Ghost Task Force

Chapter 441 Thriller

Chapter 441 Thriller
This car has a lot of driving assistance functions, but it will still produce a huge inertia buffer like other cars when braking suddenly.

Both Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying were wearing seat belts, so during this emergency, they were firmly fixed on the seats by the seat belts.

Zhou Yuying was puzzled by Liang Ye's sudden sudden stop. After her body recovered, she looked at Liang Ye and panted, "Captain, what's wrong?"

This sudden sudden stop startled Zhou Yuying. Even though she was a professional agent, she would still be shocked.

There was nothing in front of him, no enemies behind him, and there were no drones or planes in the sky. Zhou Yuying couldn't figure out why Liang Ye braked suddenly.

Hearing Zhou Yuying's question, Liang Ye took a deep breath, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he didn't answer Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying followed Liang Ye's gaze, but saw nothing.

"What's the matter, Captain?" Zhou Yuying asked again.

Liang Ye stared at the front, only to see that the woman in the red coat turned around slowly, staring at Liang Ye with her dead-like eyes.

Her pale face was no different from that of a real dead person, and there was a long bloodstain on her throat, which looked as if she had been cut by a sharp dagger.

And this bloodstain looked very new, as if it had just been cut.

Seeing the scene in front of him, almost subconsciously, Liang Ye remembered the woman in red she met in the subway back then.

Not only that, the woman in red also came to the community where Liang Ye lived.

But now, she actually appeared in Bangzi Country, and she still looks the same as the one who committed suicide in the subway.

Liang Ye believed that he had a strong ability to accept, and had experienced countless killings.But now, seeing a dead person appear in front of him with his own eyes, how could this not make him feel horrified.

Liang Ye has never believed in gods and ghosts. He has received higher education and only believes in science.Apart from supernatural powers, he has always believed that other weird events can be explained by science.

But now, he saw with his own eyes that someone who was clearly dead appeared here, which instantly overturned Liang Ye's world view.

But soon, Liang Ye tried his best to calm himself down. He is a soldier, a professional agent, and a powerful superhuman; no matter what situation he faces, he must quickly control his emotions.

But what made Liang Ye even more weird was that Zhou Yuying kept calling him, asking what happened.

This also meant that Zhou Yuying didn't see the woman in red that Liang Ye saw at all.

Liang Ye didn't answer Zhou Yuying immediately, but turned on the camera function of the contact lens in his left eye, taking pictures of everything he saw.

The woman in red began to take steps, walking towards Liang Ye and Zhou Yuying step by step.

Her pace was very slow, as if she had no strength to walk, and she really looked no different from a dead person.

"It seems that I really saw a ghost tonight." Liang Ye said to himself, then took out the pistol and quickly loaded the live ammunition magazine.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Zhou Yuying was stunned. As a scientist and doctor of medicine, Zhou Yuying knew best whether there were ghosts in this world.

Liang Ye said that he saw a ghost, and Zhou Yuying felt very suspicious at this moment.

You know, Liang Ye was born with a golden key in his mouth, and he has been influenced by literature and art since he was a child, but now he says he is going to hell, what is going on, Zhou Yuying really wants to know.

After loading the live ammunition clips, Liang Ye unfastened his seat belt and quickly got out of the car.

The woman in red was still approaching the car step by step, as if she didn't see Liang Ye holding the gun.

Her empty and lifeless eyes can scare a child to the point of fainting, and can also scare an adult until his legs go limp.

It is actually possible to kill with the eyes.Of course, it can only be aimed at those with poor psychological endurance. For example, if a person with heart disease stands here and sees the eyes of this red-clothed woman, it is guaranteed to be frightened to have a heart attack.

Liang Ye's ability to accept is extremely strong, but now he is still terrified.

The main reason is that he watched this woman commit suicide by cutting her throat with a knife. When she died, the blood was still at Liang Ye's feet. Liang Ye could still smell the strong smell of blood at that time.

Liang Ye's actions also made Zhou Yuying feel a little panic, she quickly drew out her gun and got out of the car, first glanced at the front, then at Liang Ye's direction.

The location where the car was parked happened to be a relatively remote suburban road. The traffic lights here were just a decoration, and there were no vehicles passing by around, let alone pedestrians walking on the road.

So, no one knows what's going on here.

The woman in red was less than ten meters away from where Liang Ye and the others were. Liang Ye raised his gun and aimed it at the woman in red's head.

At this time, Tang Hao, who was manipulating the computer, saw the car parked on the road, and then saw Liang Ye pointing a gun at the front, but there was nothing in front of him, which made Tang Hao puzzled.

"The Hercules called the captain, you... what happened there?" Tang Hao asked while pressing the intercom.

Liang Ye didn't answer. He saw the woman's figure very clearly through the contact lens, but why Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying couldn't see it, he didn't know.

The woman in red was getting closer and closer. Liang Ye had already put his finger on the trigger, ready to pull it off at any time.

The weather is still hot now, and the sweat is slowly streaming down Liang Ye's forehead.

This was the scariest thing Liang Ye had experienced since he had been alive for so many years, and he was somewhat nervous now.After all, he doesn't believe that there are ghosts in this world, but seeing a woman who is no different from a ghost now, it is really difficult for him to control his emotions.

"Captain?" Zhou Yuying shouted again.

Her finger was also on the trigger, because she knew that Liang Ye was stronger and her perception ability was much stronger than hers, so she might have discovered something she hadn't.

In fact, Liang Ye did find out, but it was rather strange and difficult to explain in words.

Zhou Yuying didn't know, so she was still in a daze.

The woman in red didn't speak, her face was still that of a dead person, her eyes were fixed on Liang Ye.

Being stared at by her like this, Liang Ye felt a chill down his back, and he didn't intend to bear it any longer, so he pulled the trigger forcefully.

I was taken aback just now, although I was a little horrified, but Liang Ye was already full of anger.


Two shots in a row, the bullets flew straight towards the forehead of the woman in red.

If these two shots were fired, everyone would die.

But the important thing is, is this woman really a "human"?

(End of this chapter)

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