, no matter how you look at it, it feels like a mantising arm.But that being the case, having a pistol is better than fighting an enemy with bare hands.

Both Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying focused on suppressing the enemy, trying not to let the enemy get close to the gate of the main computer room.Using this method to delay time is the most useful. At this time, deliberately aiming to attack the enemy will waste a lot of time.

20 seconds passed quickly, seeing that the download was complete, Zhou Yuying bumped Liang Ye's arm, and said in a low voice, "Captain, the download is complete!"

Liang Ye didn't say anything, he quickly stood up and left the bunker, firing towards the gate while moving towards the host computer.

Seeing Liang Ye's actions, Zhou Yuying quickly stood up, followed behind Liang Ye, and pressed the communicator and said, "Yue Ling is calling the magician, we are going to evacuate."

"Got it, descend the altitude." Deng Xuan replied.

And the guards outside the door seemed to know what Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying were going to do. Instead of rushing into the main computer room, they opened fire directly through the wall.

Although such an attack would reduce the power of the bullet, it would also pose a threat to the people inside.

The bullets penetrated the wall and flew into the main computer room. Two bullets happened to hit the main computer that Zhou Yuying downloaded the data from. Fortunately, no damage was caused, and there was only a sharp collision sound.

Liang Ye cursed secretly, instead of rushing forward, he took out a small black bead and threw it towards the gate.

This bead is also a smoke bomb, but it emits black smoke, which is non-toxic and tasteless.However, in many cases, these black smog can be mistaken for poisonous gas, so people who encounter these black smog will subconsciously cover their mouths and noses.

This method can be said to be tried and tested, and it can effectively interfere with the enemy's actions.

Sure enough, after the black beads exploded in the air, a large amount of black gas was produced, and the guards who were shooting wildly subconsciously covered their mouths and noses, for fear that the smoke would be poisonous.

The attack stopped temporarily, which also gave Liang Ye precious time. He quickly took the tablet computer on the host, and then quickly moved towards the window with Zhou Yuying.

The data has been downloaded and the captured agents have been rescued. What Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying need to do now is to get themselves out of here.

However, just as Deng Xuan was about to hover the plane on the No.30 floor, a rocket fired from the roof of Weixi Medical Building suddenly flew towards the invisible Hercules.

Sensing the rockets coming, Deng Xuan cursed secretly, and quickly swiped the control stick to the left, controlling the plane to avoid the rockets' attack.

It is impossible to detect the Hercules aircraft in a stealth state. Except for the glasses developed by the Strategic Defense Bureau itself, no other detectors can detect this aircraft.

How Weixi Medical's guards discovered the Hercules is unknown, but the consequence of this rocket is that the Hercules can no longer pick up Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying.

"The Hercules called the captain, encountered a rocket attack, repeated, encountered a rocket attack!"

Deng Xuan's voice sounded quite calm. He had been trained for this kind of scene, but the biggest trouble now was that he wanted to bring his teammates back, but the reality didn't allow it.

There was more than one rocket, and two more rockets flew towards the Hercules. These guards seemed to know where the plane was, and every time they attacked, they aimed at the plane's engine.

Deng Xuan controlled the plane to dodge, the plane was getting farther and farther away from the building of Weixi Medicine, and it was basically impossible to get close.

The rockets that did not hit the plane flew straight to nearby buildings or the ground.


Explosions caused by rockets resounded throughout the city. There were three explosions, killing eight people and injuring dozens.

At this time, Deng Xuan has no mind to consider the issue of casualties. If he doesn't dodge, the result will be the destruction of the plane and the death of people.

Liang Ye frowned slightly as he watched the Hercules flying further and further away because of dodging the rockets.

Then, two guards wanted to rush into the computer room, but Zhou Yuying fired two shots in a timely manner, knocking down the two guards.

"Magician, let the plane leave, you go to a safe place first, and I will meet you later."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye turned around, first fired two shots at the gate, and then said loudly: "Yue Ling, have you ever experienced the feeling of jumping?"

Zhou Yuying froze for a moment, just about to ask what Liang Ye meant, but suddenly found that her body left the ground uncontrollably.

By the time she realized it, she had clearly seen the city below.

When Zhou Yuying was in a daze, Liang Ye put his arms around Zhou Yuying's waist and led her to jump down.

When leaving the ground, Liang Ye did not forget to shoot in the direction of the gate, which made the guards who wanted to continue rushing in have to give up their minds.

"Damn it!" Zhou Yuying couldn't help but swear, she was caught off guard by this sudden scene change.

The combined weight of the two of them was more than 200 kilograms. The moment they left the ground, their bodies quickly fell downwards.

Zhou Yuying quickly adjusted her emotions. She knew very well that Liang Ye would not do anything unsure; moreover, with his wind ability, he would definitely be able to land safely.

Zhou Yuying's idea was not wrong, Liang Ye would not do such an unsure thing and bring someone with him to fall from a high altitude; although it would add some burden to Liang Ye, he could still guarantee that he and his companions were safe and sound.

When falling towards the ground, Liang Ye opened the cloak on his back and began to slow down the speed of his fall.

At the same time, Liang Ye controlled his superpower, allowing a gust of wind to blow towards his body from bottom to top.

The speed at which the two of them fell at this time has slowed down by more than twice compared to before.

Before the pedestrians on the ground recovered from the explosion caused by the rocket just now, they saw two people falling from the sky, and the trajectory of the wind was strange and indescribable.

All of a sudden, the pedestrians screamed.

 There is another chapter at nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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