Ghost Task Force

Chapter 438 Electromagnetic Interference

Chapter 438 Electromagnetic Interference
Some people even covered their eyes, afraid of seeing blood splattered all over the ground.

After all, if a person falls from a high altitude to the ground, his fate is certain to die.

In this world, there has never been a case where someone fell from the [-]th floor and survived.

But today, Liang Ye is about to set this precedent.With the ability of wind, he can create miracles that others cannot.

When it was less than ten meters away from the ground, Liang Ye strengthened the gust of wind, which slowed down the falling force again.

By the time Liang Ye's feet touched the ground, the force of his fall had slowed down to an acceptable level.


This is the sound of Liang Ye's feet touching the ground. It sounds like he is lightly stepping on the ground with his feet. The sound is very small and there is no pain at all.

Both Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying landed on the ground smoothly, and the guards who rushed into the computer room stood by the window and looked at the ground, and it was difficult to find their voices.

After all, it was thirty floors high, not to mention it was dark now, no matter how good the eyesight was, it was difficult to find two people in this situation.

Liang Ye moved his body a bit. It was very exciting just now. He jumped directly from the [-]th floor, and he still brought someone with him.

He had only tried to jump out of the plane with Lan Siqi, and the distance was less than ten meters.But this time, he directly led people to jump from the 100th floor, with a height of more than [-] meters.

This time, Liang Ye could be said to have surpassed himself, and also strengthened his control over his abilities.

You have to try more things that you have not tried before, in order to enhance your knowledge and strength. The so-called not knowing or not doing it is just an excuse.

If Liang Ye didn't dare, then he and Zhou Yuying would fight the enemy in the main computer room.

The scene above was very unfavorable to both him and Zhou Yuying. If they didn't jump off, they might end up being shot dead.

At this time, Deng Xuan followed Liang Ye's instructions and controlled the plane to fly high into the sky, away from the attack range of the rockets.

But Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying had to find a way to leave now. The two people were still in a dangerous position. The police would arrive soon, and Weixi Medicine would definitely arrest them all over the city.

"Let's go." Liang Ye whispered.

Zhou Yuying nodded, and she quickly looked around to make sure that there were no enemies following her before moving.

Pedestrians who saw the two fell from the sky watched the two move, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

However, Liang Ye would definitely not allow them to do this. Once the photos of him and Zhou Yuying were exposed on the Internet, it would be a lot of trouble to deal with it.

Not to be discovered, not to let the photos go out, this is the most important thing for an agent to guard against when operating.

While running, Liang Ye took out the electromagnetic disruptor made by Zhou Yuying.

This electromagnetic disruptor is in the shape of a bead, just like the smoke bomb used by Liang Ye, and it can produce an effect with a light pinch.

When the pedestrians around took out their mobile phones to take pictures, Liang Ye crushed the electromagnetic jammer in his hand.

Then, an invisible wave of electromagnetic interference expanded 300 meters toward the outside in a circular shape.

The effect of this electromagnetic jammer would not last long, but it also created a chance for Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying to leave.

As soon as the pedestrians took out their mobile phones, all the screens went black.All nearby electronic equipment, including mobile phones, electronic watches, street lights, cars and other things that can use electricity, are all scrapped.

This sudden situation caused panic on a large scale. Street lights went out, mobile phones failed, cars could not be started, and pedestrians all seemed to have seen a ghost.

When the pedestrians were in a state of panic, Liang Ye took Zhou Yuying and quickly disappeared into the darkness. When the pedestrians reflected, they found that the two people who fell from the sky had disappeared.

After Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying left, the police car came to the gate of Weixi Medicine, and the guards of Weixi Medicine rushed out of the building one after another, looking for Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying in batches,
There were still accidents in this mission, but everything was still under Liang Ye's control, at least nothing beyond Liang Ye's control happened.

All the captured agents were rescued, the information they wanted was obtained, and no one was injured.This operation can be called a perfect completion.

The only puzzling thing is how the guards knew where the Hercules was.

Although the Hercules canceled the stealth mode when Zhao Long and others boarded the plane, it quickly resumed its stealth mode. The position of the plane cannot be seen with the naked eye. The so-called intuition is even more unreliable, and no one has it. Such courage dares to bombard at will with an anti-tank bazooka.

Liang Ye can only speculate temporarily that the enemy has the glasses of the Strategic Defense Bureau, otherwise he would not be able to see the plane's position.

They either searched from Zhao Long and others, or through other channels.The equipment of the Strategic Defense Bureau will not be circulated, so there must be something hidden in it.

Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying moved very fast, passing through a block within a few minutes. While moving, Liang Ye took off his hood and put away the cloak on his back.

He was wearing a combat uniform underneath. Although it looked a bit strange, it would be better to put the cloak away.

The current temperature in Bangzi Country is 28 degrees, which is very comfortable, and Liang Ye is wearing a short-sleeved combat uniform, so he doesn't feel hot.

"Something went wrong." Liang Ye took off the goggles and gloves, removed all the conspicuous equipment on his body, and then packed them all into Zhou Yuying's small satchel.

Zhou Yuying couldn't laugh or cry at Liang Ye's actions. She smiled wryly while supporting the satchel: "Captain, my LV bag is so small, take it easy."

Liang Ye generally doesn't carry a backpack when he's in action, because he has a cloak on his back, and he can't unfold the cloak normally with a backpack on his back, which will affect his actions.

Assassins pay attention to lightness in their actions, and try not to carry all the things that will affect their actions, so now Zhou Yuying can only aggrievedly allow Liang Ye to stuff those conspicuous equipment into her LV bag.

Because it was a disguise to infiltrate, Zhou Yuying took her own small bag and acted. She did not expect to encounter such a situation.

Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ye's every move, and said dumbfoundedly: "Captain, have you ever seen LV packing bombs?"

Among the beads Liang Ye was carrying were several explosive beads, he stuffed them all into Zhou Yuying's bag, Zhou Yuying was angry and funny now.

"Calm down, your bag is not bad, it's really quite stuffable."

After stuffing the things, Liang Ye clapped his hands and praised.

Zhou Yuying looked at her bulging LV bag with a wry smile.

 There's another chapter at ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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