Ghost Task Force

Chapter 440 Business Minds

Chapter 440 Business Minds
The Lexus NX has been driving along the navigation route provided by the Hercules, but most places in the city have already started traffic control, Liang Ye had to take a long way to avoid the police search.

"Captain Ghost called the Hercules, we need to update the navigation route at any time." Liang Ye said while pressing the communicator.

"Received, the route has been updated." Tang Hao replied.

At this time, the police in the city began to investigate a man and a woman who were traveling with them. Although they said they didn't know what the person they were looking for, they still followed the order.Some of the more suspicious ones were temporarily detained, while Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying had been avoiding the checkpoints set up by the police to avoid unnecessary trouble.

What happened tonight can be said to have shocked the entire Bangzi Kingdom. The most serious thing was the three rockets fired by Weixi Medical's guards, which caused dozens of deaths and injuries. This matter is more serious than hunting down suspects. many.

The top management of Weixi Medicine tried their best to suppress this matter, but the public opinion is often much more serious than the official words.The rockets were launched from the building of Weixi Medicine, and this responsibility naturally fell on them. Now the citizens are all targeting Weixi Medicine, and there is even a crusade against Weixi Medicine on the Internet .

The guards saw the Hercules staying in the air, but the citizens didn't see it. They only saw three rockets flying out of Weixi Pharmaceutical's building and hitting the residential building.

What happened this time, just in terms of public relations, is enough for Weixi Medicine to feel good.

From a business point of view, this may also be a good opportunity for Liang Anguo.

When the investigation into Weixi Medicine started, Liang Anguo expressed his attitude that he intended to suppress Weixi Medicine commercially.Now that Weixi Medicine is facing a public relations crisis, this is a good opportunity for Liang Anguo to intervene.

Liang Ye also thought of this, he looked at the navigation, and then called Liang Anguo.

The call was quickly connected, and Liang Anguo asked in surprise, "Accordingly, you should still be in Bangzi Country, what's wrong?"

As a senior consultant of the Strategic Security Bureau, he can know the status of Liang Ye's mission at any time. He will be surprised when he suddenly receives a call from Liang Ye. After all, Liang Ye should be fully committed to the mission at this time. .

"Dad, have you read the news about Weixi Medicine?" Liang Ye asked.

"Not yet, I was drinking tea on the balcony and didn't pay attention to the news, what's wrong?"

Liang Anguo originally planned to wait for Liang Ye's notification. He was worried that if he took action when Liang Ye was performing his mission, it would affect Liang Ye's actions.But now hearing Liang Ye's words, Liang Anguo instantly noticed something.

Liang Ye didn't wait for his father to watch TV, he said while manipulating the steering wheel: "Dad, didn't you plan to suppress Weixi Pharmaceutical in business, now is a good opportunity, my actions have caused Weixi Pharmaceutical to fall into a trap." In a serious public relations crisis, if you want to take measures, this is a good opportunity. Whether it is sniping their shares or buying the entire company, you can bring their company down with minimal cost."

It is impossible for the government not to respect public opinion, and a government that insists on going its own way cannot be recognized by the people.Therefore, although Weixi Medicine has a deep connection with the government of Bangziguo, the citizens of the whole city are now criticizing what Weixi Medicine has done.

If those three rockets had hit the plane, that might have been barely explained.But the trouble was that all three rockets were emptied and hit the residential building by accident, causing serious casualties.

The citizens are innocent, and this sudden attack plunged them into boundless anger.

If Weixi Medicine wants to deal with this matter, it will definitely hurt its vitality. Even if they have merit, they will not be able to make up for their mistakes this time.

And this is a good opportunity for Liang Anguo to make up for it. The company has been crusaded by the people, and it is very difficult to recover.

After listening to Liang Ye's words, Liang Anguo sat up from the reclining chair, then took a look at the tablet beside him, and found that there was something about what happened to Weixi Medicine tonight in the news feed.

"I didn't expect so many things to happen while I was resting for a while." Liang Anguo looked at the news feed on the computer and said with a smile: "This is indeed a good opportunity for us, Anthony Lawton must not be able to hold on this time. "

There happened to be a red light ahead, Liang Ye stepped on the brakes, and then said with a smile: "The anti-tank bazooka fired from the company building towards the city, hitting the residential buildings and causing casualties, no company can stop it."

Not to mention Weixi Medicine, even the Yeshen Group will be seriously affected by this incident. After all, this is accidentally hurting innocent citizens, not killing some terrorists.

"I'm going to arrange for my subsidiaries to make acquisitions," Liang Anguo said.

"Okay, I'm evacuating Bangzi Country, let's not talk about it, I'm driving."

After speaking, Liang Ye quickly hung up the phone.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Zhou Yuying listened to the conversation between Liang Ye and Liang Anguo. She was not surprised that Liang Anguo wanted to acquire Weixi Medicine, because Liang Ye had mentioned it before.

Weixi Medicine can be regarded as one of the big companies in the pharmaceutical industry, and the effects of its special medicines can be said to be popular all over the world.But they should never, never should, be involved in the modification of human genes, and secretly engage in such illegal projects as human organ trading.

"Yeshen Group made a very good move this time." Zhou Yuying looked at Liang Ye and said, "When Weixi Medicine was in a serious public relations crisis, Yeshen Group made an acquisition, and not only could it be completed at the lowest price. With the acquisition, we can also obtain all the technology of Weixi Medicine. Although our task was a little accidental, it has created a better result."

What Zhou Yuying said was right, the fact is indeed like this.

Liang Anguo knew how to seize opportunities in business, and Liang Ye also inherited this from him.

Although Liang Ye didn't like to engage in business, it didn't mean he wasn't good at it.It took Liang Anguo more than ten years to make the Yeshen Group reach its current height, not only relying on technology, but also relying on brains.

"We are so smart that we can bring down Weixi Medicine and obtain their technology, killing two birds with one stone." Liang Ye said shamelessly.

Zhou Yuying didn't complain this time, Liang Ye and Liang Anguo were indeed very thoughtful.

Just when Liang Ye was about to continue to say something, the red light ahead turned into a green light.

He quickly released the electronic handbrake, then put it in gear and stepped on the accelerator.

But just as the speed increased to [-], a woman in a red coat suddenly appeared in front of Liang Ye!
Almost subconsciously, Liang Ye let go of the accelerator and stepped on the brakes hard.

(End of this chapter)

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