Chapter 439
There is no one else who dares to use LV to package these things except Liang Ye.You must know that girls' bags are for mobile phones, wallets, lipsticks and cosmetics, but now Liang Ye puts his pistol, explosive beads, goggles, gloves and other equipment in it.

So now Zhou Yuying had a wry smile on her face, she really wanted to complain, but that was her captain, her immediate boss.Don't complain, I feel uncomfortable again.

"They're definitely going to search the city for us, but there's no good place around here to get us on a plane, and now we have to get off the streets."

Liang Ye looked around. The two were standing by the street now. The sound of fire trucks and police cars was still echoing in the city. The explosion caused by the rocket just now caused casualties.

"We need to find a vehicle to go out of the city." Zhou Yuying suggested.

It is indeed a good idea to find a vehicle to leave the city, go to an open place and board the plane.

At this time, there are also helicopters circling in the sky, so the Hercules can no longer appear over the city.

Zhou Yuying glanced at Liang Ye and said, "I can steal a car."

"Stealing a car?" Liang Ye was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhou Yuying with weird eyes.

Zhou Yuying was dumbfounded by Liang Ye's eyes. She shrank her neck and said, "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this, captain, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

Liang Ye pointed to a Lexus 4S store next to him, and said, "Have you seen that 4S store?"

Zhou Yuying looked in the direction Liang Ye was pointing at, then glanced at Liang Ye again, and said with a strange face, "Captain, what do you want to do?"

10 minutes later……

A black Lexus NX drove out of the 4S shop. Zhou Yuying sat in the passenger seat. Regarding what happened just now, she said that she had never seen such a car.

She and Liang Ye walked into the 4S store, and the salesman greeted them enthusiastically. When she was about to say something, Liang Ye pointed to the Lexus NX closest to her, and happily asked if there was any car available.

The salesman first said yes, and was just about to introduce the performance and configuration of this car, but Liang Ye took out a bank card out of nowhere and said that he bought it now.

It took 7 minutes to go through the formalities, and the remaining 3 minutes were to check whether there was any problem with the car.

It was the first time in this salesman's life that he sold a car so quickly. Liang Ye didn't even ask how the car was equipped, nor did he ask about the price.

In the car, Liang Ye taught seriously: "Stealing a car, as three good young people, we absolutely can't do it, you know, it's illegal."

Zhou Yuying glanced at Liang Ye silently, and she really wanted to complain: "Isn't everyone as rich as you?"

She has lived for so many years, and this is the first time she has seen someone buy a car like this. 10 minutes to get everything done, this speed is not usually fast.

Liang Ye bought the car with a fake identity, and the bank card was also a fake identity. In the enemy's territory, he would definitely not leave any clues.

"Captain Ghost called the Hercules. We are driving a black Lexus NX and are heading out of the city. The beacon has been turned on, requesting satellite navigation." Liang Ye lightly stepped on the accelerator and said on the communicator.

Liang Ye didn't know what the situation in the city was like now, so he needed the help of satellites.

And Zhou Yuying's tablet was placed in her LV bag, but her bag was completely stuffed with the equipment Liang Ye was carrying, and she couldn't take it out at all.

Liang Ye didn't think about it that much when he stuffed it, and only realized that the computer was still inside after stuffing it.

It is not an ordinary trouble to take it out now, so Liang Ye had to ask the Hercules to provide support.

"Received, the police have issued a wanted list, and the best route has been sent to Yue Ling's phone." Lei Yu replied.

Zhou Yuying took out her phone to look at it, and then put the phone on the car phone holder.Liang Ye began to follow the route provided by the navigation, avoiding the police's pursuit.

What the police want is a man and a woman who broke into the Weixi Medical Building and stole confidential information.

The embarrassing thing was that they didn't have photos of Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying, and they didn't even describe their image characteristics.

Therefore, the police themselves do not know who they are looking for.

Several police cars passed by Liang Ye's car, but none of them stopped to ask anything.

"The route out of the city is not closed. It seems that these policemen are only looking for us on the surface." Liang Ye looked at the navigation and said with a smile: "We have caused such a big trouble this time, the director probably has to curse again."

Liang Ye planned to keep a low profile this time, but his imagination was good, and small accidents would happen after all.

The security force of Weixi Medicine is indeed very strong. If it is not for the advantage of the venue, Liang Ye and others would need a lot of strength to deal with it.

"The director is so reasonable, he will definitely understand." Zhou Yuying said.

"Don't praise him, he's not reasonable." Liang Ye smiled, he wasn't worried about what Li Shan would say, he just made complaints about it.

This operation was arranged by Li Shan, and Liang Ye himself did not intend to intervene in this rescue.

The development of the matter was not under his complete control. Originally, everything developed according to Liang Ye's prediction, but Weixi Medical's guards could see the invisible Hercules, which no one expected.

Now the Hercules was flying high in the sky, and Deng Xuan, who was piloting the plane, didn't understand what was going on.

In this world, apart from the equipment developed by the Strategic Defense Bureau itself, there is no other equipment that can capture an aircraft in an invisible state.

After the joke, Liang Ye said solemnly: "After you go back this time, you should personally investigate Zhao Long's actions this time. I need his action report. I want to know what happened."

"Captain, you don't trust Zhao Long?" Zhou Yuying asked curiously.

Liang Ye let out a breath, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's not that I don't trust it, but I just feel that something is wrong. For example, why the enemy knows the location of the Hercules? In Zhao Long's action list, they didn't Carry glasses that can see the invisible mode; if it was snatched by the enemy, there is an explanation, but they didn’t bring it at all, how did those guards know the direction of the plane, we have to find out.”

Listening to Liang Ye's words, Zhou Yuying did find something tricky. After thinking for a while, she said, "What if the traitor Wang Bing gave it to them?"

"I also thought about this problem at first, but... Wang Bing is not a field agent, so it is impossible for him to get those equipment." Liang Ye said.

There are many doubts in all of this, and Liang Ye couldn't figure it out for a while, so he needed to investigate step by step.

 Today I updated [-] words, which is five chapters.This is my school-opening gift to you all. As a graduate, I can only express my envy.Campus life is the best time in life. Maybe we feel nothing when we experience it, but when we really leave the school and step into the society, the feeling is the most profound.I hope that every reader and friend who is still on campus will cherish every day, don't waste time, study hard, and live well.

(End of this chapter)

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